Looper is a sketch plugin that helps automate duplication of groups and layers. One can control properties like Rotate, Scale and Opacity while duplicating. This powerful combination enables artists and designers to create interesting geometric and organic patterns.

- Install via Sketch Runner, Sketchpacks, or Sketch Toolbox by searching for Looper.
Make sure you have the latest version of Sketch installed. (Sketch 40+)
- Download the ZIP file of this repository
- Double click on
Tutorials and Demo videos in Youtube
Excellent Tutorial by Wojciech Dobry, Toptal (English)
Duplicate selected group or layer by providing the duplication count or Looper can automatically calculate the count based on the rotation angle to form a complete circle.
Selected group or layer can be scaled by absolute value (px), proportional value (%) or at random.
Opacity of selected group or layer can be set to update at random, increase from 0 to 100 or decrease from 100 to 0.
Rotate selected group or layer by providing a specific rotation angle or Looper can automatically calculate the angle required based on the duplication count to form a complete circle.
Rotation angle can be incremented in a linear fashion, randomly or can be set to increment sinusoidally.
Selected group or layer can be moved Horizontally, Vertically and Diagonally with a set increment value. Duplicated items can also be distributed randomly within a given dimension (width & height)
Duplicate the selected group or layer to form a grid. Number of columns, rows, horizontal margin and vertical margin can be manipulated. You can also alter other properties like opacity, rotate and scale to the grid elements.

- Twitter: #builtwithlooper and/or @sketchlooper
- Facebook page
Email sures.srinivasan@gmail.com
Feel free to contact me for any suggestions or critique.