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Rewrite code for maintainability #15

merged 18 commits into from Jan 7, 2017
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36 changes: 5 additions & 31 deletions
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,10 @@

- `quick-highlight:toggle` toggle highlight for selected or cursor word.
- `quick-highlight:clear` clear all highlight.
- `vim-mode-plus-user:quick-highlight` Operator for [vim-mode-plus](

And following two operator for [vim-mode-plus]( user.
- `vim-mode-plus-user:quick-highlight`: Operator to highlight by text-object or motion.
- `vim-mode-plus-user:quick-highlight-word` Highlight cursor word, similar to `quick-highlight:toggle`, but well fit for vim's block cursor orientation. And `.` repeatable.

# Keymap

Expand All @@ -24,17 +27,10 @@ e.g.
'cmd-k M': 'quick-highlight:clear'

* vim-mode user
'atom-text-editor.vim-mode.normal-mode, atom-text-editor.vim-mode.visual-mode':
'space m': 'quick-highlight:toggle'
'space M': 'quick-highlight:clear'

* vim-mode-plus user
'atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.normal-mode, atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus.visual-mode':
'space m': 'quick-highlight:toggle'
'space m': 'vim-mode-plus-user:quick-highlight-word'
'space M': 'quick-highlight:clear'
'g m': 'vim-mode-plus-user:quick-highlight'
Expand All @@ -54,28 +50,6 @@ atom-text-editor .region {
background-color: transparent;
border-color: @syntax-text-color;

// For manual-highlight(0 to 7) color
// Less mixin to make manual-highlight to underlined style
.quick-highlight-underline(@name) {
.quick-highlight.@{name} .region {
border-width: 0px;
border-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-width: 2px;
border-bottom-style: solid;

atom-text-editor {

## vim-mode-plus operator
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{Emitter} = require 'atom'

module.exports =
class KeywordManager
colorNumbers: ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07']
latestKeyword: null

onDidChangeKeyword: (fn) -> @emitter.on('did-change-keyword', fn)
emitDidChangeKeyword: -> @emitter.emit('did-change-keyword')

onDidClearKeyword: (fn) -> @emitter.on('did-clear-keyword', fn)
emitDidClearKeyword: -> @emitter.emit('did-clear-keyword')

constructor: ->
@emitter = new Emitter

reset: ->
@keywordToColor = Object.create(null)
@colorIndex = -1

toggle: (keyword) ->
if keyword of @keywordToColor
delete @keywordToColor[keyword]
@keywordToColor[keyword] = @getNextColor()
@latestKeyword = keyword

clear: ->

getNextColor: ->
@colorIndex = (@colorIndex + 1) % @colorNumbers.length

destroy: ->
194 changes: 23 additions & 171 deletions lib/
@@ -1,201 +1,47 @@
{CompositeDisposable, Disposable, Emitter, Range} = require 'atom'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
StatusBarManager = require './status-bar-manager'
settings = require './settings'
QuickHighlightView = require './quick-highlight-view'
KeywordManager = require './keyword-manager'
StatusBarManager = require './status-bar-manager'

} = require './utils'

# Utils
# -------------------------
class KeywordManager
colors: ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07']
index: null
constructor: ->
add: (keyword) ->
@index = (@index + 1) % @colors.length
@kw2color[keyword] = @colors[@index]
delete: (keyword) ->
delete @kw2color[keyword]
has: (keyword) ->
keyword of @kw2color
reset: (keyword) ->
@kw2color = Object.create(null)
@index = -1
each: (fn) ->
fn(keyword, color) for keyword, color of @kw2color

module.exports =
config: settings.config

activate: (state) ->
@subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
@emitter = new Emitter
@decorationsByEditor = new Map
@keywords = new KeywordManager()
@viewByEditor = new Map
@keywordManager = new KeywordManager
@statusBarManager = new StatusBarManager

toggle = @toggle.bind(this)
@subscribe atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor:not([mini])',
@subscriptions.add atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor:not([mini])',
'quick-highlight:toggle': -> toggle(@getModel())
'quick-highlight:clear': => @clear()

debouncedhighlightSelection = null
settings.observe 'highlightSelectionDelay', (delay) =>
debouncedhighlightSelection = _.debounce(@highlightSelection.bind(this), delay)

@subscribe atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) =>
editorSubs = new CompositeDisposable
editorSubs.add editor.onDidStopChanging =>
return unless atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor() is editor
URI = editor.getURI()
for e in getVisibleEditors() when (e.getURI() is URI)

editorElement = editor.element
editorSubs.add(editor.element.onDidChangeScrollTop => @refreshEditor(editor))

# @refreshEditor depends on editorElement.getVisibleRowRange() but it return
# [undefined, undefined] when it called on editorElement which is not attached yet.
# So we separately need to cover this case from Atom v1.1.0
editorSubs.add(editorElement.onDidAttach => @refreshEditor(editor))

editorSubs.add editor.onDidChangeSelectionRange ({selection}) =>
if selection.isLastSelection() and not @isLocked()
editorSubs.add(editorElement.onDidChangeScrollTop => @highlightSelection(editor))

editorSubs.add editor.onDidDestroy =>


@subscribe atom.workspace.onDidChangeActivePaneItem (item) =>
if item?.getText? # Check if instance of TextEditor

subscribe: (args...) ->
@subscriptions.add args...

unsubscribe: (arg) ->
'quick-highlight:clear': => @keywordManager.clear()

clearSelectionDecoration: ->
d.getMarker().destroy() for d in @selectionDecorations ? []
@selectionDecorations = null

shouldExcludeEditor: (editor) ->
scopes = settings.get('highlightSelectionExcludeScopes')
scopes.some (scope) ->
matchScope(editor.element, scope)

highlightSelection: (editor) ->
return if @shouldExcludeEditor(editor)
selection = editor.getLastSelection()
return unless @needToHighlightSelection(selection)
keyword = selection.getText()
return unless scanRange = getVisibleBufferRange(editor)
@selectionDecorations = @highlightKeyword(editor, scanRange, keyword, 'box-selection')

needToHighlightSelection: (selection) ->
when (not settings.get('highlightSelection'))
, selection.isEmpty()
, not selection.getBufferRange().isSingleLine()
, selection.getText().length < settings.get('highlightSelectionMinimumLength')
, /[^\S]/.test(selection.getText())
@subscriptions.add atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) =>
view = new QuickHighlightView(editor, {@keywordManager, @statusBarManager})
@viewByEditor.set(editor, view)

deactivate: ->
@viewByEditor.forEach (view) -> view.destroy()
{@decorationsByEditor, @subscriptions, @keywords} = {}

locked: false
isLocked: ->

withLock: (fn) ->
@locked = true
value = fn()
@locked = false
@subscriptions = null

toggle: (editor, keyword) ->
keyword ?= editor.getSelectedText() or @withLock(-> getCursorWord(editor))
if @keywords.has(keyword)
if settings.get('displayCountOnStatusBar')
@statusBarManager.update(@getCountForKeyword(editor, keyword))
@refreshEditor(editor) for editor in getVisibleEditors()

refreshEditor: (editor) ->

renderEditor: (editor) ->
return unless scanRange = getVisibleBufferRange(editor)
decorations = []
decorationStyle = settings.get('decorate')
@keywords.each (keyword, color) =>
color = "#{decorationStyle}-#{color}"
decorations = decorations.concat(@highlightKeyword(editor, scanRange, keyword, color))
@decorationsByEditor.set(editor, decorations)

highlightKeyword: (editor, scanRange, keyword, color) ->
return [] unless editor.isAlive()
classNames = "quick-highlight #{color}"
pattern = ///#{_.escapeRegExp(keyword)}///g
decorations = []
editor.scanInBufferRange pattern, scanRange, ({range}) =>
decorations.push(@decorateRange(editor, range, {classNames}))

clearEditor: (editor) ->
if @decorationsByEditor.has(editor)
d.getMarker().destroy() for d in @decorationsByEditor.get(editor)

clear: ->
@decorationsByEditor.forEach (decorations, editor) =>

decorateRange: (editor, range, {classNames}) ->
marker = editor.markBufferRange(range, invalidate: 'inside')
editor.decorateMarker(marker, {type: 'highlight', class: classNames})

getCountForKeyword: (editor, keyword) ->
getCountForKeyword(editor, keyword)
keyword ?= editor.getSelectedText() or getCursorWord(editor)

consumeStatusBar: (statusBar) ->
@subscriptions.add new Disposable =>
@statusBarManager = null
@subscriptions.add(new Disposable => @statusBarManager.detach())

consumeVim: ({Base}) ->
toggle = @toggle.bind(this)
Expand All @@ -207,4 +53,10 @@ module.exports =
mutateSelection: (selection) ->
toggle(@editor, selection.getText())

class QuickHighlightWord extends QuickHighlight
target: "InnerWord"
