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Releases: stefanvictora/hue-scheduler

v0.11.0: Enhanced Colors & Scene Activation Detection

28 Jun 22:31
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  • Scene Activation Detection: Hue Scheduler now temporarily disables turn-on event tracking for affected lights and groups when scenes are activated. This prevents it from taking over control when lights are turned on via scenes (#10).
    • A new --scene-activation-ignore-window command line option has been added to fine-tune this behavior, with a default value of 5 seconds.
    • To disable this behavior, you can either disable user modification tracking entirely (see --disable-user-modification-tracking) or set the force:true property on a state-by-state basis.
    • Limitations: When connected to Home Assistant, scenes turned on via the Hue bridge (e.g., via apps, smart switches, etc.) cannot be detected due to Home Assistant limitations. However, Hue-based scenes turned on via Home Assistant can still be detected.


  • Color Accuracy: Enhanced algorithms for RGB to XY and XY to CT conversions.
  • Color Comparison: Implemented similarity thresholds for detecting manual overrides in color and brightness, replacing exact matches.


  • Home Assistant: Resolved an issue with using effect:colorloop. More effects will be added in upcoming releases.


  • Hue and Saturation: Removed support for setting hue and sat properties independently, as this feature was only available in Hue API v1.

v0.10.0: Home Assistant API Support & Docker Image

30 May 15:40
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  • Added support for Home Assistant (HA) Rest and WebSocket APIs 🥳: Hue Scheduler can now control lights and devices through HA, allowing you to manage a wider range of smart home devices.

    • Setup: Simply point Hue Scheduler to your HA instance (e.g., http://ha.local:8123) and provide a long-lived access token, and you are good to go.
    • Supported Entity Types: light, input_boolean, switch, fan.
    • Limitation: HA always appends on:true to all state changes in API calls, which can cause manually turned-off lights in groups to turn back on, unlike the Hue API.
  • Official Docker Image: Published on Docker Hub at stefanvictora/hue-scheduler. Check the updated README for detailed usage instructions.


  • Java Version Requirement: Updated the minimum Java version to 21 to accommodate new features and enhancements.
  • Virtual Threads: Improved scheduling performance by adopting virtual threads.
  • Scheduling Optimization: Enhanced "off" detection for lights, reducing unnecessary API calls. Improved start time calculation performance, reducing overall start-up time.
  • Documentation Update: Restructured the README for better readability. Extracted detailed documentation into separate files:

v0.9.0: State Interpolations and Improved Group Support

18 Sep 20:37
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  • Added interpolations for tr-before states (#4): For states using tr-before, if the light is turned on mid-transition, Hue Scheduler now calculates the mid-transition point based on the previous state and time elapsed, then continues the transition from there. Additionally, Hue Scheduler now supports transitioning between all color modes by converting values among CT, XY, and Hue/Sat.
  • Added interpolate:true state property that enables dynamic transitions from the previous state, without having to manually set tr-before
  • Added --interpolate-all command line flag to globally set interpolate:true for all states, unless a state is explicitly marked otherwise
  • tr-before transition times can now utilize both absolute and solar time references, such as tr-before:12:00 or tr-before:sunset+10
  • Added --interpolation-transition-time command line option: Allows configuration of the default transition time for interpolated calls in 100ms increments. Used when the previous state does not have an explicit transition time set via the tr property. Default: 4 (= 400 ms).
  • Added capability validations to groups: On startup, group states are now validated against the capabilities of the contained lights.
  • Added ability to specify brightness (bri) [1%-100%] and saturation (sat) [0%-100%] values in percentages
  • Added a h shorthand for tr and tr-before properties. Additionally, combinations like 1h20min5s3 are now possible for more fine-grained control.
  • Added automatic gaps for consecutive states with transitions: To prevent the Hue bridge from potentially misreporting target light states, which would result in false manual modification detections, short gaps are automatically added. This feature is active unless manual modification tracking is disabled. Added --min-tr-before-gap command line property to configure the minimal gap enforced by Hue Scheduler. Default: 3 minutes.


  • Extended tr-before max value to 24 hours by splitting up long-running transitions into multiple calls and interpolating between them.
  • Enhanced manual modification tracking for groups: Hue Scheduler now compares the state of every light in a group, instead of just the first one. Special cases for groups with different light capabilities are automatically handled, as, e.g., we can't expect color temperature lights to display color.
  • Enhanced modification tracking for color states: Comparisons now factor in the light's color gamut.
  • Optimized turn-on tracking for groups: Hue Scheduler now leverages group-on events rather than monitoring the first light inside a group. Moreover, every physically turned-on group light now triggers a group-on event, as the Hue bridge does not create any events in such cases.
  • Extended the functionality of the force:true property: It can now reschedule on:false states upon power-on, ensuring lights remain off during a specified time periods.
  • Reduced max value for tr to 60000, equivalent to 100min, to conform with the max value supported by the API v2.
  • Improved support for tr-before transitions that span between two days
  • Improved support for 'On/Off plug-in unit' type lights
  • Improved log messages


  • Removed obsolete reachable checks post-state update: Those became redundant following the transition to the Hue API v2 event stream and optimizations introduced in v0.9.0.

v0.8.0.1: New “noon” Constant and Fixes

06 Aug 11:41
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  • Added new noon dynamic solar time constant (#4)


  • Fixed incorrect manual change detection for brightness only states (#5)

v0.8.0: Track Manual User Changes & Hue API v2 Events

29 Jul 13:44
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  • Added support for the new Hue API v2 event stream
  • Switched to HTTPS for communicating with the Hue bridge (requires an up-to-date Hue bridge firmware)
  • New user modification tracking for lights. If such changes are detected, any schedules for the affected light are automatically disabled until the light has been turned off and on again.
  • New --disable-user-modification-tracking global configuration flag (default: false) to disable the new user modification tracking feature
  • New force:true state configuration property to always enforce light states despite possible user modifications (default: false)
  • Added advanced and internal --event-stream-read-timeout configuration flag, for fine-grained event stream controls.
  • Added --power-on-reschedule-delay global configuration flag, to fine tune the rescheduling after a power-on event was detected


  • Retry logic for unreachable lights has been replaced with light-on event tracking
  • Light states are now always rescheduled after lights are turned on


  • Confirmations for scheduled states have been removed, as this workaround is not needed anymore with the new event stream
  • Removed --retry-delay, --confirm-all, --confirm-count, --confirm-delay command line settings
  • Removed confirm:true|false state configuration property

v0.7.1: Bug Fix

19 Dec 18:47
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  • Fixes NullPointerException in SunTimesProvider
  • Updates dependencies

v0.7.0: First Public Release

14 May 12:38
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First public release of Hue Scheduler