diff --git a/dictionaries/scala/cspell-ext.json b/dictionaries/scala/cspell-ext.json index e7d344807c4..0613c4ea64b 100644 --- a/dictionaries/scala/cspell-ext.json +++ b/dictionaries/scala/cspell-ext.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "dictionaryDefinitions": [ { "name": "scala", - "path": "./scala.txt.gz", + "path": "./dict/scala.txt", "description": "Scala dictionary for cspell." } ], diff --git a/dictionaries/scala/dict/README.md b/dictionaries/scala/dict/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ce67123010f --- /dev/null +++ b/dictionaries/scala/dict/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Dict Directory + +NOTE: This directory contains generated content. Please edit [src](../src/README.md) files. diff --git a/dictionaries/scala/dict/scala.txt b/dictionaries/scala/dict/scala.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..df43a37d105 --- /dev/null +++ b/dictionaries/scala/dict/scala.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1266 @@ + +# cspell-tools: keep-case no-split + +a +abort +aborted +abortflag +absent +abstract +access +accessible +accessor +acos +acquire +activate +adapt +adapted +adaptive +adaptor +add +adding +addresses +advance +after +again +aggregate +alive +all +allocate +along +alphanumeric +alternate +always +ambiguity +ambiguous +an +anchored +and +annotation +ansi +any +apis +append +appended +applied +apply +arg +args +argument +arguments +arity +arr +array +arrayclear +arraycopy +arrow +as +asin +assert +assertion +assign +assoc +assume +at +atan +atomic +augment +augmented +available +avalanche +avian +await +awaitable +b +back +base +based +basic +batch +batchable +batching +bd +be +bean +beans +before +begins +best +bf +big +binary +bind +binding +bit +bitmap +bits +bitset +black +blink +block +blocking +blocks +blue +body +bold +boolean +bootstrap +bottom +bound +bounded +bounds +box +boxed +boxes +branch +break +breakable +breaks +breed +bridge +broken +bucket +buckets +buf +buff +buffer +buffered +build +builder +builders +building +by +byte +bytes +byteswap +c +cache +cached +calc +call +callback +calls +can +cancel +capacity +capitalize +cas +case +catch +catcher +catching +category +cause +cbf +cbrt +ccol +ceil +ceiling +cell +chain +chained +channel +char +character +chars +charset +cheap +check +class +classfile +classifier +clear +clearable +cline +clone +cloneable +close +cmd +coarsest +code +codec +codes +coding +coll +collect +collected +collection +collections +collision +colls +color +colored +column +combinations +combine +combiner +combiners +committed +companion +comparator +compare +compat +compile +compiler +complement +complete +completed +completion +compose +composite +compound +compressed +compute +concat +concurrent +cond +conditional +config +conflicted +conforms +connect +cons +conserve +console +const +constant +constraint +cont +contains +contents +context +continually +contracted +control +conversion +conversions +convert +converter +converters +copy +copyright +cores +corresponds +cosh +count +create +creation +creator +ctrie +curr +current +curried +custom +cyan +d +daemon +daemonize +daemonized +data +date +days +deadline +debug +debugclear +debuglog +dec +decached +decimal +decode +decoder +decoding +decorate +decorators +decr +deep +default +defined +definite +degrees +delayed +delegate +delegated +delete +deleted +delim +delta +denum +deprecated +depth +dequeue +deregister +derived +desc +descr +described +description +descriptor +descriptors +deserialize +deserializer +destroy +destroyer +development +dictionary +diff +digit +dim +dir +direct +directionality +dirty +disable +discriminantbits +discriminantmask +display +distinct +divide +divisible +doc +document +does +done +double +doubling +down +drain +driver +drop +dropped +dual +dummy +dup +duplicate +duration +dynamic +dynamics +each +earlier +either +elem +element +elements +elems +elidable +else +empty +enable +enabled +encode +encoder +encoding +end +endpoints +ends +enqueue +enqueued +ensure +ensuring +entries +entry +enum +enumeration +env +environment +equal +equality +equals +equiv +erasure +eremainder +err +error +escape +escapes +even +events +everything +exact +exception +exclusive +exclusively +exec +execute +execution +executor +existentials +exists +exit +expectedmain +experimental +expm +exposed +extend +extra +extract +extractors +factor +factory +fail +failed +failing +failure +fallback +false +fatal +feature +field +file +filename +fill +filled +filter +filtered +filters +finalize +finally +find +fine +finer +finest +finish +finite +first +fix +flag +flat +flatmap +flatten +flip +float +floor +flush +fold +for +forall +force +forced +foreach +fork +forkjoin +format +formatted +forward +forwarder +found +fractional +fresh +from +front +fst +fully +function +further +future +garbage +gaussian +gcas +gen +generator +generic +get +getc +getter +global +goto +greater +greatest +green +group +grouped +groups +grow +growable +growing +gteq +half +handling +handoff +has +hash +hashcode +hashing +have +having +head +headless +headptr +heapify +help +hex +high +higher +highest +hint +history +home +hook +hour +hours +howmany +hypot +i +id +identifier +identity +idle +iee +if +ignorable +ignoring +illegal +imap +immutable +impl +implemented +implicit +implicitly +implicits +improve +in +include +inclusive +incr +indent +index +indexed +indices +inf +infinite +infinity +infix +info +information +inheritance +init +initial +initialize +initialized +inits +inline +inner +inode +inodeupdater +input +insert +inserted +insertif +insertion +instance +int +integer +integral +internal +interpolator +interrupt +interruptible +intersect +intersection +interval +intflag +invalid +invariants +inverse +invert +invisible +invoke +io +is +item +iter +iterable +iterate +iterated +iterator +iters +itr +j +jar +java +jdk +join +keep +kept +key +keys +kinds +kmp +known +kv +l +lambda +language +last +lastbuff +latch +later +latest +lazy +lbuff +leading +leaf +least +left +leftmost +length +lengths +less +lesser +letter +level +lift +lifted +like +line +linear +lines +link +linked +linux +list +listmap +literal +literally +lo +load +local +localized +locally +locate +location +lock +log +logbuffer +logger +logical +long +lookahead +lookup +loop +low +lower +lowest +lteq +mac +macro +macros +magenta +magic +main +make +malformed +managed +mangled +manifest +manifests +map +mapped +mapping +margin +mask +match +matched +matcher +matching +math +max +maximum +mega +merge +mergeable +merged +merger +message +messages +meta +method +micro +micros +microsecond +microseconds +migration +milli +millis +millisecond +milliseconds +min +minimum +minus +minute +minutes +mirrored +mix +mk +mod +mode +model +modify +module +modulo +monad +monadic +more +msg +mult +multi +multiply +murmur +mutable +n +na +name +names +nano +nanos +nanosecond +nanoseconds +native +neg +negate +negative +nerrors +nest +never +new +newline +next +nil +nn +no +node +noinline +non +none +nonmasklength +not +nothing +notify +now +null +num +number +numblocks +numeric +nwarnings +nwords +o +object +observable +occurred +octal +of +offset +on +once +one +only +op +open +operations +ops +opt +optimized +option +or +ordered +ordering +os +other +otherpit +otherwise +othpit +out +output +overdue +overriding +owned +p +package +pad +padding +page +paged +pair +par +parallel +parallelism +parallelizable +param +parameter +parent +part +partial +partially +partition +partner +parts +patch +patched +path +pattern +permission +permutations +phantom +pick +pipe +piped +platform +plen +plus +point +pointer +points +poll +poly +pool +populated +pos +position +positioner +positioning +positive +postfix +pow +power +precise +precision +pred +predef +prefer +prefix +prepare +prepend +prepended +present +preserving +prev +prime +primitive +primitives +print +printable +printf +println +priority +probable +process +processes +processors +product +projection +promiscuously +promise +prop +properties +property +props +protect +protected +proxy +psplit +ptr +publish +publisher +push +pushdown +put +pv +queue +queued +quick +quiesce +quot +quote +radians +random +range +ranged +rate +raw +rdcss +read +reader +readf +ready +rebuild +rec +recalculate +recover +red +reduce +ref +reference +reflect +reflection +reflective +regex +relaxed +releasable +release +remainder +remaining +remains +remote +remove +removed +renewed +repack +repetition +repl +replace +replaced +replacement +report +reporter +repr +require +requires +resarr +reset +resizable +resolve +resource +respond +responder +rest +restart +result +results +resume +retain +rethrow +return +reusable +reuse +reverse +reversed +revertible +rich +right +rightmost +rint +root +rootbits +rootsize +round +rounded +rounding +row +run +runloop +runnable +runtime +s +same +scala +scalac +scale +scan +script +scriptable +search +searching +second +seconds +seed +seedvalue +segment +self +sentinel +separator +separators +seq +sequence +sequential +sequentially +serial +serializable +serialization +serialize +service +set +setter +severe +share +shared +shift +short +shorter +should +show +shrinkable +shuffle +shutdown +signal +signalling +signature +signed +signum +simple +single +singleton +sinh +sink +site +size +sizemap +sizes +sizing +skip +slice +sliced +sliding +slot +small +smallest +snapshot +soft +some +sort +sorted +sorting +source +space +span +spawn +spec +specializable +specialized +split +splitter +splitters +sqrt +stabilize +stable +stack +standard +start +starts +static +statics +std +stderr +stdin +stdout +stealing +step +stored +stream +streamed +strict +strictfp +string +stringadd +stringfmt +strings +strip +structural +sub +subdivide +subgroups +submit +subscribe +subscriber +subscription +subscriptions +subset +subsets +substring +subtask +subtasks +subtract +subtractable +subtype +success +successful +successor +such +suffix +support +suppressed +suppression +supression +surplus +surrogate +suspend +suspended +swap +switch +symbol +symmetric +sync +synchronized +system +t +tabinc +table +tabulate +tag +tagged +tail +tailcall +tailrec +tails +take +taken +tanh +task +tasks +tasksupport +tcount +template +terminated +termination +test +text +than +that +then +this +thread +threads +threshold +throwable +throwables +throws +time +times +title +tmp +to +toggle +tombed +top +total +totalcombines +totalsize +totaltasks +tp +trace +trailer +trait +transfer +transform +transformed +transformer +transient +transpose +traversable +traversables +traverse +treat +tree +trie +trim +triple +triter +true +try +tuple +tupled +two +type +typed +types +uid +ultimately +unanchored +unapply +unary +unaugment +unbatched +unbox +uncaught +unchecked +uncloseable +uncurried +undefined +underlined +underlying +undetermined +undo +undoable +unicode +unified +uninitialized +union +uniqueness +unit +universal +unlift +unlifted +unmappable +unnecessary +unordered +unrolled +unrolledlength +unsafe +unset +unsigned +unspecialized +unsupported +until +untombed +untupled +unwrap +unwrapping +unzip +up +update +updated +upper +uri +url +use +user +utf +util +utils +val +valid +validate +value +values +var +varargs +variable +variance +vector +vectors +vendor +version +view +vm +vmap +volatile +vset +wait +warning +waterline +weak +where +while +white +whitespace +whole +width +wildcard +win +wire +with +wl +word +work +worker +would +wrap +wrapped +wrapper +wrappers +writable +write +xor +yellow +zero +zip +zipped diff --git a/dictionaries/scala/package.json b/dictionaries/scala/package.json index b5c903e3152..7db8ee35b97 100644 --- a/dictionaries/scala/package.json +++ b/dictionaries/scala/package.json @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ "./cspell-ext.json": "./cspell-ext.json" }, "scripts": { - "build": "cspell-tools compile \"scala.txt\" -o .", - "test": "head -n 1000 \"scala.txt\" | cspell -v -c ./cspell-ext.json --local=* --languageId=scala stdin", + "build": "cspell-tools-cli compile --keep-raw-case --use-legacy-splitter src/scala.txt --no-compress -o ./dict", + "test": "head -n 1000 src/scala.txt | cspell -v -c ./cspell-ext.json --local=* --languageId=scala stdin", "prepublishOnly": "echo pre-publish", "prepare": "yarn run build" }, @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ }, "homepage": "https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell-dicts/blob/main/dictionaries/scala#readme", "files": [ - "scala.txt.gz", + "dict/scala.txt", "cspell-ext.json" ] } diff --git a/dictionaries/scala/src/README.md b/dictionaries/scala/src/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5ac40a8e845 --- /dev/null +++ b/dictionaries/scala/src/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Source Directory + +All source files used to generate the dictionary should be stored in this directory. diff --git a/dictionaries/scala/scala.txt b/dictionaries/scala/src/scala.txt similarity index 100% rename from dictionaries/scala/scala.txt rename to dictionaries/scala/src/scala.txt