The Einsatzsimulator provides a possibility for executives of the civil protection to train their communication and organization skills. Currently the project is not ready for production, but it provides a useable prototype.
This project was part of the 10th round of the Prototype Fund and got therefore funds from the german Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
This application is work in progress, and provides currently the following features for the work of civil protection in Germany.
- Creating training sessions for medial executives from templates
- Multiple order detection (in german) available to command your troops
- Movement order
- Threat order
- Prioritize order
- Evolution of patients according to a predefined event based sequence
- Detail view of patients and triage tag
- Map of current location
- Event based messages (prepared)
Since this application is a prototype, there is a huge list of features we would like to implement in the feature.
- Multi language support
- Radio communication between all players
- More commands
- Improved language understanding
- Support for more organizations like the FD
- Debriefing with backlog of all actions
- Template designer
- Portal to share templates and compare different operations
This is a Next.js application with custom server to handle socket connections. We assume you have yarn, node (>= 14) and docker installed on a Linux system like Ubuntu 21.04.
- Download, or clone the repo.
- Install all dependencies inside the root folder (
yarn install
). - Train the NLU model to understand orders (
). - Create a configuration file
and use.env.example
as base. - Create db structure and seed database (
yarn prisma db push && yarn prisma seed
). - Build the application (
yarn build
). - Start the NLU server (
). - Start the application server (
yarn start
Now you are able to try our example mission.