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This was my initial foray into a career that I love. It's cringe inducing, but I don't ever want to forget where I started. This is another name tag pinned to the refrigerator.

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This was my initial foray into a career that I love. It's cringe inducing, but I don't ever want to forget where I started. My brother Christian and I pinned our name tags from the restaurant we used to work at together on the refrigerator to remind ourselves how far we've come, and for engineering, this is another name tag pinned to the refrigerator.

Larry Domaine, thank you for throwing kindling on the fire.

ITDEV110 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

MATC Fall 2017

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of programming from an object-oriented perspective. Topics include class design, simple data types, control structures, storage allocation, scope, and simple data structures (arrays). Students will develop algorithms to solve programming problems and use debugging techniques to test their solutions. The course emphasizes good software engineering principles while developing fundamental programming skills in the context of a language that supports the object-oriented paradigm. Emphasis will be placed on class design, implementation and problem solving.


Assignment 1  My First App
      C# Hello World

Assignment 2  Assignment 2
      Constructors, Methods & DateTime

Assignment 3  Tipper
      Very basic Tip calculation app.

Assignment 4  VTipper
      More advanced Tip app. Demonstrates what we've learned about variable manipulation thus far.

Assignment 5  Practice Objects
      App demonstrating how Class Objects work.

Assignment 6  Insert Fun
      Mad Libs. The console UI turned out really well. This is the first opportunity I had to play with console UI design after discovering how to use Console.ReadKey().

Midterm  Midterm App
      Bowling Scores app with sound. Demonstration of MVC: Model, View, Control.

Assignment 7  High Low
      Guess the number type app.

Assignment 8  High Low 2
      Adds the ability to bet on your guess to the previous assignment.

Assignment 9  Bester
      Dice rolling game. UI mimics dice rolling with James Bond themed sound.

Assignment 10  Guess the Word
      Hangman type game.

Individual Project  Individual Project - C#alaga

YouTube Demo Video
YouTube C#alaga Demo

Galaga imitation written in C# console. This took about 1 1/2 months to write. The program relies on quite a few parallel arrays as we weren't shown object arrays in the course. The inspiration for it was to create an app that allowed for asynchronous tasks(this wasn't shown in the course and was pieced together from Microsoft docs and the odd Stack Overflow entry.)

      The game itself runs on it's own task while a keyboard listener runs on another. The game is run from a game class that is instatiated from the base class that monitors keystroaks and passes them to the main game loop. The main game loop uses Unix Epoch based timer throttles to operate events in one task while it waits for a user to enter input via the keyboard. Collision logic is factored by assigning each actor an x/y position that determines their console writeline position and gives them a 'hitbox' to allow for actors to have more than one character representing them. Each actor(besides the player) behaves differently and independantly depending on an index number given to it(enemies, powerups, projectiles). Cumbersome, but works with what logic was made available in the course.

      App as it is needs refactoring, but I can't understate how proud I was to get this thing working.

Final  Final App
      Student 'database' with console UI.

Milwaukee Area Technical College

IT, Web and Software Developer

Fall 2017

      ITDEV110 GitHub Repository  ITDEV110 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
      ITDEV117 GitHub Repository  ITDEV117 - Logic and Problem Solving
      IT107 GitHub Repository  IT107 - Social Networking and Business
      VICOM128 GitHub Repository  VICOM128 - Web Development with HTML/CSS

Spring 2018

            ECON201 - Principles of Microeconomics
      ITDEV115 GitHub Repository  ITDEV115 - Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming
      ITDEV140 GitHub Repository  ITDEV140 - Programming with Java
      ITDEV150 GitHub Repository  ITDEV150 - Database Management with SQL
      ITDEV160 GitHub Repository  ITDEV160 - Web Programming with Scripts JavaScript

Fall 2018

      ITDEV161 GitHub Repository  ITDEV161 - Web Programming 1
      ITDEV162 GitHub Repository  ITDEV162 - Client/Server & E-Commerce Implementation
      ITDEV177 GitHub Repository  ITDEV177 - Systems Analysis and Design

Spring 2019

            ITDEV198 - Internship(iStream Financial Services)
      ITDEV154 GitHub Repository  ITDEV154 - Data Structures and Programming
      ITDEV164 GitHub Repository  ITDEV164 - Web Programming 2
      ITDEV199 GitHub Repository  ITDEV199 - Integrated Project

University of Milwaukee Transfer Credits

      SPEECH212 - Introduction to Theater
      MATH202 - Trigonometry
      NATSCI184 - Plant Biology
      PSYCH231 - Introductory Psychology
      SOCSCI299 - Elective - UWM, ARTHIST470 - Topics in American Art: American Woman Artists
      COMART103 - Creative Design & Composition

Portfolio LinkedIn  @sudoSanto 


This was my initial foray into a career that I love. It's cringe inducing, but I don't ever want to forget where I started. This is another name tag pinned to the refrigerator.







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