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15 lines (9 loc) · 1.08 KB

File metadata and controls

15 lines (9 loc) · 1.08 KB


A few days ago I wrote about RewriteRails. I have written up some documentation and as of now, I am asking absolutely everyone--this means you--to install it into your project. The best way to move it--and Ruby as a whole--forward is to make this bullet-proof.

Now, RewriteRails is not for everyone. Kindly pass this message on to some more deserving soul if you:

  • Don't use Rails
  • Don't use Object#andand or String#to_proc

But if you are using Object#andand or String#to_proc in a Rails project, please consider an upgrade to RewriteRails. You can back out at any time, the plugin has been specifically engineered so that you are never locked in to it. Email if you would like to set up a VNC session to get it installed in your project.

Follow me on Twitter or RSS. I work with [Unspace][], and I like it.