I searched for a way to use the maven-site plugin somehow in a blog like way. That means I wanted to have multiple article/ blog post files which should then be generated into on single html static content page. I didn’t find a way to do this with the maven-site plugin directly so I decided to create a simple maven plugin which could read a YAML file which basically defines the blog posts and generates a main page from this. Also a simple paging is included into the plugin.
Add the following to your pom of a maven-site project:
Blog post must be just placed below src/site/
in a typicall maven project. The files can also be structured in folders. Every asciidoc file must define the following metadata:
:post-date: 25-11-20
The post-date
will be used to bring all posts into order.
My website http://www.steffen-rumpf.de is created using this plugin. The full code can also be found on github.