import requests, json, pendulum, os from .configuration import Configuration class AttckDatasets(object): """AttckDatasets is used to download, save or retrieve datasets for pyattck. Default locations to download datasets are as follows: MITRE_ATTCK_JSON_URL = '' MITRE_PREATTCK_ATTCK_JSON_URL = '' MITRE_MOBILE_ATTCK_JSON_URL = '' DATASETS_URL = '' """ __MITRE_ENTERPRISE_ATTCK_JSON_URL = '' __MITRE_PREATTCK_ATTCK_JSON_URL = '' __MITRE_MOBILE_ATTCK_JSON_URL = '' __DATASETS_URL = '' def __init__(self): config = Configuration().get() self.attck_json_path = config['enterprise_attck_json'] self.preattck_json_path = config['preattck_json'] self.mobile_attck_json_path = config['mobile_attck_json'] self.dataset_json_path = config['enterprise_attck_dataset'] def __get_mitre_json(self, url, path, force=False): if force: mitre = requests.get(url).json() self.__save_locally(path, mitre) return mitre else: cached_data = self.__get_cached_data(path) if cached_data: return cached_data else: mitre = requests.get(url).json() self.__save_locally(path, mitre) return mitre def mitre(self, type='enterprise', force=False): """Downloads, saves, or retrieves MITRE ATT&CK Framework JSON files Args: type (str, optional): Will set the type of data to download/retrieve. Defaults to Enterprise. Options are enterprise, preattack, & mobile force (bool, optional): Will force the download of a new JSON file. Defaults to False. Returns: [dict]: Mitre ATT&CK Enterprise Framework JSON """ # first check to see if it already exists if type == 'enterprise': url = self.__MITRE_ENTERPRISE_ATTCK_JSON_URL return self.__get_mitre_json(url, self.attck_json_path, force=force) elif type == 'preattack': url = self.__MITRE_PREATTCK_ATTCK_JSON_URL return self.__get_mitre_json(url, self.preattck_json_path, force=force) elif type == 'mobile': url = self.__MITRE_MOBILE_ATTCK_JSON_URL return self.__get_mitre_json(url, self.mobile_attck_json_path, force=force) else: url = self.__MITRE_ENTERPRISE_ATTCK_JSON_URL return self.__get_mitre_json(url, self.attck_json_path, force=force) def generated_attck_data(self, force=False): """Downloads, saves, or retrieves the Mitre ATT&CK Enterprise Generated Dataset JSON Args: force (bool, optional): Will force the download of a new Generated Datset JSON file. Defaults to False. Returns: [dict]: Mitre ATT&CK Enterprise Generated Dataset JSON """ if force: datasets = self.__get_datasets() self.__save_locally(self.dataset_json_path, datasets) return datasets else: cached_data = self.__get_cached_data(self.dataset_json_path) if cached_data: print(cached_data) input('press') if >= pendulum.parse(cached_data['last_updated']).to_iso8601_string(): return cached_data else: datasets = requests.get(self.__DATASETS_URL).json() self.__save_locally(self.dataset_json_path, datasets) return datasets else: datasets = requests.get(self.__DATASETS_URL) if datasets: try: datasets = datasets.json() except: print(self.__DATASETS_URL) print('Unable to downlad and load external datasets') pass self.__save_locally(self.dataset_json_path, datasets) return datasets def __get_datasets(self): return requests.get(self.__DATASETS_URL).json() def __get_cached_data(self, local_file_path): if os.path.isfile(local_file_path): if os.path.getsize(local_file_path) > 0: with open(local_file_path) as f: try: return json.load(f) except: pass return None def __save_locally(self, local_file_path, data): with open(local_file_path, 'w+') as outfile: try: json.dump(data, outfile) except: pass