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Merge pull request #1305 from ranjithkumar007/trigsolve
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Trigonometric solvers
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certik committed Sep 5, 2017
2 parents 0b325d1 + 3045b76 commit 55a84e9
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Showing 6 changed files with 459 additions and 24 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion symengine/sets.cpp
Expand Up @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ bool ConditionSet::is_canonical(const RCP<const Basic> &sym,
const RCP<const Boolean> &condition)
if (eq(*condition, *boolFalse) or eq(*condition, *boolTrue)
or not is_a<Symbol>(*sym)) {
or not is_a_sub<Symbol>(*sym)) {
return false;
} else if (is_a<Contains>(*condition)) {
return false;
Expand Down
247 changes: 233 additions & 14 deletions symengine/solve.cpp
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <symengine/polys/basic_conversions.h>
#include <symengine/logic.h>
#include <symengine/mul.h>
#include <symengine/as_real_imag.cpp>

namespace SymEngine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ RCP<const Set> solve_poly_cubic(const vec_basic &coeffs,
auto i2 = integer(2), i3 = integer(3), i4 = integer(4), i9 = integer(9),
i27 = integer(27);

RCP<const Basic> root1, root2, root3;
if (eq(*d, *zero)) {
root1 = zero;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,7 +95,6 @@ RCP<const Set> solve_poly_cubic(const vec_basic &coeffs,
auto C = pow(Cexpr, div(one, i3));
root1 = neg(div(add(b, add(C, div(delta0, C))), i3));

auto coef = div(mul(I, sqrt(i3)), i2);
temp = neg(div(one, i2));
auto cbrt1 = add(temp, coef);
Expand All @@ -104,7 +105,6 @@ RCP<const Set> solve_poly_cubic(const vec_basic &coeffs,
add(b, add(mul(cbrt2, C), div(delta0, mul(cbrt2, C)))), i3));

return set_intersection({domain, finiteset({root1, root2, root3})});

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +294,220 @@ RCP<const Set> solve_rational(const RCP<const Basic> &f,
return solve_poly(num, sym, domain);

/* Helper Visitors for solve_trig */

class IsALinearArgTrigVisitor
: public BaseVisitor<IsALinearArgTrigVisitor, LocalStopVisitor>
Ptr<const Symbol> x_;
bool is_;

IsALinearArgTrigVisitor(Ptr<const Symbol> x) : x_(x)

bool apply(const Basic &b)
stop_ = false;
is_ = true;
preorder_traversal_local_stop(b, *this);
return is_;

bool apply(const RCP<const Basic> &b)
return apply(*b);

void bvisit(const Basic &x)
local_stop_ = false;

void bvisit(const Symbol &x)
if (x_->__eq__(x)) {
is_ = 0;
stop_ = true;

template <typename T,
= enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<TrigFunction, T>::value
or std::is_base_of<HyperbolicFunction, T>::value>>
void bvisit(const T &x)
is_ = (from_basic<UExprPoly>(x.get_args()[0], (*x_).rcp_from_this())
<= 1);
if (not is_)
stop_ = true;
local_stop_ = true;

bool is_a_LinearArgTrigEquation(const Basic &b, const Symbol &x)
IsALinearArgTrigVisitor v(ptrFromRef(x));
return v.apply(b);

class InvertComplexVisitor : public BaseVisitor<InvertComplexVisitor>
RCP<const Set> result_;
RCP<const Set> gY_;
RCP<const Dummy> nD_;
RCP<const Symbol> sym_;
RCP<const Set> domain_;

InvertComplexVisitor(RCP<const Set> gY, RCP<const Dummy> nD,
RCP<const Symbol> sym, RCP<const Set> domain)
: gY_(gY), nD_(nD), sym_(sym), domain_(domain)

void bvisit(const Basic &x)
result_ = gY_;

void bvisit(const Add &x)
vec_basic f1X, f2X;
for (auto &elem : x.get_args()) {
if (has_symbol(*elem, *sym_)) {
} else {
auto depX = add(f1X), indepX = add(f2X);
if (not eq(*indepX, *zero)) {
gY_ = imageset(nD_, sub(nD_, indepX), gY_);
result_ = apply(*depX);
} else {
result_ = gY_;

void bvisit(const Mul &x)
vec_basic f1X, f2X;
for (auto &elem : x.get_args()) {
if (has_symbol(*elem, *sym_)) {
} else {
auto depX = mul(f1X), indepX = mul(f2X);
if (not eq(*indepX, *one)) {
if (eq(*indepX, *NegInf) or eq(*indepX, *Inf)
or eq(*indepX, *ComplexInf)) {
result_ = emptyset();
} else {
gY_ = imageset(nD_, div(nD_, indepX), gY_);
result_ = apply(*depX);
} else {
result_ = gY_;

void bvisit(const Pow &x)
if (eq(*x.get_base(), *E) and is_a<FiniteSet>(*gY_)) {
set_set inv;
for (const auto &elem :
down_cast<const FiniteSet &>(*gY_).get_container()) {
if (eq(*elem, *zero))
RCP<const Basic> re, im;
as_real_imag(elem, outArg(re), outArg(im));
auto logabs = log(add(mul(re, re), mul(im, im)));
auto logarg = atan2(im, re);
nD_, add(mul(add(mul({integer(2), nD_, pi}), logarg), I),
div(logabs, integer(2))),
interval(NegInf, Inf, true,
true))); // TODO : replace interval(-oo,oo) with
// Set of Integers once Class for Range is implemented.
gY_ = set_union(inv);
result_ = gY_;

RCP<const Set> apply(const Basic &b)
result_ = gY_;
return set_intersection({domain_, result_});

RCP<const Set> invertComplex(const RCP<const Basic> &fX,
const RCP<const Set> &gY,
const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Dummy> &nD,
const RCP<const Set> &domain)
InvertComplexVisitor v(gY, nD, sym, domain);
return v.apply(*fX);

RCP<const Set> solve_trig(const RCP<const Basic> &f,
const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Set> &domain)
// TODO : first simplify f using `fu`.
auto exp_f = rewrite_as_exp(f);
RCP<const Basic> num, den;
as_numer_denom(exp_f, outArg(num), outArg(den));

auto xD = dummy("x");
map_basic_basic d;
auto temp = exp(mul(I, sym));
d[temp] = xD;
num = expand(num), den = expand(den);
num = num->subs(d);
den = den->subs(d);

if (has_symbol(*num, *sym) or has_symbol(*den, *sym)) {
return conditionset(sym, logical_and({Eq(f, zero)}));

auto soln = set_complement(solve(num, xD), solve(den, xD));
if (eq(*soln, *emptyset()))
return emptyset();
else if (is_a<FiniteSet>(*soln)) {
set_set res;
auto nD
= dummy("n"); // use the same dummy for finding every solution set.
auto n = symbol(
"n"); // replaces the above dummy in final set of solutions.
map_basic_basic d;
d[nD] = n;
for (const auto &elem :
down_cast<const FiniteSet &>(*soln).get_container()) {
invertComplex(exp(mul(I, sym)), finiteset({elem}), sym, nD));
auto ans = set_union(res)->subs(d);
if (not is_a_Set(*ans))
throw SymEngineException("Expected an object of type Set");
return set_intersection({rcp_static_cast<const Set>(ans), domain});
return conditionset(sym, logical_and({Eq(f, zero), domain->contains(sym)}));

RCP<const Set> solve(const RCP<const Basic> &f, const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Set> &domain)
Expand All @@ -316,7 +530,21 @@ RCP<const Set> solve(const RCP<const Basic> &f, const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,

RCP<const Basic> newf = f;
if (is_a_Number(*f)) {
if (eq(*f, *zero)) {
return domain;
} else {
return emptyset();

if (not has_symbol(*f, *sym))
return emptyset();

if (is_a_LinearArgTrigEquation(*f, *sym)) {
return solve_trig(f, sym, domain);

if (is_a<Mul>(*f)) {
auto args = f->get_args();
set_set solns;
Expand All @@ -325,17 +553,8 @@ RCP<const Set> solve(const RCP<const Basic> &f, const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
return SymEngine::set_union(solns);
if (is_a_Number(*newf)) {
if (eq(*newf, *zero)) {
return domain;
} else {
return emptyset();
if (not has_symbol(*newf, *sym))
return emptyset();
// TODO - Trig solver
return solve_rational(newf, sym, domain);

return solve_rational(f, sym, domain);

vec_basic linsolve_helper(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b)
Expand Down
42 changes: 40 additions & 2 deletions symengine/solve.h
Expand Up @@ -17,36 +17,75 @@

namespace SymEngine

* Solves the given equation `f` and returns all possible values of `sym` as a
* Set, given
* they satisfy the `domain` constraint.
RCP<const Set> solve(const RCP<const Basic> &f, const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Solves rational equations.
RCP<const Set> solve_rational(const RCP<const Basic> &f,
const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Solves Trigonometric equations.
RCP<const Set> solve_trig(const RCP<const Basic> &f,
const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Solves Polynomial equations.
// Use this method, If you know for sure that `f` is a Polynomial.
RCP<const Set> solve_poly(const RCP<const Basic> &f,
const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Helper method for solving lower order polynomials using known formulae.
RCP<const Set> solve_poly_heuristics(const vec_basic &coeffs,
const RCP<const Set> &domain
= universalset());

// Helper method for solving linear equations.
RCP<const Set> solve_poly_linear(const vec_basic &coeffs,
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Helper method for solving quadratic equations.
RCP<const Set> solve_poly_quadratic(const vec_basic &coeffs,
const RCP<const Set> &domain
= universalset());

// Helper method for solving cubic equations.
RCP<const Set> solve_poly_cubic(const vec_basic &coeffs,
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Helper method for solving quartic(degree-4) equations.
RCP<const Set> solve_poly_quartic(const vec_basic &coeffs,
const RCP<const Set> &domain
= universalset());

* Helper method to decide if solve_trig can solve a particular equation.
* Checks the argument of Trigonometric part, and returns false if it is
* non-linear;
* true otherwise.
bool is_a_LinearArgTrigEquation(const Basic &b, const Symbol &x);

/* returns Inverse of a complex equation `fX = gY` wrt symbol `sym`.
* It is like a solver developed specifically to solve equations of the
* form `exp(f(x)) = gY`(required for trig solvers).
* For example : invertComplex(exp(x), {1}, x) would give you
* `{2*I*pi*n | n in (-oo, oo)}` aka values of `x` when `exp(x) = 1`.
* Dummy `nD` is used as the symbol for `ImageSet` while returning the solution
* set.
RCP<const Set> invertComplex(const RCP<const Basic> &fX,
const RCP<const Set> &gY,
const RCP<const Symbol> &sym,
const RCP<const Dummy> &nD = dummy("n"),
const RCP<const Set> &domain = universalset());

// Solver for System of Equations
// TODO : solve systems that have infinitely many solutions or no solution.
// Input as an Augmented Matrix. (A|b) to solve `Ax=b`.
Expand All @@ -59,7 +98,6 @@ vec_basic linsolve(const vec_basic &system, const vec_sym &syms);
// first Matrix is for `A` and second one is for `b`.
std::pair<DenseMatrix, DenseMatrix>
linear_eqns_to_matrix(const vec_basic &equations, const vec_sym &syms);

} // namespace SymEngine


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