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File metadata and controls

229 lines (156 loc) · 9.19 KB

Basic Elements

In order to create your own Gio globe, let's learn some basic elements first. Below is an image describing the basic concepts in a globe.

  • Surface

    the whole surface of the globe.

  • Line

    the curve that connects two countries which related by some data.

  • Background

    the background which behind the globe.

  • Halo

    the circle of light around the globe.

  • Country

    the area on the surface which represents one specific country.

  • Ocean

    the area on the surface which represents the ocean of the earth.

  • Stats

    the small window that monitors the performance of Three.js.


The surface including Country and Ocean. The default color scheme is 0xffffff. The color scheme can be set through configure() as shown in the example below:

	color: {
        surface: 0xff0000

Or it can be changed dynamically using setSurfaceColor().


Each Country corresponds to a specific code in CountryData. Depending on data availability and user activity, a Country can be in the following states:

  • Selected

    When the user clicks on a Country, it is highlighted and becomes selected. The country is called a selected country.

    The color of Selected country can be set through configure() as follows:

     	color: {
             selected: 0xff0000

    Or it can be changed dynamically with setSelectedColor().

  • Related

    Those countries connected to the selected country through 'in line' or 'out line' are called related countries.

    The brightness of related countries can be set through configure() as follows:

     	brightness: {
             related: 0.8

    Or it can be changed dynamically with adjustRelatedBrightness. Default value: 0.5

  • Mentioned

    All other countries appear in the input dataset but are not 'selected' or 'related' are called 'mentioned'.

    The Color of Mentioned country can be set to be brighter than Unmentioned country with lightenMentioned(true); to disable this feature use lightenMentioned(false).

    The brightness of Mentioned country can be set through configure() as follow:

     	brightness: {
             mentioned: 0.8

    Or it can be modified dynamically with adjustMentionedBrightness when lightenMentioned(true) is called. Default value: 0.5

  • Unmentioned

    Countries in CountryData but not in the input data are called 'Unmentioned'.

  • Unclickable

    When a country is set to unclickable, it will be not highlighted when clicked and it will be cause the globe to rotate. (Normally after a country has been clicked, the globe will turn and let the clicked country facing the user.).

    Unmentioned countries can be set to 'unclickable' through disableUnmentioned(true). To disable this feature call disableUnmentioned(false).


Line is used to visualize the data flow between two countries. For Selected country, the line with data flow into it is called in line and the line with data flow out of it is called out line. The default color of in line is in-line 0x154492 and the default color of out line is out-line 0xdd380c.

The color of lines can be set through configure() as follow:

	color: {
	    in: 0xff0000,
	    out: 0x00ff00

Or it can be modified dynamically with setExportColor and setImportColor.

Can we use different colors for different lines? The answer is yes. This can be done by modifying the json input data as follow:

	"e": "CN",
	"i": "US",
	"v": 100000,
	"inColor": "#0000ff",
	"outColor": "#00ff00"

However this needs to be done before controller.init() is called. See working with data for details.


The background is the area "behind" the earth. The default color of the background is background 0x000000.

Background color can be set through configure() as follow:

	color: {
	    background: 0x0000ff

Or it can be modified dynamically with setBackgroundColor.


Halo is the circle of light around the earth. The default color of halo is halo 0xffffff.

The color can be set through configure() as follow:

	color: {
	    halo: 0xff0000

Or it can be modified dynamically by setHaloColor.


The ocean object is the ocean area on the earth, the ocean is the most dart area on the earth. The default brightness of the ocean is 0.5.

The brightness of the ocean through configure() as follow:

	brightness: {
	    ocean: 0.8

or adjustOceanBrightness API.


The "stats" is a performance monitor for Three.js, if you are interested in it, you can see more information about stats from its github. As our Gio globe is an open source library based on Three.js, so you may be want to add stats to your scene, you can use the enableStats() to add the stats panel in the left-top corner.