A UIView category for convenient NSLayoutConstraint creation using a simple format language.
This repository was created for my blog post which contains additional information.
UIView+ConstraintFormat enables the creation of NSLayoutConstraints using the format view1.attribute1 = multiplier * view2.attribute2 + constant
NSDictionary *views = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(v1, v2);
[self addConstraintWithFormat:@"v1.top = v2.top" views:views];
[self addConstraintWithFormat:@"v1.bottom = v2.bottom" views:views];
[self addConstraintWithFormat:@"v1.left = v2.left" views:views];
[self addConstraintWithFormat:@"v1.right = v2.right" views:views];
The following attributes are supported:
NSDictionary *attributes = @{
@"notAnAttribute" : @(NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute),
@"left" : @(NSLayoutAttributeLeft),
@"right" : @(NSLayoutAttributeRight),
@"top" : @(NSLayoutAttributeTop),
@"bottom" : @(NSLayoutAttributeBottom),
@"leading" : @(NSLayoutAttributeLeading),
@"trailing" : @(NSLayoutAttributeTrailing),
@"width" : @(NSLayoutAttributeWidth),
@"height" : @(NSLayoutAttributeHeight),
@"centerX" : @(NSLayoutAttributeCenterX),
@"centerY" : @(NSLayoutAttributeCenterY),
@"baseline" : @(NSLayoutAttributeBaseline)
More examples can be found in the included example project (ViewController.m).