- 2 GKE Clusters, in VPC-native mode, let's call them
- DNS record to point to the static IP
- Recent version of
We will setup path based (/foo
, /bar
) multi-cluster load balancing for two demo services - Foo and Bar.
to Your Project:gcloud config set project [gpc_project_id]
Create Health Check:
gcloud compute health-checks create http health-check-foobar \ --use-serving-port \ --request-path="/healthz"
Create Backend Services
Create backend service for each of the services, plus one more to serve as default backend for traffic that doesn't match the path-based rules.
gcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-default \ --global gcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-foo \ --global \ --health-checks health-check-foobar gcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-bar \ --global \ --health-checks health-check-foobar
Create URL Map:
gcloud compute url-maps create foobar-url-map \ --global \ --default-service backend-service-default
Add Path Rules to URL Map:
gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher foobar-url-map \ --global \ --path-matcher-name=foo-bar-matcher \ --default-service=backend-service-default \ --backend-service-path-rules='/foo/*=backend-service-foo,/bar/*=backend-service-bar'
Reserve Static IP Address:
gcloud compute addresses create foobar-ipv4 \ --ip-version=IPV4 \ --global
Create Managed SSL Certificate:
gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create foobar-cert \ --domains foobar.[your_domain_name]
Create Target HTTPS Proxy:
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create foobar-https-proxy \ --ssl-certificates=foobar-cert \ --url-map=foobar-url-map
Create Forwarding Rule:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create foobar-fw-rule \ --target-https-proxy=foobar-https-proxy \ --global \ --ports=443 \ --address=foobar-ipv4
Setup DNS:
Point your DNS to the previously reserved static IP address. Note the IP address of your forwarding rule:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
Create an A record
pointing to this IP. -
Verify TLS Certificate:
The whole process of certificate provisioning can take a while. You can verify its status using the:
gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates describe foobar-cert
The managed.status should become ACTIVE within the next 60m or so, usually sooner, if everything was setup correctly.
Repeat following steps for each of your clusters.
Get Credentials for kubectl:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster] \ --region [cluster-region]
Deploy Both Foo & Bar Applications:
We're going to use simple web app that displays basic information about Pod serving the traffic k8s-demo-app
kubectl apply -f deploy-foo.yaml kubectl apply -f deploy-bar.yaml
You can verify that Pods for both services are up and running by
kubectl get pods
. -
Create K8s Services for Both Applciations:
kubectl apply -f svc-foo.yaml kubectl apply -f svc-bar.yaml
You can verify services are setup correctly by forwarding local port using the
kubectl port-forward service/foo 8888:80
and accessing the service athttp://localhost:8888/
Now repeat the above for all your clusters.
GKE has provisioned NEGs for each of the K8s services deployed with the cloud.google.com/neg
annotation. Now we need to add these NEGs as backends to corresponding backend services.
Retrieve Names of Provisioned NEGs:
kubectl get svc \ -o custom-columns='NAME:.metadata.name,NEG:.metadata.annotations.cloud\.google\.com/neg-status'
Note down the NEG name and zones for each service.
Repeat for all of your GKE Clusters.
Add NEGs to Backend Services:
Repeat following for every NEG and zone from both clusters:
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend backend-service-foo \ --global \ --network-endpoint-group [neg_name] \ --network-endpoint-group-zone=[neg_zone] \ --balancing-mode=RATE \ --max-rate-per-endpoint=100
And same for Bar service, again repeat for both clusters, every NEG and zone:
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend backend-service-bar \ --global \ --network-endpoint-group [neg_name] \ --network-endpoint-group-zone=[neg_zone] \ --balancing-mode=RATE \ --max-rate-per-endpoint=100
Allow GCLB Traffic:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check \ --network=[vpc_name] \ --action=allow \ --direction=ingress \ --source-ranges=, \ --rules=tcp:8080
This rule will allow traffic from GCLB to our pods.
are source ranges for GCLB traffic as seen by backends (Note: this traffic is internal, therefore you GKE Nodes do not need external IPs). -
Verify Backends Are Healthy:
gcloud compute backend-services get-health --global backend-service-foo gcloud compute backend-services get-health --global backend-service-bar
Yous should see 6 backends (3 per cluster, 1 per each zone) for each backend service, with
healthState: HEALTHY
Curl your DNS name https://foobar.[your-domain]
(or open in the browser). You should get 502 for the root, as we didn't add any backends for the default service.
curl -v "https://foobar.[your-domain]"
Now curl paths for individual services https://foobar.[your-domain]/foo/
or https://foobar.[your-domain]/bar/
and you should receive 200
and content from the corresponding service.
curl -v "https://foobar.[your-domain]/foo/"
curl -v "https://foobar.[your-domain]/bar/"
If you retry several times, you should see traffic being served by different Pods and Clusters. Note: if you have clusters in different regions, GCLB will prefer to serve the traffic from the one closer to the client, so do not expect traffic to be load-balanced equally between regions.
Notice the anthos.cft.dev/autoneg
annotation on the K8s Services you have previously created. You can deploy gke-autoneg-controller to your cluster, and use it to automatically associate NEGs created by GKE with corresponding backend services. This will save you some tedious manual work.
Follow the Installation section in gke-autoneg-controller README to deploy the controller.