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The easiest guide to building website for Data Analyst/Scientist - Streamlit Tutorial, 2021.

reference : Streamlit Cheet sheat, Docs

01. Basic Markdown

1. Title
2. Header
3. Sub Header
4. Text
5. Markdown
6. Message
7. Code

02. Display Widgets

1. Button
2. Checkbox
3. Radio
4. Multiselect
5. Slider
6. Select Slider
7. Text Input
8. Number Input
9. Text Area
10. Data Input
11. Time Input
12. File Uploader
13. Color Picker

03. Start Streamlit

0. Progress Bar
1. write + text
2. write + DataFrame
3. No write + DataFrame
4. line chart
5. Display Map
6. show data with checkbox
7. show data with selectbox
8. show data with sidebar
9. slider with sidebar
10. show text when clicked
11. show text list when clicked

04. Basic Data Load (+sub ipynb notebook)

1. Make Function
2. Load Data

05. Data_Load_Using_cache

1. Make Function with cache
2. Load Data