t/). Before you get started, **please make sure to review our [rules](https://quiltmc.org/community) and [Code of Conduct](https://quiltmc.org/community/code-of-conduct).** We also recommend taking a look at our [guide for newcomers](https://quiltmc.org/about/newcomer-guide/). We hope you enjoy your time with us! - title: Quilt Development thumbnail: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QuiltMC/art/master/brand/1024png/quilt_toolchain_logo_dark.png description: > If you're interested in seeing how Quilt is developed, or helping us by contributing to Quilt yourself, then please feel free to join [the Toolchain Discord server](https://discord.gg/afZYcQpbwv)! - type: text text: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/863707104903561216/964999315233857557/community-rules.png - type: rules rules: Follow Quilt's Code of Conduct: > Everyone is expected to read and abide by our [Code of Conduct](http://quiltmc.org/community/code-of-conduct) Follow Discord's rules: > As a Discord-based community, we require everyone to follow Discord's [Community Guidelines](https://discord.com/guidelines) and [Terms of Service](https://discord.com/terms)