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Python programs

This repository is new and under construction. Slowly I will add programs into it.

This is my personal repository where I add notes I want to remember or python programs that I practise.

Index / List of Programs

  1. Basic Programs for beginners
  2. List Comprehensions

Some handy information

pip related

  1. pip list displays a list of installed package names and version numbers.
  2. pip show <package-name> to display detailed information about a specific package.

conda related

  1. conda install -c conda-forge <package-name> : Use this command to install package in anaconda or Jupyter Notebook which does not get installed from simple conda install command.
  2. If you want to install a specific package inside a specific conda environment, you can use the following command. First activate the conda environment and then do: $ conda install --name <conda_env_name> -c <channel_name> <package_name>
  3. To see all the environment created in anaconda conda env list
  4. To switch to another environment (say name is tensor_env) in anaconda prompt : conda activate tensor_env

My Favourite Python repositories on GitHub

  1. Python Mini Projects