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Added USBMouse sketch which allows you to communicate with a USB Mouse
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sudar committed Mar 13, 2011
1 parent c5ac5a7 commit 223dbff
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 67 deletions.
166 changes: 99 additions & 67 deletions USBMouse/USBMouse.pde
@@ -1,99 +1,131 @@
* Arduino sketche to read button press from a USB mouse
* Comunicate with a USB Mouse via interrupt endpoint.
* You need a USB Host Shield, USB Mouse and an Arduino board
* You also need the USB_Host_Shield library available at
* Connect your USB Host shield
* Based on the examples from USB Host Shield by Circuits @ home
* (Assumes EP1 as interrupt IN ep)
* Code based on the sketch by Circuits @ home -

//#include <Spi.h>

#include <Max3421e.h>
#include <Usb.h>

#define DEVADDR 1
#define CONFVALUE 1

#define ftl(x) ((x)>=0?(long)((x)+0.5):(long)((x)-0.5)) //float to long conversion

EP_RECORD ep_record[ 2 ]; //endpoint record structure for the mouse
void setup();
void loop();

MAX3421E Max;
USB Usb;

void setup() {
Serial.begin( 9600 );
delay( 500 );
Serial.begin( 115200 );
delay( 200 );

void loop() {
byte rcode;
//delay( 10 );
if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_CONFIGURING ) {

if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_CONFIGURING ) {
}//if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_CONFIGURING...
if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_RUNNING ) { //poll the keyboard
rcode = mouse_poll();

if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_RUNNING ) { //poll the mouse
rcode = mouse1_poll();
if( rcode ) {
Serial.print("Mouse Poll Error: ");
Serial.println( rcode, HEX );
Serial.print("Mouse Poll Error: ");
Serial.println( rcode, HEX );
}//if( rcode...
}//if( Usb.getUsbTaskState() == USB_STATE_RUNNING...

/* Initialize mouse */
void mouse_init( void ) {
Serial.println("Mouse Init");
byte rcode = 0; //return code
Usb.setDevTableEntry( 1, Usb.getDevTableEntry( 0,0 ) ); //copy device 0 endpoint information to device 1
/* Configure device */
rcode = Usb.setConf( DEVADDR, 0, CONFVALUE );
if( rcode ) {
Serial.print("Error configuring mouse. Return code : ");
Serial.println( rcode, HEX );
while(1); //stop
}//if( rcode...
Usb.setUsbTaskState( USB_STATE_RUNNING );
void mouse1_init( void ) {
byte rcode = 0; //return code
byte tmpdata;
byte* byte_ptr = &tmpdata;

ep_record[ 0 ] = *( Usb.getDevTableEntry( 0,0 )); //copy endpoint 0 parameters
ep_record[ 1 ].MaxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE;
ep_record[ 1 ].sndToggle = bmSNDTOG0;
ep_record[ 1 ].rcvToggle = bmRCVTOG0;
Usb.setDevTableEntry( 1, ep_record ); //plug kbd.endpoint parameters to devtable

/* Poll mouse using Get Report and fill arm data structure */
byte mouse_poll( void ) {
Serial.println("Mouse poll");
byte rcode;
char buf[ 4 ]; //mouse buffer
static uint16_t delay = 500; //delay before park
/* Configure device */
rcode = Usb.setConf( DEVADDR, 0, CONFVALUE );
if( rcode ) {
Serial.print("Error configuring mouse. Return code : ");
Serial.println( rcode, HEX );
while(1); //stop
}//if( rcode...

rcode = Usb.getIdle( DEVADDR, 0, 0, 0, (char *)byte_ptr );
if( rcode ) {
Serial.print("Get Idle error. Return code : ");
Serial.println( rcode, HEX );
while(1); //stop

Serial.print("Idle Rate: ");
Serial.print(( tmpdata * 4 ), DEC ); //rate is returned in multiples of 4ms
Serial.println(" ms");

tmpdata = 0;
rcode = Usb.setIdle( DEVADDR, 0, 0, 0, tmpdata );
if( rcode ) {
Serial.print("Set Idle error. Return code : ");
Serial.println( rcode, HEX );
while(1); //stop

Usb.setUsbTaskState( USB_STATE_RUNNING );

/* Poll mouse via interrupt endpoint and print result */
/* assumes EP1 as interrupt endpoint */
byte mouse1_poll( void ) {
byte rcode,i;
char buf[ 4 ] = { 0 }; //mouse report buffer
/* poll mouse */
rcode = Usb.getReport( DEVADDR, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, buf );
rcode = Usb.inTransfer( DEVADDR, 1, 4, buf, 1 ); //

if( rcode ) { //error
return( rcode );
if( rcode == 0x04 ) { //NAK
rcode = 0;
return( rcode );

/* print buffer */
if( buf[ 0 ] & 0x01 ) {
Serial.println("Button1 pressed ");

Serial.println("buffer value");

switch( buf[ 0 ] ) { //read buttons
case 0x00: //no buttons pressed
// armdata.z_coord += ( buf[ 3 ] * -2 ) ;
case 0x01: //button 1 pressed.
Serial.println("Button 1 is pressed");
case 0x02: //button 2 pressed.
Serial.println("Button 2 is pressed");
case 0x04: //wheel button pressed.
Serial.println("Wheel button is pressed");
case 0x07: //all 3 buttons pressed.
Serial.println("All 3 button is pressed");
}//switch( buf[ 0 ...
if( buf[ 0 ] & 0x02 ) {
Serial.println("Button2 pressed ");
if( buf[ 0 ] & 0x04 ) {
Serial.println("Button3 pressed ");

/* This will print the x,y and wheel co-ordinates as well
Serial.print("X-axis: ");
Serial.println( buf[ 1 ], DEC);
Serial.print("Y-axis: ");
Serial.println( buf[ 2 ], DEC);
Serial.print("Wheel: ");
Serial.println( buf[ 3 ], DEC);
return( rcode );

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