Instructor: Prof. Moonzoo Kim
- Office: 2434 (located at the east wing of E3-1)
- Phone: 042-350-3543
- E-mail: moonzoo.kim @ gmail.com
- Office hour: Tues 4:30 - 5:30 PM (reservation e-mail is preferred)
Teaching assistants: Ahcheong Lee (ahcheong.lee@gmail.com)
Lecture hours: Tue/Thur 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Lecture room: E3 Rm#2443 (and through Zoom)
- A face-to-face lecture on Tues and an online lecture on Thurs (this plan may change later)
- Zoom link for Thurs class: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/5258253316
Recommended prerequisite: CS204 Discrete Mathematics
Grading: attendance/class participation/quiz: 30%, HW: 30%, mid/final exams:40%
- You should turn on your web cam when you participate an online class; class attendance will not be counted otherwise.
- More than 7 absences of the class will get F grade
- Late attendance shall be counted as 1/3 absence. If a student is not able to attend a class due to an important event (e.g., attending conf., etc.), he/she should submit 1 week prior notice to the professor.
- The official language in the class is English. All students should submit all written documents such as homework, project reports, exam, etc. in English; 20% penalty of the max score otherwise.
- Unlike CS458, this class has low HW workload; we plan to have only 4 homework assignments.
- Homework should be submitted through KLMS https://klms.kaist.ac.kr/course/view.php?id=150535
- Hint: many questions of exams are from the homeworks.
- Late HW will be accepted with 10% penalty of the max score in 1 day, 30% penalty of the max score in 3 days. HW will not be accepted after then.
- All programming HWs you submit must be able to be replayed by executing a single script file on a TA's server account (i.e., submitted HW should not have a dependency on your home directory, environment, etc.). Also, the replayed execution must demonstrate the same output to the submitted hw. You will get 10% penalty of the max score otherwise.
- For your programming HWs, you should not use external libraries which are not available on the server machines. If you really need an external library, you have to ask TAs to install it on the server machines.
- Please, include your student ID in the name of your submiited file(s), so that TAs can easily identify which files are yours.
Questions on the course materials and homeworks should be posted as github issues
This class covers formal techniques to model and verify complex systems. It is highly challenging to design and verify systems correctly because of the high complexity of systems caused by reactive characteristics, concurrency, platform dependency and so on. Students will learn formal techniques to resolve such challenges.
Students will learn formal semantics of a target system w.r.t. communication and concurrency through process algebraic framework.
- Particularly, students will learn how to define/prove correctness of a target system in various ways.
Students will learn model checking techniques that automatically and exhaustively generate and explore a large state space of a target program.
- This class guides students to learn the underlying verification engine of such techniques/tools such as SAT/SMT solvers.
This class focusses on practical applications of model checkers by applying open-source model checkers such as CWB-NC, Spin, CBMC, CROWN and so on.
- Aug 29 : Introduction [pdf]
Aug 31, Sep 5, Sep 7: Necessity for systematic & automated analysis techniques [pdf]
- "Variability and Reproducibility in Software Engineering: A Study of Four Companies that Developed the Same System" by Anda et al. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 407-429, May-June 2009.
Sep 12, 14: Intro. to Process Algebra [pdf]
Sep 19, 21: Formal Semantics of CCS [pdf]
Sep 26: Equivalence Semantics of CCS [pdf]
Sep 26, Oct 5: Equivalence hierarchy [pdf]
Sep 28, Oct 3: No class due to thanksgiving holidays and national foundation day
Oct 10: Case study of a multiple reader/writer system [pdf]
- End-to-End Deployment of Formal Methodology - a Case Study on Multiple Reader/Writer Program by M.Kim and I.Kang
- The CCS specification and LTS of the requirement in the attached paper are incorrect. See the correct ones in the lecture slides.
- End-to-End Deployment of Formal Methodology - a Case Study on Multiple Reader/Writer Program by M.Kim and I.Kang
Oct 12: Model checker - Spin (1/3) [pdf]
Oct 19: Midterm exam (closed book) 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Oct 24, 26: , Spin (2/3)[pdf]
Oct 31: No class
Nov 2, 7: Spin (3/3) [pdf]
Nov 9, 14: Linear Temporal Logic [pdf]
Nov 14: Bridging the gap between a model and a real-world application: Runtime monitoring and checking framework-Java-MaC [pdf]
Nov 16, 21: SAT-based bounded software model checking [pdf]
- The importance of unwinding loop bound: SAT-based Bounded Software Model Checking for Embedded Software: A Case Study, APSEC 2014 by Kim et al
Nov 28, 30: Software model checking examples [pdf], CBMC memory model [pdf]
Dec 5: Model Checking flash memory storage platform software - an industrial case study [pdf]
- recorded movie
- "A Comparative Study of Software Model Checkers as Unit Testing Tools: An Industrial Case Study," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), vol 37, no 2, pages 146-160, March 2011
- "Formal Verification of a Flash Memory Device Driver- an Experience Report" Spin 2008, by M.Kim, Y.Kim, Y.Choi, and H.Kim
Dec 7: (offline class) Using SAT solver for Sudoku [pdf],
- "Sudoku as a SAT problem" by I.Lynce and J.Ouaknine, Intl. Symp. on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics 2006
- The SuDoku Puzzle as a Satisfiability Problem
- Dec 14: Final exam (closed book) 5:30 - 7:00 pm