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Tidied up run-prog and run-prog-collect-output.
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These functions were getting into a bit of a state, so I've had a tidy
up.  The result is by no means perfect, but I think it's an
improvement.  I've removed support for a couple of ancient versions
(CLISP before version 2.26 and Lucid before it became Liquid), and
added support for setting DISPLAY to the current screen for more
lisps.  As an added bonus this patch fixes the build on ECL (at least
from a REPL).
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dangerousben committed Dec 26, 2009
1 parent b5f7c42 commit 2ca1e14
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Showing 2 changed files with 72 additions and 93 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions primitives.lisp
Expand Up @@ -600,8 +600,9 @@ Useful for re-using the &REST arg after removing some options."
(push (pop plist) copy))
(setq plist (cddr plist))))

(defun screen-display-string (screen)
(format nil "DISPLAY=~a:~d.~d"
(defun screen-display-string (screen &optional (assign t))
(format nil
(if assign "DISPLAY=~a:~d.~d" "~a:~d.~d")
(screen-host screen)
(xlib:display-display *display*)
(screen-id screen)))
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160 changes: 69 additions & 91 deletions wrappers.lisp
Expand Up @@ -31,104 +31,82 @@
(define-condition not-implemented (stumpwm-error)
() (:documentation "A function has been called that is not implemented yet."))

;;; XXX: DISPLAY env var isn't set for cmucl
(defun run-prog (prog &rest opts &key args (wait t) &allow-other-keys)
(defun run-prog (prog &rest opts &key args output (wait t) &allow-other-keys)
"Common interface to shell. Does not return anything useful."
#+gcl (declare (ignore wait))
(setq opts (remove-plist opts :args :wait))
#+allegro (apply #'excl:run-shell-command (apply #'vector prog prog args)
:wait wait opts)
#+(and clisp lisp=cl)
#+(or clisp ccl ecl gcl)
;; Arg. We can't pass in an environment so just set the DISPLAY
;; variable so it's inherited by the child process.
(setf (getenv "DISPLAY") (format nil "~a:~d.~d"
(screen-host (current-screen))
(xlib:display-display *display*)
(screen-id (current-screen))))
(apply #'ext:run-program prog :arguments args :wait wait opts))
#+(and clisp (not lisp=cl))
(if wait
(apply #'lisp:run-program prog :arguments args opts)
(lisp:shell (format nil "~a~{ '~a'~} &" prog args)))
#+cmu (apply #'ext:run-program prog args :output t :error t :wait wait opts)
#+gcl (apply #'si:run-process prog args)
#+liquid (apply #'lcl:run-program prog args)
#+lispworks (apply #'sys::call-system
(format nil "~a~{ '~a'~}~@[ &~]" prog args (not wait))
#+lucid (apply #'lcl:run-program prog :wait wait :arguments args opts)
#+sbcl (apply #'sb-ext:run-program prog args :output t :error t :wait wait
;; inject the DISPLAY variable in so programs show up
;; on the right screen.
:environment (cons (screen-display-string (current-screen))
(remove-if (lambda (str)
(string= "DISPLAY=" str :end2 (min 8 (length str))))
#+ccl (ccl:run-program prog (mapcar (lambda (s)
(if (simple-string-p s) s (coerce s 'simple-string)))
:wait wait :output t :error t)
#+ecl (ext:system (format nil "DISPLAY=~a:~d.~d ~a~{ '~a'~}~@[ &~]"
(screen-host (current-screen))
(xlib:display-display *display*)
(screen-id (current-screen))
prog args (not wait)))
#-(or allegro clisp cmu gcl liquid lispworks lucid sbcl ccl ecl)
(when (current-screen)
(setf (getenv "DISPLAY") (screen-display-string (current-screen) nil)))
(setq opts (remove-plist opts :args :output :wait))
(apply #'excl:run-shell-command (apply #'vector prog prog args)
:output output :wait wait :environment
(when (current-screen)
(list (cons "DISPLAY" (screen-display-string (current-screen)))))
(ccl:run-program prog (mapcar (lambda (s)
(if (simple-string-p s)
(coerce s 'simple-string)))
:wait wait :output (if output output t) :error t)
(let ((stream (apply #'ext:run-program prog :arguments args :wait wait
:output (if output :stream :terminal) opts)))
(when output
(loop for ch = (read-char stream nil stream)
until (eq ch stream)
do (write-char ch output))))
(let ((env ext:*environment-list*))
(when (current-screen)
(setf env (cons (cons "DISPLAY"
(screen-display-string (current-screen) nil))
(apply #'ext:run-program prog args :output (if output output t)
:env env :error t :wait wait opts))
(if output
(let ((stream (ext:run-program prog args :input nil)))
(loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
while line
do (format output "~A~%" line)))
(ext:system (format nil "~a~{ '~a'~}~@[ &~]" prog args (not wait))))
(let ((stream (apply #'si:run-process prog args)))
(when wait
(loop for ch = (read-char stream nil stream)
until (eq ch stream)
do (write-char ch output))))
(apply #'lcl:run-program prog :output output :wait wait :arguments args opts)
(let ((cmdline (format nil "~a ~a~{ '~a'~}"
(screen-display-string (current-screen) t)
prog args (not wait))))
(if output
(apply #'sys::call-system-showing-output cmdline
:output-stream output :wait wait args)
(apply #'sys::call-system cmdline :wait wait args)))
(let ((env (sb-ext:posix-environ)))
(when (current-screen)
(setf env (cons (screen-display-string (current-screen) t)
(remove-if (lambda (str)
(string= "DISPLAY=" str
:end2 (min 8 (length str))))
(apply #'sb-ext:run-program prog args :output (if output output t)
:error t :wait wait :environment env opts))
#-(or allegro ccl clisp cmu ecl gcl liquid lispworks sbcl)
(error 'not-implemented))

;;; XXX: DISPLAY isn't set for cmucl
(defun run-prog-collect-output (prog &rest args)
"run a command and read its output."
#+allegro (with-output-to-string (s)
(excl:run-shell-command (format nil "~a~{ ~a~}" prog args)
:output s :wait t))
;; FIXME: this is a dumb hack but I don't care right now.
#+clisp (with-output-to-string (s)
;; Arg. We can't pass in an environment so just set the DISPLAY
;; variable so it's inherited by the child process.
(when (current-screen)
(setf (getenv "DISPLAY") (format nil "~a:~d.~d"
(screen-host (current-screen))
(xlib:display-display *display*)
(screen-id (current-screen)))))
(let ((out (ext:run-program prog :arguments args :wait t :output :stream)))
(loop for i = (read-char out nil out)
until (eq i out)
do (write-char i s))))
#+cmu (with-output-to-string (s) (ext:run-program prog args :output s :error s :wait t))
#+sbcl (with-output-to-string (s)
(sb-ext:run-program prog args :output s :error s :wait t
;; inject the DISPLAY variable in so programs show up
;; on the right screen.
(let ((env (remove-if (lambda (str)
(string= "DISPLAY=" str :end2 (min 8 (length str))))
(current-screen (current-screen)))
(if current-screen
(cons (screen-display-string (current-screen))
#+ccl (with-output-to-string (s)
(ccl:run-program prog (mapcar (lambda (s)
(if (simple-string-p s) s (coerce s 'simple-string)))
:wait t :output s :error t))
#+ecl (with-output-to-string (s)
;; Arg. We can't pass in an environment so just set the DISPLAY
;; variable so it's inherited by the child process.
(setf (getenv "DISPLAY") (format nil "~a:~d.~d"
(screen-host (current-screen))
(xlib:display-display *display*)
(screen-id (current-screen))))
(let ((output (ext:run-program prog args :input nil)))
(loop for line = (read-line output nil)
while line
do (format s "~A~%" line))))
#-(or allegro clisp cmu sbcl ccl ecl)
(error 'not-implemented))
(with-output-to-string (s)
(run-prog prog :args args :output s :wait t)))

(defun getenv (var)
"Return the value of the environment variable."
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