Four Motor Robot Controller.
FMRC: UART communication between NRF52 and STM32!
- Work in progress
TODO Start
PROGRAMMING NRF52 stlink: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg
telnet localhost 4444
reset program zephyr.hex verify
Work on version 2.0 is in progress.
FMRC V2 PART 14: First draft of completely routed PCB
FMRC V2 PART 13: More routing -- finishing off at the DRV8848 area
FMRC V2 PART 12: Starting to route in the DRV8848 area
FMRC V2 PART 11: More PCB routing
FMRC V2 PART 10: Started routing
FMRC V2 PART 9: Tightening up the placement of components
FMRC V2 PART 8: Roughly sorting components
FMRC V2 PART 7: placing components focusing on the DC-DC area
FMRC V2 PART 6: Boot modes and Boot-loader that allows USB flashing
FMRC V2 PART 5: Adding an audio jack and doing some spice simulation in KiCAD
FMRC V2 PART 4: Servo outputs may be nice to have and finishing off in preparation for routing
FMRC V2 PART 3: Out with the old, in with the new (and some confusion about pins with no net!)
FMRC V2 PART 2B: Adding some caps and experimenting some more with kicad hierarchical labels
FMRC V2 PART 2: Adding DRV8847 chips and trying out KICADs hiearchical labels