PSChocoConfig is a PowerShell module for interacting with Chocolatey's configuration data as PowerShell objects. You can do things like return config and feature details, as well as set those configuration items all via familiar PowerShell cmdlets.
Installing the module is simple! It's available on the PSGallery, so just run Install-Module PSChocoConfig
- Function: Get-ChocoConfig
PS C:\> Get-ChocoConfig
key value description
--- ----- -----------
cacheLocation Cache location if not TEMP folder. Replaces `$env:TEMP` value.
containsLegacyPackageInstalls true Install has packages installed prior to 0.9.9 series.
commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds 2700 Default timeout for command execution. '0' for infinite (starting in 0.10.4).
proxy Explicit proxy location. Available in
proxyUser Optional proxy user. Available in
proxyPassword Optional proxy password. Encrypted. Available in
webRequestTimeoutSeconds 30 Default timeout for web requests. Available in 0.9.10+.
proxyBypassList Optional proxy bypass list. Comma separated. Available in 0.10.4+.
proxyBypassOnLocal true Bypass proxy for local connections. Available in 0.10.4+.
- Function: Get-ChocoFeature
PS C:\> Get-ChocoFeature
name enabled setExplicitly description
---- ------- ------------- -----------
checksumFiles true true Checksum files when pulled in from internet (based on package).
autoUninstaller true false Uninstall from programs and features without requiring an explicit uninstall...
allowGlobalConfirmation false true Prompt for confirmation in scripts or bypass.
failOnAutoUninstaller false false Fail if automatic uninstaller fails.
failOnStandardError false false Fail if install provider writes to stderr. Available in 0.9.10+.
allowEmptyChecksums false false Allow packages to have empty/missing checksums for downloaded resources from...
allowEmptyChecksumsSecure true false Allow packages to have empty/missing checksums for downloaded resources from...
powershellHost true false Use Chocolatey's built-in PowerShell host. Available in 0.9.10+.
logEnvironmentValues false false Log Environment Values - will log values of environment before and after ins...
virusCheck false false Virus Check - perform virus checking on downloaded files. Available in 0.9.1...
failOnInvalidOrMissingLicense false false Fail On Invalid Or Missing License - allows knowing when a license is expire...
ignoreInvalidOptionsSwitches true false Ignore Invalid Options/Switches - If a switch or option is passed that is no...
usePackageExitCodes true false Use Package Exit Codes - Package scripts can provide exit codes. With this o...
useFipsCompliantChecksums false false Use FIPS Compliant Checksums - Ensure checksumming done by choco uses FIPS c...
showNonElevatedWarnings true false Show Non-Elevated Warnings - Display non-elevated warnings. Available in 0.1...
showDownloadProgress true false Show Download Progress - Show download progress percentages in the CLI. Avai...
stopOnFirstPackageFailure false false Stop On First Package Failure - Stop running install, upgrade or uninstall o...
useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades false false Use Remembered Arguments For Upgrades - When running upgrades, use arguments...
ignoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated false false Ignore Unfound Packages On Upgrade Outdated - When checking outdated or upgr...
removePackageInformationOnUninstall false false Remove Stored Package Information On Uninstall - When a package is uninstall...
logWithoutColor false false Log without color - Do not show colorization in logging output. Available in...
scriptsCheckLastExitCode false false Scripts Check $LastExitCode (external commands) - Leave this off unless you ...
- Function: Set-ChocoConfig
PS C:\> Set-ChocoConfigItem -Name cacheLocation -Value C:\temp
Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing the operation "Setting value: C:\temp" on target "cacheLocation".
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
Updated cacheLocation = C:\temp
- Function: Set-ChocoFeature
PS C:\> Set-ChocoFeature -Name checksumFiles -State Disabled
Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing the operation "Set-ChocoFeature" on target "Ensuring feature checksumFiles is set to Disabled".
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
Disabled checksumFiles
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