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silverstripe Send Payment Reminder

Adds an orderstep to e-commerce where non-paid orders are followed up. In that email, you can ask the customer to

a. cancel the order b. pay for it


Please install in mysite/_config/ecommerce.yml as follows:

    # more steps here ...
    stepX: OrderStepPaymentCheck
    # more steps here ...

X is the step number.

Note that this step replaces the OrderStep_Paid in most cases. After that you will need to run a dev/build?flush and delete any Ordersteps that can be deleted (see:

After the flush you may also need to manually remove the 'Paid' step from the Order Step Settings.

email template

In your template OrderStepPaymentCheck_Email, you want to add a $Order.RetrieveLink.

CMS Settings

You also want to make sure that customer can cancel and can pay if the order has not been paid yet (see: