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dvklopfenstein committed Jan 10, 2018
1 parent 0e0d393 commit 14bab78
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Showing 7 changed files with 379 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .pylintrc
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ confidence=
# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W"

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions goatools/anno/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# GPAD Extension field
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions goatools/anno/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"""Annotation Extension for relational expressions.

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
__author__ = "DV Klopfenstein"

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class AnnotationExtension(object):
"""Annotation Extension for relational expressions."""

def __init__(self, relation, entity):
# Relationship between GO term and the entity
self.relation = relation
# An identifier for a database object or ontology term
self.entity = entity

def __str__(self):
return "{R}({E})".format(R=self.relation, E=self.entity)

# Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions goatools/anno/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"""Annotation Extension for relational expressions.
Correlated function associations between genes and GOs containing contextual information.
With contextual information identify gene products that perform a role:
- only under certain conditions
- in the presence of specific factors
Gene products can have different roles:
- in different cells
- in different tissues

import collections as cx

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
__author__ = "DV Klopfenstein"

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class AnnotationExtensions(object):
"""A collection of annotation extensions for one gene product."""

def __init__(self, extensions):
self.exts = extensions

def __str__(self):
hdr = "Ext({N}:{L})".format(
L=",".join(["{}".format(len(ext_lst)) for ext_lst in self.exts]))
txt = [hdr]
for ext_lst in self.exts:
exts_str = ", ".join(str(e) for e in ext_lst)
return " ".join(txt)

def get_relations_cnt(self):
"""Get the set of all relations."""
return cx.Counter([e.relation for es in self.exts for e in es])

# Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions goatools/anno/
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
"""Read a Gene Product Association Data (GPAD) and store the data in a Python object.
Annotations available from the Gene Ontology Consortium:
GPAD format:

import sys
import re
import collections as cx
from goatools.base import nopen
from goatools.anno.extensions.extensions import AnnotationExtensions
from goatools.anno.extensions.extension import AnnotationExtension

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
__author__ = "DV Klopfenstein"

class GpadReader(object):
"""Read a Gene Product Association Data (GPAD) and store the data in a Python object."""

gpadhdr = [ # Col Req? Cardinality Example
# --- -------- -------------- -----------------
'DB', # 0 required 1 UniProtKB
'DB_ID', # 1 required 1 P12345
'Qualifier', # 2 required 1 or greater NOT
'GO_ID', # 3 required 1 GO:0003993
# DB_Ref: set([''DOI:10.1002/sita.200600112', 'GO_REF:0000037', 'Reactome:R-HSA-6814682'])
'DB_Reference', # 4 required 1 or greater set(['PMID:2676709',
'ECO_Evidence_Code', # 5 required 1 ECO:NNNNNNN
'With_From', # 6 optional 0 or greater GO:0000346
'Taxon', # 7 optional 0 or 1 taxon:9606
'Date', # 8 required 1 20090118
# Assigned_By: Ensembl FlyBase GO_Central GOC MGI Reactome UniProt WormBase
'Assigned_By', # 9 required 1 SGD
# Annotations (Optional)
'Extension', # 10 optional 0 or greater
'Properties', # 11 optional 0 or greater

gpad_columns = {"1.1" : gpadhdr} # !gpad-version: 1.1

# Expected numbers of columns for various versions
exp_numcol = 12

# Expected values for a Qualifier
exp_qualifiers = set([
'NOT', 'contributes_to', 'colocalizes_with', 'enables', 'involved_in',

def __init__(self, filename=None, hdr_only=False):
self.filename = filename
# Initialize associations and header information
self.hdr = None
self.associations = self.read_gpad(filename, hdr_only) if filename is not None else []
self.qty = len(self.associations)

def prt_summary_anno2ev(self):
"""Print annotation/evidence code summary."""
ctr = cx.Counter()
for ntgpad in self.associations:
evidence_code = ntgpad.Evidence_Code
if 'NOT' not in ntgpad.Qualifier:
ctr[evidence_code] += 1
elif 'NOT' in ntgpad.Qualifier:
ctr["NOT {EV}".format(EV=ntgpad.Evidence_Code)] += 1
raise Exception("UNEXPECTED INFO")

def _get_ntgpad(self, ntgpadobj, flds):
"""Convert fields from string to preferred format for GPAD ver 2.1 and 2.0."""
is_set = False
qualifiers = self._rd_fld_vals("Qualifier", flds[2], is_set)
assert flds[3][:3] == 'GO:', 'UNRECOGNIZED GO({GO})'.format(GO=flds[3])
db_reference = self._rd_fld_vals("DB_Reference", flds[4], is_set, 1)
assert flds[5][:4] == 'ECO:', 'UNRECOGNIZED ECO({ECO})'.format(ECO=flds[3])
with_from = self._rd_fld_vals("With_From", flds[6], is_set)
taxons = self._get_taxon(flds[7])
assert flds[8].isdigit(), 'UNRECOGNIZED DATE({D})'.format(D=flds[8])
assert flds[9], '"Assigned By" VALUE WAS NOT FOUND'
exten = self._get_extensions(flds[10])
props = self._get_properties(flds[11])
self._chk_qty_eq_1(flds, [0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 9])
# Additional Formatting
# Create list of values
gpadvals = [
flds[0], # 0 DB
flds[1], # 1 DB_ID
qualifiers, # 3 Qualifier
flds[3], # 4 GO_ID
db_reference, # 5 DB_Reference
flds[5], # 6 ECO_Evidence_Code
with_from, # 7 With_From
taxons, # 12 Taxon
flds[8], # 13 Date
flds[9], # 14 Assigned_By
exten, # 12 Extension
props] # 12 Annotation_Properties
return ntgpadobj._make(gpadvals)

def _rd_fld_vals(name, val, set_list_ft=True, qty_min=0, qty_max=None):
"""Further split a GPAD value within a single field."""
if not val and qty_min == 0:
return [] if set_list_ft else set()
vals = val.split('|') # Use a pipe to separate entries
num_vals = len(vals)
assert num_vals >= qty_min, \
"FLD({F}): MIN QUANTITY({Q}) WASN'T MET: {V}".format(
F=name, Q=qty_min, V=vals)
if qty_max is not None:
assert num_vals <= qty_max, \
"FLD({F}): MAX QUANTITY({Q}) EXCEEDED: {V}".format(
F=name, Q=qty_max, V=vals)
return vals if set_list_ft else set(vals)

def _get_taxon(taxon):
"""Return Interacting taxon ID | optional | 0 or 1 | gaf column 13."""
if not taxon:
return None
assert taxon[:6] == 'taxon:', 'UNRECOGNIZED Taxon({Taxon})'.format(Taxon=taxon)
taxid = taxon[6:]
assert taxid.isdigit(), "UNEXPECTED TAXON({T})".format(T=taxid)
return int(taxid)

def _get_properties(self, fldstr):
"""Return optional Annotation Properties (0 or greater)."""
prop2val = {}
props = self._rd_fld_vals("Properties", fldstr, False) # Get set
go_evidence = None
for prop in props:
# There can be more properties than 'go_evidence',
# but currently we see only 'go_evidence'.
# Upon encountering updates, evaluate and update code to support ...
if prop[:12] == 'go_evidence=':
assert go_evidence is None, "MORE THAN ONE EVIDENCE CODE FOUND"
go_evidence = prop[12:]
assert False, "UNPROGRAMMED PROPERTY({P})".format(P=prop)
assert go_evidence is not None, "go_evidence == None"
prop2val['go_evidence'] = go_evidence
return prop2val

def _get_extensions(self, extline):
"""Return zero or greater Annotation Extensions, given a line of text."""
# Extension examples:
# has_direct_input(UniProtKB:P37840),occurs_in(GO:0005576)
# part_of(UBERON:0006618),part_of(UBERON:0002302)
# occurs_in(CL:0000988)|occurs_in(CL:0001021)
if not extline:
return None
exts = []
for ext_lst in extline.split('|'):
grp = []
for ext in ext_lst.split(','):
idx = ext.find('(')
if idx != -1 and ext[-1] == ')':
grp.append(AnnotationExtension(ext[:idx], ext[idx+1:-1]))
# Ignore improperly formatted Extensions
sys.stdout.write('{F}: BAD Extension({E})\n'.format(F=self.filename, E=ext))
return AnnotationExtensions(exts)

def read_gpad(self, fin_gpad, hdr_only=False):
"""Read GPAD file. HTTP address okay. GZIPPED/BZIPPED file okay."""
ga_lst = []
ver = None
ntgpadobj = None
hdrobj = GpadHdr()
ifstrm = nopen(fin_gpad)
for line in ifstrm:
# Read header
if ntgpadobj is None:
if line[0] == '!':
if ver is None and line[1:13] == 'gpa-version:':
ver = line[13:].strip()
self.hdr = hdrobj.get_hdr()
if hdr_only:
return ga_lst
ntgpadobj = cx.namedtuple("ntgpadobj", " ".join(self.gpad_columns[ver]))
# Read data
if ntgpadobj is not None:
flds = self._split_line(line)
ntgpad = self._get_ntgpad(ntgpadobj, flds)
# GPAD file has been read
readmsg = " READ {N:7,} associations: {FIN}\n"
sys.stdout.write(readmsg.format(N=len(ga_lst), FIN=fin_gpad))
return ga_lst

def _split_line(self, line):
"""Split line into field values."""
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
flds = re.split('\t', line)
assert len(flds) == self.exp_numcol, "EXPECTED({E}) COLUMNS, ACTUAL({A}): {L}".format(
E=self.exp_numcol, A=len(flds), L=line)
return flds

def _chk_qualifier(self, qualifiers):
"""Check that qualifiers are expected values."""
for qual in qualifiers:
assert qual in self.exp_qualifiers, "UNEXPECTED QUALIFIER({Q})".format(Q=qual)

def _chk_qty_eq_1(flds, col_lst):
"""Check that these fields have only one value: required 1."""
for col in col_lst:
assert flds[col], "UNEXPECTED REQUIRED VALUE({V}) AT INDEX({R})".format(
V=flds[col], R=col)

def get_relation_cnt(self):
"""Return a Counter containing all relations contained in the Annotation Extensions."""
ctr = cx.Counter()
for ntgpad in self.associations:
if ntgpad.Extension is not None:
ctr += ntgpad.Extension.get_relations_cnt()
return ctr

class GpadHdr(object):
"""Used to build a GPAD header."""

cmpline = re.compile(r'^!(\w[\w\s-]+:.*)$')

def __init__(self):
self.gpadhdr = []

def get_hdr(self):
"""Return GPAD header data as a string paragragh."""
return "\n".join(self.gpadhdr)

def chkaddhdr(self, line):
"""If this line contains desired header info, save it."""
mtch =
if mtch:

# Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@,
packages=[name, name + ".test_data", name + ".anno"],
packages=[name, name + ".test_data", name + ".anno", name + ".anno.extensions"],
package_data={"goatools.test_data.nbt_3102": ["*.*"]},
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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Test reading GPAD files from Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) resource"""

__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."
__author__ = "DV Klopfenstein"

import os
import sys
import collections as cx
from goatools.anno.dnld_ebi_goa import DnldGoa
from goatools.anno.gpad_reader import GpadReader

def test_gpad_read(run_desc="mouse", prt=sys.stdout):
"""Test reading GPAD files from GOA source"""
objdnld = DnldGoa()
species2gpad = _dnld_gpad(objdnld, run_desc)
# Count Annotation Extension Relations across all species
relations = cx.Counter()
pat = "{N:8,} of {M:8,} {P:5.2f}% associations have Annotation Extensions in {ORG}\n"
for org, gpad_file in sorted(species2gpad.items()):
orgstr = "{ORG} {GPAD}".format(ORG=org, GPAD=os.path.basename(gpad_file))
objgpad = GpadReader(gpad_file)
for ntgpad in objgpad.associations:
# Assertions are present in the GPAD reader class
if ntgpad.Extension:
relations += ntgpad.Extension.get_relations_cnt()
num_ext = len([nt for nt in objgpad.associations if nt.Extension is not None])
# The Extensions field is new in GPAD
prt.write(pat.format(N=num_ext, M=objgpad.qty, P=100.*num_ext/objgpad.qty, ORG=org))
for rel, cnt in objgpad.get_relation_cnt().most_common():
prt.write(" {C:6,} {R}\n".format(C=cnt, R=rel))

prt.write("\n{N} Annotation Extensions Relations found among all species:\n".format(
for rel, cnt in relations.most_common():
prt.write("{C:10,} {R}\n".format(C=cnt, R=rel))

def _dnld_gpad(objdnld, run_desc):
"""Return list of downloaded files."""
species2gpad = {}
species_cur = set(s for s in objdnld.species)
# Run one species
if run_desc in species_cur:
species_cur = set([run_desc])
# Uniprot is large, so skip it unless specifically asked to include it
elif run_desc != "inc_uniprot":
# Download GPAD files for species
for species in species_cur:
species2gpad[species] = objdnld.dnld_goa(species, 'gpa', None)
return species2gpad

if __name__ == '__main__':
RUN_DESC = "not_uniprot" if len(sys.argv) == 1 else "inc_uniprot"

# Copyright (C) 2016-2018, DV Klopfenstein, H Tang. All rights reserved."

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