diff --git a/design/Improved Layout Design for Book Lists b/design/Improved Layout Design for Book Lists new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f56ab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/design/Improved Layout Design for Book Lists @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#Improved Layout Design for Book Lists + +## Introduction +This pull request showcases a comprehensive UI/UX redesign for the book lists layout in the MyLibrary 📚 web application. The MyLibrary app is a modern library management tool developed using React.js, featuring 🔐 Auth0 for authentication and utilizing 📖 Google Books API for book data. The user interface has been styled with 🎨 Tailwind CSS to provide an exceptional user experience. + +## Design Overview +The primary goal of this redesign is to elevate both the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the book lists within the MyLibrary project. We have focused on proposing an improved layout design that enhances accessibility, usability, and visual appeal. + +## Design Assets +- **Desktop Size**: 1356px by [Height] +- **Book Title**: Roboto, 22px for the title, 24px for lineheight, color #1f2937 +- **Availability**: Segeo UI, 16px for content, 24px for hlineheight, no color change +- **Published Date, Author, Genre**: Inter, 16px for content, 20px for lineheight, using brand color medium +- **Author's Name, Genre Type, Published Date**: Inter Regular, 14px for content, 20px for lineheight +- **Button Text**: Space Grotesk Bold, 18px +- **Filtered and Sorted by**: Brand color, 18px for content, 20px for lineheight +- **Filter By, Sort By**: Segeo UI, 20px for content, 24px for lineheight + +- **Link to Figma design**: [https://www.figma.com/file/2Ioo7XKcrMX4Qs8gVnFmlh/MyLibrary?type=design&node-id=4%3A892&mode=design&t=LWf4xbRAXAOMHrG3-1]