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Release Notes for 1.7.1

Oscar Benjamin edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

These are the release notes for SymPy 1.7.1. You can also find release notes for previous versions.

SymPy 1.7.1 was released on 12th December 2020.

This version of SymPy has been tested on Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and PyPy. See our Python version support policy for more information on when we plan to drop support for older Python versions.

Install SymPy with

pip install -U sympy

or if you use Anaconda

conda install sympy


There are not many changes in 1.7.1 (see below).

Backwards compatibility breaks and deprecations

There are no known backward compatibility breaks or deprecations in this release.


  • core

    • There was a regression in 1.7 that meant that __slots__ would not work correctly for Basic instances and they would end up having __dict__. This also made it possible to set arbitrary attributes on Basic instances such as symbols which breaks immutability. This was fixed in 1.7.1 to ensure that Basic instances do not have __dict__ and it is not possible to set attributes on them. (#20590 by @oscarbenjamin)
  • series

  • stats

    • Updated documentation for sympy.stats.sample for seed argument. (#20555 by @czgdp1807)

    • sympy.stats.sample now has an optional seed argument. (#20528 by @czgdp1807)

    • Random failures with sympy.stats.sample have now been fixed. (#20527 by @czgdp1807)


The following people contributed at least one patch to this release (names are given in alphabetical order by last name). A total of 3 people contributed to this release. People with a * by their names contributed a patch for the first time for this release; 0 people contributed for the first time for this release.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!

  • Sachin Agarwal
  • Oscar Benjamin
  • Gagandeep Singh