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sunsuk7tp edited this page Jul 5, 2011 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the MyCassandra wiki!

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Cassandra = Dynamo + Bigtable
**MyCassandra = Dynamo + ( MySQL | Bigtable | Redis | MongoDB | etc... ) **

MyCassandra is a modular NoSQL.
MyCassandra has an exchangeable component, Storage Engine as with MySQL.
With MyCassandra, you can exchange Cassandra's storage like Bigtable (commitlog, memtable, sstable) with MySQL, Redis and others.
This means that you can select one or more Storage Engine for according to the followings:

  • I/O pattern of applications and the persistence.
  • persistence or in-memory cache
  • your favorite skills for the data stores

Now, You can exchange to

  • Bigtable (original)
  • MySQL (InnoDB, MyISAM, MEMORY, ...)
  • Redis
  • MongoDB (mongod)
  • KyotoCabinet (It is supported from MyCassandra-0.2.1.)

In future, I will support this storage engine,

  • HandlerSocket (MySQL Plugin)
  • Hibari
  • VoltDB
  • Voldemort



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