Hello everybody! I'm a graphic designer from Moscow. I'm learning how to program in Objective-C.
- Learn Objective-C and iOS development step by step.
- Create a new app every single day.
- Deliver it in a form of simple yet smart idea.
- Don't be afraid of anything.
- Have fun.
What I learned: creating buttons and displays, connecting it to some actions in my viewController.
What I learned: calculating random values, working with iOS typefaces, setting custom background color, handling single tap.
What I learned: creating custom view, drawing circles with drawRect, accessing tap coordinates, working with UIColor, executing code in viewDidload.
What I learned: handling pan gesture, procedural drawing of De Stijl paining, storing CGPoint in @property.
What I learned: handling device rotation, loading different images to UIView, disabling device rotation animations (except the very first one), turning on upsideDown device position.
What I learned: page-based application, categories, digging in some magic code.
What I learned: how to make app without writing any line of code at all.
What I learned: how to compose picture and video input into augemented reality.
What I learned: creating subviews in two ways: via storyboard & via code, handling tap gestures via storyboard, optimizing layout for both iPhone 4 and iPhone 5, making public properties for subviews to access them in gesture recognzied method
What I learned: creating multiple viewcontrollers, passing data between them via segues, making custom launchscreen, parsing NSString objects, getting data from property list
What I learned: working with NSTimer, NSDate, NSCalendar, NSDateComponents, NSDateFormatter
What I learned: working with CALayers, rotation, gradients, sublayers, animations, anchor points.
What I learned: that making a analog clock abstraction it's not easy task at all, there was a lot of refactoring and rewriting
What I learned: making force exit from the app, imitating modal window using storyboard
- Concepts of protocols and delegations
- Object oriented programming concepts in practice: A PIE (Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation)
- How to store data between user sessions
- UIGestureRecognizer and all possible gestures in iOS
- Frame animation
- Scroll views
- Table views
Feel free to pull requests to my code.