diff --git a/src/GameEngine.py b/src/GameEngine.py index e8e9810e3..ac677bb20 100644 --- a/src/GameEngine.py +++ b/src/GameEngine.py @@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ def sortOptionsByKey(dict): Config.define("game", "frets_under_notes", bool, True, text = _("Frets Under Notes"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")}, tipText = _("Sets whether the notes slide under the frets or over them.")) Config.define("game", "drum_navigation", bool, True, text = _("Drum Navigation"), options = {False: _("Off"), True: _("On")}, tipText = _("If enabled, drum keys will be allowed to navigate menus. If not, only guitar keys and keyboard master keys will.")) +Config.define("game", "decimal_places", int, 1, text = _("Stat Decimal Places"), options = dict([(n, n) for n in range(0, 3)]), tipText = _("Determines how many decimal places will be noted in displaying stats.")) + Config.define("game", "ignore_open_strums", bool, True, text = _("Ignore Open Strums"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")}, tipText = _("If enabled, strumming without holding any frets down won't be counted.")) Config.define("performance", "static_strings", bool, True, text = _("Static Strings"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")}, tipText = _("If enabled, the 'strings' on your fretboard will not scroll.")) Config.define("game", "whammy_saves_starpower", bool, False, text = _("Effects Save SP"), options = {False: _("No"), True: _("Yes")}, tipText = _("If enabled, whammying while in SP will slow down its decrease. And your score will be handicapped by 5%.")) diff --git a/src/Settings.py b/src/Settings.py index 1ed23a7e0..fe3a00ef0 100644 --- a/src/Settings.py +++ b/src/Settings.py @@ -711,6 +711,7 @@ def __init__(self, engine): ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "bass_groove_enable", autoApply = True, isQuickset = 2),#myfingershurt ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "mark_solo_sections", autoApply = True), ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "lphrases", autoApply = True),#blazingamer + ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "decimal_places", autoApply = True), #MFH ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "ignore_open_strums", autoApply = True), #myfingershurt ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "big_rock_endings", autoApply = True, isQuickset = 2),#myfingershurt ConfigChoice(self.engine, self.engine.config, "game", "starpower_mode", autoApply = True),#myfingershurt