This repo is the backstage of
If you're interested in translating one (or several, or even a small slice) of the subtitles, please follow this link in order to find the roadmap to do so. PR are most welcome !
This website is built using Kirby CMS, please purchase a license before using it publicly.
You can clone this repo and run it locally, but keep in mind that :
- The video files are way too large to be uploaded on github, therefore the player folder is missing its :
Those files will soon be available here.
You'll have to rename the
, we couldn't push it since the real config contains our license key. -
For the same reason, the fonts are missing. You'll fallback to a default sans-serif font. We used the Neue Haas Grotesk (round dot) from Commercial Type. Fonts need to go into the
- Clone the repo :
git clone
- Access the repo and init
cd ethicsfordesign
npm init
- Install
and the required modules
npm i -D gulp gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer browser-sync gulp-concat gulp-csso gulp-rename gulp-uglify gulp-util
- Run the prod task (will launch BrowserSync, and compile
files on save)
gulp dev-watch-sync --prod
Art direction and graphic design by Clément Le Tulle-Neyret. Direction, production and motion design by Gauthier Roussilhe.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.