Syarat.ID is a content aggregator website that gathering all informations with the specific keyword: "syarat" from the internet.
SEO and Performance
This repository contains source code from the site.
To run this project on your own local machine, please follow the installation steps below:
# clone to your local machine
$ git clone
$ cd syarat
# create your own virtual environment
$ python -m venv env
# install the project dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# run makemigrations and migrate
$ ./ makemigrations
$ ./ migrate
# create a superuser
$ ./ createsuperuser
# load the dummy data
$ ./ loaddata fixtures/db.json
# run the server
$ ./ runserver
Fixing error that comes from django-compressor
$ pip install rjsmin --install-option="--without-c-extensions"
$ pip install rcssmin --install-option="--without-c-extensions"
For contributing, please open an issue or make your own change and create a PR.