Theoretical Machine Learning (4490/5490) class, Spring 2024, at CU Boulder
Details on what we covered in previous semesters:
- spring 2020 at
- spring 2022 at
Abbreviations for sources:
- [SSS] is Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David's Understanding Machine Learning
- [Mohri] is Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh and Ammet Talwaker's Foundations of Machine Learning (2018, 2nd ed, MIT press)
- [Woodruff] is David Woodruff's 2014 Sketching as a Tool for Numerical Linear Algebra
- [Hastie] is The Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2nd ed, 2009)
- [Vogel] is Computational Inverse Problems by Vogel (2002).
- [RW] is Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning by Rasmussen and Williams (2006, MIT press, free PDFs online)
- [Murphy] is Kevin Murphy's Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective (2012, MIT press)
- [SuttonBarto] is Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto's Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2018, 2nd edition)
- [Puterman] is Martin Puterman's Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming (1994, John Wiley)
- [Fasshauer] is Kernel-based approximation methods using Matlab by G Fasshauer and M McCourt (World Scientific, 2015)
- [Mon 1/15/2024] No school (MLK day)
- [Wed 1/17/2024] Introduction, ch 1 [SSS], parts of ch 1.3 [Mohri]. What is ML, compare to other types of learning, types of learning (supervised, etc.), standard tasks, papaya example, inductive bias and generalization. See 01_Intro, partway through 02 More Intro and Terminology
- [Wed 1/19/2024] Continue 02 More Intro and Terminology, cover 03 Adding Inductive Bias and 04 FiniteHypothesisClass and definition of PAC learning; start 05 Analysis of Finite Hypothesis Class
- [Mon 1/22/2024] Cover the key analysis in 05 Analysis of Finite Hypothesis Class
- [Wed 1/24/2024] Still in 05 Analysis of Finite Hypothesis Class, define agnostic PAC learning, and discuss different types of convergence of random variables (in expectation/L1, vs in probability/measure, vs almost sure). See probability handout on Canvas (todo). Start on 07 Uniform Convergence, defining epsilon-representative. Note: the notes 06 StatLearningTerminology.pdf is just a cheat-sheet of terminology, and 06a Big-Onotation.pdf is a review of big-O notation.
- [Fri 1/26/2024] Continue on 07 Uniform Convergence
- [Mon 1/29/2024] Continue on 07 Uniform Convergence (ch 4), proving Hoeffding's inequality. Start 08 No Free Lunch (ch 5) on No Free Lunch theorems.
- [Wed 1/31/2024] Finish 08 No Free Lunch, just barely start 9 Bias Variance Tradeoff (ch 5)
- [Fri 2/2/2024] Finish 9 Bias Variance Tradeoff (ch 5), discussing double-descent and the James-Stein estimator
- [Mon 2/5/2024] 10 Intro to Rademacher Complexity introducing Rademacher complexity. We follow the Mohri text book for a lot of this.
- [Wed 2/7/2024] Finish notes #10, start 11 Generalization via Rademacher Complexity including McDiarmid's inequality
- [Fri 2/9/2024] Finish notes #11, cover 12 More Rademacher, and Covering Numbers
- [Mon 2/12/2024] 15 Growth Function and intro to 16 VC Dimension and in-class exercises
- [Wed 2/14/2024] More on notes #16, in-class exercises
- [Fri 2/16/2024] Finish #16, and cover 17 Fundamental Theorem of ML
- [Mon 2/19/2024] 14 (Aside) Johnson-Lindenstrauss
- [Wed 2/21/2024] finish 14 (Aside) Johnson-Lindenstrauss, talking about the chaining argument to move from finite sets to subspaces; we're not covering 13 (Aside) Dudley's Chaining so read on your own. We started ch 9 of [SSS]: 18 Linear Predictors (part 1 classification), cover binary predictors, introduce linear programs and discuss their complexity. Discuss ERM of binary classification (tractable iff separable).
- [Fri 2/23/2024] Finish 18 Linear Predictors (part 1 classification), start 19 Linear Predictors (part 2 regression) and try the Least Squares Programming Challenge
- [Mon 2/26/2024] Finish # 19; pseudo-dimension bounds (11.2.3 Mohri) for regression problems
- [Wed 2/28/2024] Cover 20 Linear Predictors (part 3 logistic regression).pdf. Logistic regression and GLM; derive loss function based on maximum likelihood; discuss log-sum-exp trick (e.g.,
) - [Fri 3/1/2024]. Start 21 Boosting.pdf. gamma-weak-learners, motivate need for boosting; example with 3-piece classifier and decision stump (10.1 in SS), and complexity of computing ERM of decision stumps.
- [Mon 3/4/2024] Continue on #21, complexity of sorting, top-k problems, median finding, shuffling (Fisher-Yates-Knuth shuffle). Comparison to Bootstrap and Bagging. Start 22 AdaBoost.pdf
- [Wed 3/6/2024] Class canceled
- [Fri 3/8/2024] Finish #22 on AdaBoost, analysis of training error convergence. Start #23 Model Selection and Validation
[Mon 3/11/2024] Continue on #23 Model Selection and Validation. Overall topics this week and next:
- Structured Risk Minimization (SRM). Ref: [SSS]
- Validation set (the test/train/validation split), Bonferroni correction
- Mallow's C_p / Unbiased Predictive Risk Estimate (UPRE); and Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE)
- AIC and BIC, loosely based on Hastie et al.
- Adjusted R^2 / coefficient of determination
- Minimum Description Length (ref: 7.8 Hastie et al. and Grunwald tutorial), coding theory, Kolmogorov complexity, minimum message length. See A tutorial introduction to the minimum description length principle (Peter Grunwald, 2004).
- Morozov Discrepancy Principle (ref: 7.3 Vogel)
- "L-curve" method (like elbow method), ref Vogel
- Bootstrap resampling (ref: 7.11 Hastie et al.)
- Cross-validation, loosely following Hastie et al.
- Generalized CV (GCV), Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury / matrix inversion lemma, Neumann series. Ref: Vogel.
[Wed 3/13/2024] Exam review
[Fri 3/15/2024] Midterm planned but canceled due to snow day
- [Mon 3/18/2024] Midterm
- [Wed 3/20/2024] Continue on #23 Model Selection and Validation and start #24 More Model Selection and Validation
- [Fri 3/22/2024] Continue on #24 More Model Selection and Validation, start #25 More Model Selection and Validation
- [Mon 4/1/2024] Finish #25 More Model Selection and Validation
- [Wed 4/3/2024] Start #26 Convex Learning Problems on convex optimization
- [Fri 4/5/2024] Continue on #26
- We're skipping Spring2020/ch12_convexInequalities and SubgradientDescent but read on your own if you want
- [Mon 4/8/2024] Start Spring2020/ch13_stability_article
- [Wed 4/10/2024] Finish lecture from last class, start and finish Spring2020/ch13_stability_part2_OneNote
- [Fri 4/12/2024] Start ch14 SGD (L1 convergence proof). Some of this is based on Unified analysis of gradient/subgradient descent which we mostly skipped. Discuss L1 vs L2 convergence (convergence in mean vs quadratic mean), almost sure convergence, etc.. Discuss Stochastic Approximation (SA) vs Sample Average Approximation (SAA/ERM)
- [Mon 4/15/2024] Continue SGD; discuss types of convergence of random variables (formal definitions and subtleties) and did in-class worksheet on this SGD - Random Variable Convergence Worksheet.pdf
- [Wed 4/17/2024] (In-class quiz) Continue SGD. Discuss when you can commute expectation and gradient
- [Fri 4/19/2024] Continue SGD, start ch15 SVM
- [Mon 4/22/2024] Finish ch15 SVM, start ch16 kernels; (separable and non-separable cases, hard vs soft SVM, analysis without dimension dependence)
- [Wed 4/24/2024] More on kernels. Motivation for kernels; the kernel trick, example with kernel ridge regression. Derivation via matrix inversion lemma.
- [Fri 4/26/2024] Finish ch16 kernels. Examples of kernels (polynomial, Gaussian, Matern). Kernel-SVM, kernel-ridge regression, kernel-PCA, nearest neighbor, kernel density estimation. Thm 16.1 Representer Thm, Lemma 16.2 (simplified Mercer's Thm), Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS). Random Fourier Features (Recht and Rahimi '07) and Bochner's theorem and the Nystrom method.
- Refs: mostly ch 16 in [SSS] but also some from [Murphy] and some from [Fasshauer].
- [Mon 4/29/2024] Finish RKHS intro, then start Gaussian Processes on GPs for regression, Bayesian setup, estimation and forecasting, facts about Gaussians
- [Wed 5/1/2024] (Last day of class) Finish Gaussian Processes.
Note: unlike 2022 and 2020, we'll have project presentations during our 3 hour final exam slot, freeing up an extra 3 days of lecture
- [Mon 1/10/2022] Introduction, ch 1 [SSS], parts of ch 1.3 [Mohri]. What is ML, compare to other types of learning, types of learning (supervised, etc.), standard tasks, papaya example, inductive bias and generalization. Start on lecture 1
- [Wed 1/12] Finish lecture 1, do lecture 2, and start lecture 3 (up to axis-aligned rectangles)
- [Fri 1/14] (asynchronous) PAC learning, agnostic PAC learning, analysis of finite hypothesis class. Lecture notes 4 and 5
- [Mon 1/17] No school, MLK day
- [Wed 1/19] Lecture notes 6 (recap) and 7 on uniform convergence, and our analysis of UC for finite hypothesis classes; derivation of Hoeffding inequality and mention of other concentration in equalities
- Notes on other concentration inequalities are posted on Canvas
- [Fri, 1/21] Lecture notes 8 on No Free Lunch theorems
- [Mon 1/24] Lecture notes 9 on Bias-Variance Tradeoff, and half of Lecture notes 10 introducing Rademacher complexity. We follow the Mohri text book for a lot of this.
- [Wed 1/26] Finish Lecture notes 10, then start Lecture notes 11 on using McDiarmid's inequality to get a generalization bound involving Rademacher complexity
- [Fri 1/28] Finish Lecture notes 11, then start Lecture notes 12 on generalizing Rademacher complexity, tools for calculating it, Massart Lemma, and then covering numbers. We proved a bound on the covering number of a subspace intersectioned with the sphere.
- [Mon 1/31] (back in person, no PDF of lecture notes). Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, and just barely motivate chaining at the end
- [Wed 2/2] (no school, snow day)
- [Fri 2/4] Some JL chaining (for subspace embedding) from Woodruff, then start Dudley's thm from [SSS]
- [Mon 2/7] Finish Dudley's theorem, start on growth function and VC dimension
- [Wed 2/9] More on VC dimension; examples; growth function
- [Fri 2/11] More on VC dimension; more examples; Sauer's lemma; Fundamental Theorem of (binary) PAC learning, qualitative version
- [Mon 2/14] Start on chapter 9 of the book on linear predictors. Cover binary predictors, introduce linear programs and discuss their complexity. Discuss ERM of binary classification (tractable iff separable).
- [Wed 2/16] Discuss convexity of sets and functions; supremuma, separating hyperplanes, subgradients and subdifferentials, and the subgradient of a max. Apply to Rosenbaltt's perceptron algorithm from 1958.
- [Fri 2/18] Linear regression: solving ERM (normal equations, QR factorization, conjugate gradient, SGD); polynomial regression; theory of regression based on Lipschitz loss functions (Thm 11.3 Mohri)
- [Mon 2/21] Pseudo-dimension bounds (11.2.3 Mohri) for regression problems; start 9.3 SS on logistic regression and GLM; derive loss function based on maximum likelihood; discuss log-sum-exp trick (e.g.,
- [Wed 2/23] Boosting (ch 10 SS); gamma-weak-learners, motivate need for boosting; example with 3-piece classifier and decision stump (10.1 in SS), and complexity of computing ERM of decision stumps
- [Fri 2/25] More boosting; complexity of sorting, top-k problems, median finding, shuffling (Fisher-Yates-Knuth shuffle). Comparison to Bootstrap and Bagging.
- [Mon 2/28] AdaBoost algorithm, and analysis of training error convergence.
- [Wed 3/2] Finish AdaBoost (discuss VC dimension). Start model selection, ch 11. Validation (Thm 11.1, 11.2). Introduce Tikhonov regularization (ridge regression) as prototypical problem. The next few lectures we'll talk about:
- Structural Risk Minimization (SRM); see [SSS]
- Mallow's Cp statistic (and equivalence to Unbiased Predictive Risk Estimate, UPRE); see [Hastie] for Cp, or [Vogel] for UPRE. Equivalence of Mallow's Cp with UPRE, and generalization of UPRE to Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE).
- Briefly mention Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), loosely based on [Hastie].
- Minimum Description Length (MDL), loosely based on [Hastie], [Grunwald] and [SSS]. [Grunwald] is A tutorial introduction to the minimum description length principle (Peter Grunwald, 2004).
- Bootstrap sampling and .632 correction, following [Hastie].
- Morozov Discrepancy Principle following [Vogel].
- L-curve method
- Cross-validation (see discussion in [Hastie])
- Generalized Cross-validation (GCV) [Vogel].
- [Fri 3/4] up to SRM, Cp/UPRE/SURE, AIC/BIC, and start MDL
- [Mon 3/7] MDL, Bootstrap, start Discrepancy principle.
- [Wed 3/9] Review for midterm
- [Fri 3/11] In-class midterm
- [Mon 3/14] Finish Discrepancy principle; L-curve; cross-validation; GCV; Start ch 12 on Convex learning problems by overview of optimization (e.g., min f(x) = - max -f(x) ... )
- [Wed 3/16] More on ch 12 "convex learning problems", discuss optimality, convex vs non-convex, Lipschitz gradient, inequalities, strong convexity. Some unified convergence derivations at Unified analysis of gradient/subgradient descent (typed pdf notes), though we didn't really cover this until 3/30. Also convex inequalities (typed pdf notes), but we didn't use this document directly.
- [Fri 3/18] connection to learnability under assumptions (convex/Lipschitz/bounded or convex/smooth/bounded). Start ch 13 on "Regularization and stability", discuss expected risk and connections to PAC learning (via Markov's inequality, exercise 13.1)
- [Mon 3/28] Ch 13, regularization, ridge regression. Analysis of the error (focus on part "1", the stability / generalization component). See stability typed notes pdf.
- [Wed 3/30] Analysis of the error (focus on part "2", expected training error); algorithmic stability (in Mohri) and Bousquet/Eliseef '02 work. Mostly work off the handwritten ch3 stability part 2 nodes PDF. Start the Unified analysis of gradient/subgradient descent (typed pdf notes) in preparation for ch 14 on SGD.
- [Fri 4/1] Ch 14 on SGD, mostly following Unified analysis of gradient/subgradient descent. Then started ch14 SGD notes (handwritten PDF); discuss L1 vs L2 convergence (convergence in mean vs quadratic mean). Discuss Stochastic Approximation (SA) vs Sample Average Approximation (SAA/ERM)
- [Mon 4/4] More on types of convergence of random variables (almost sure), more formal definition and subtleties. Cover until page 3 of ch14 SGD on L1 convergence of SGD.
- [Wed 4/6] Finish L1 convergence of SGD, then combine to get learning results with SGD (ch 14.5). Start ch 15 on SVM, through page 2 in ch15_SVM
- [Fr 4/8] Finish most of SVM (separable and non-separable cases, implementation via LP or other methods; hard vs soft SVM)
- [Mon 4/11] Finish SVM; start on ch 16 kernel methods, following handwritten notes ch16_kernels. Motivation for kernels; the kernel trick, example with kernel ridge regression. Derivation via matrix inversion lemma.
- [Wed 4/13] More on kernels, examples of kernels (polynomial, Gaussian, Matern). Kernel-SVM, kernel-ridge regression, kernel-PCA, nearest neighbor, kernel density estimation.
- [Fri 4/15] More on kernels: Thm 16.1 Representer Thm, Lemma 16.2 (simplified Mercer's Thm), Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS)
Week 14. Ch 16 Kernel methods [SSS], and Gaussian Processes [Murphy], and ch 20 Neural Nets [SSS and various sources]
- [Mon 4/18] Finish kernels, going over Random Fourier Features (Recht and Rahimi '07) and Bochner's theorem and the Nystrom method. Most of my notes followed ch 6 in [SSS] but some from Murphy. Then start Gaussian Processes, mostly following Murphy's textbook and my written notes Gaussian Processes, for classification but mostly for regression.
- [Wed 4/20] More on GPs for regression, Bayesian setup, estimation and forecasting, facts about Gaussians. Start on ch 20 Neural Networks ch20_NN_part1_approxError
- [Fri 4/22] More on approximation error of neural networks; didn't have time to talk about estimation error (generalization) h20_NN_part2_estimationError nor optimization error ch20_NN_part3_optimizationError
In 2020, since we were online at the end due to the pandemic, we went faster (prewritten notes) and were able to cover the following (which we didn't get to in 2022):
[Mon 4/6] Neural nets description, background and history, discussion of approximation error (e.g., universal function approximation, like Stone-Weierstrass style density theorems) for many variants (e.g., L^1 density, density in continuous functions with uniform norm, exact representation of Boolean functions, etc.). Lower bounds on size of networks needed to approximate functions. Some from book, some from recent neural net papers in past 4 years. Discussion of shortcoming of classical theory, some mention of modern algorithm-dependent approaches. PDF of notes (handwritten) about neural net approximation error
[Wed 4/8] Short lecture on bounding the VC dimension of neural nets. Proof for one activation function, results stated for two more activation functions. PDF of notes (handwritten) about neural net estimation error
[Fr 4/10] Short lecture on the NP-Hardness of ERM (e.g., training) for neural nets (no proof), discussion of SGD again, except in non-convex case. Introduce reverse-mode Automatic Differentiation (at a high-level, no example) and backpropagation for neural nets. PDF of notes (handwritten) about neural net optimization error
See the related neural net demo in Matlab, showing an example of two neural nets for the same problem, both with zero empirical risk, one of them hand-tuned (and has bad generalization error), the other trained via SGD and has much better generalization error.
[Mon and Wed 4/13 and 4/15] online learning for binary classification, discussing the consistent, halving an standard optimal algorithm of Littlestone. Discuss the Littlestone dimension and shattering trees. Prove mistake bounds and regret bounds. PDF of notes (handwritten) about online classification
[Fri 4/17] The doubling trick and online-to-batch conversion. Convex online learning (skip proof, as similar to ch 14), and briefly mention the perceptron. See Shalev-Shwartz's 2011 monograph on Online Learning for more background. PDF of notes (handwritten) about doubling/online-to-batch/online-convex
[Mon 4/20] Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (RL) mostly following Mohri, but with examples from [SuttonBarto] and [Puterman]. Give examples: MuJuCo, AlphaGo, Tesauro's backgammon, Pig dice game. Define infinite-horizon, discounted, Markov Decision process (MDP), and define the value of a policy, and define an optimal policy. Discuss finite-MDP and deterministic policies. PDF of notes (handwritten) about intro to RL
[Wed 4/22] Theoretical background on optimality and state-action value function Q, eventually deriving the Bellman Equations. PDF of notes (handwritten) about Bellman Equations
[Fri 4/24] (Note: for the next three classes, there are presentations, but still two lectures) Planning algorithms (aka dynamic programming) including value iteration (and variants like Gauss-Seidel), policy iteration (and variants, like modified policy iteration), and linear programming formulation. PDF of notes (handwritten) about Planning Algoriths
NOTE in 2024, Ashutosh Trivedi is teaching a special topics course on Reinforcement Learning in the CS dept (CSCI 4831/7000)
- [Mon 4/27] Learning algorithms: very short intro on Stochastic Approximation as generalization of law of large numbers, and on a super-Martingale convergence theorem, then on Temporal Difference TD(0) and Q-learning algorithms. PDF of notes (handwritten) about Learning Algorithms
Classical Statistical Learning Theory We mainly focus on supervised statistical batch learning with a passive learner.
- Ch 1: Intro to class: what is it about?
- Ch 2: Formal models (statistical learning), Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), finite hypothesis class
- Ch 3: Formal Learning model: Probably-Almost-Correct (PAC)
- Ch 4: Learning via Uniform Convergence (and concentration inequalities, cf Appendix B and Vershynin)
- Ch 5: Bias-Complexity Tradeoff, double-descent, no-free-lunch theorems
- Ch 6: VC-Dimension
- Ch 26: Rademacher Complexity (and ch 3.1 in Mohri)
- Ch 27: Covering Numbers
Analysis of Algorithms As time permits, we will analyze standard algorithms.
- Ch 9: Linear predictors
- Ch 10: Boosting, AdaBoost
- Ch 11: Model selection and validation
- Ch 12: Convex learning problems (generalization bounds)
- Ch 13: Regularization and Stability
- Ch 15: Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Ch 16: Kernel methods
- Ch 20: Neural Networks, expressive power, and new results about deep networks (2017–now)
Additional Topics We will cover these as we have time (which we probably won't)
- Ch 21: Online Learning
- Reinforcement learning (ch 17 in Mohri)
- Background on Information Theory (Appendix E in Mohri)
- Max Entropy (ch 12 in Mohri)
- Ch 22: Clustering (K-means, spectral clustering, information bottleneck)
- Probabilistic analysis a la Arthur and Vassilvitskii's Kmeans++
- Ch 7: Nonuniform Learnability
- Computational Complexity models (Turing Machines; see Scott Aaronson book)
- Ch 8: Computational Complexity of learning
- Ch 14: Stochastic Gradient Descent (edit: we usually cover this at least partially)
- More stats, e.g., Expectation Maximization
- Variational Inference, ELBO
- Information Theory, information bottleneck
- Generative Models (GANS, Variational AutoEncoders, Diffusion Models)
- Equivariance and Invariance results; group theory
- Kernel methods in more detail; RKHS
- Recent papers from the literature
Skills we hope students develop
- Statistics
- More comfort with multivariate random variables, e.g., multivariate Gaussian
- Convergence of random variables
- Concentration inequalities
- When is E[ gradient f] = gradient E[ f ], etc.
- Cross-validation and regularization techniques; bootstrap
- Intro to chaining techniques
- Basic analysis
- Lots of inequalities
- Comfort with function classes, function spaces
- Comfort with kernel methods
- Basic optimization theory
- and basic stochastic processes, either algorithmic or Gaussian Processes
- Some discrete math
- VC dimension calculations