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@scholzj scholzj released this 15 Feb 00:33
· 2035 commits to main since this release

Main changes since 0.27

  • Add support for Kafka 3.1.0; remove Kafka 2.8.0 and 2.8.1
  • Add support for StrimziPodSet resources (disabled by default through the UseStrimziPodSets feature gate)
  • Update Open Policy Agent authorizer to 1.4.0 and add support for enabling metrics
  • Support custom authentication mechanisms in Kafka listeners
  • Intra-broker disk balancing using Cruise Control
  • Add connector context to the default logging configuration in Kafka Connect and Kafka Mirror Maker 2
  • Added the option createBootstrapService in the Kafka Spec to disable the creation of the bootstrap service for the Load Balancer Type Listener. It will save the cost of one load balancer resource, specially in the public cloud.
  • Added the connectTimeoutSeconds and readTimeoutSeconds options to OAuth authentication configuration. The default connect and read timeouts are set to 60 seconds (previously there was no timeout). Also added groupsClaim and groupsClaimDelimiter options in the listener configuration of Kafka Spec to allow extracting group information from JWT token at authentication time, and making it available to the custom authorizer. These features are enabled by the updated Strimzi Kafka OAuth library (0.10.0).
  • Add support for disabling the FIPS mode in OpenJDK
  • Fix renewing your own CA certificates #5466
  • Update Strimzi Kafka Bridge to 0.21.4
  • Update Cruise Control to 2.5.82

All changes can be found under the 0.28.0 milestone.

Changes, deprecations and removals

  • The Strimzi Identity Replication Policy (class io.strimzi.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy) is now deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    Please update to Kafka's own Identity Replication Policy (class org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy).
  • The type field in ListenerStatus has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Upgrading from Strimzi 0.27

See the documentation for upgrade instructions.

Upgrading from Strimzi 0.22 or earlier

This release supports only the API version v1beta2 and CRD version If upgrading from Strimzi 0.22, migration to v1beta2 needs to be completed for all Strimzi CRDs and CRs before the upgrade to 0.28 is done! If upgrading from Strimzi version earlier than 0.22, you need to first install the CRDs from Strimzi 0.22 and complete the migration to v1beta2 for all Strimzi CRDs and CRs before the upgrade to 0.28 is done!

For more details about the CRD upgrades, see the documentation.