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The nalu project contains helper functionality for parsing Annex B H264 streams.

The main functionality is located in these header files:

  • src/nalu/to_annex_b_nalu.hpp
  • src/nalu/to_annex_b_nalus.hpp
  • src/nalu/annex_b_nalu.hpp


The library is header-only, so you just need to set the include path to use it.

See the unit tests in test/src/ for usage/API examples.

Use as Dependency in CMake

To depend on this project when using the CMake build system, add the following in your CMake build script:

add_subdirectory("/path/to/nalu" nalu)
target_link_libraries(<my_target> steinwurf::nalu)

Where <my_target> is replaced by your target.