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Implement a bunch of theming code
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Work in progress.  User-facing changes in this commit are minimal.

Apologies for the huge commit; other minor misc fixes are included here,
but I've done a poor job of separating them out.  Theming code touches
many, many parts of the program, so I'm fixing and cleaning-up quite a
bit of code while implementing true theming support.

The default theme file is also a WIP, obviously; values in this version
exist only for testing purposes.
  • Loading branch information
tannerhelland committed Jan 20, 2016
1 parent c56ec81 commit 6a93fe4
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Showing 36 changed files with 765 additions and 356 deletions.
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions App/PhotoDemon/Themes/Default.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<pdDataType>Visual theme</pdDataType>

<!-- This is the default "light theme" file for PhotoDemon 6.8. -->

<!-- The Definitions section describes any custom, reusable color values you wish to create. -->


<!-- The Colors section contains a hard-coded list of colors used by PD. -->
<!-- Colors can be hex RGB values, or named colors that correspond to entries in the Definitions section. -->

<!-- Default colors are not object-specific. They are used as fallback values if an object lacks a given color name. -->

<!-- All colors past this point are organized by object name. Missing values will be taken from the Default section. -->

<!-- PD's "Button Strip" control -->



4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Classes/pdPixelIterator.cls
Expand Up @@ -508,9 +508,9 @@ End Function
'Given source RGB values, return a corresponding luminance value (high-quality calculation)
Private Function GetLuminanceFromRGB(ByVal srcR As Long, ByVal srcG As Long, ByVal srcB As Long) As Long
If m_LuminanceMode = PDLM_VALUE Then
GetLuminanceFromRGB = Color_Functions.getLuminance(srcR, srcG, srcB)
GetLuminanceFromRGB = Colors.getLuminance(srcR, srcG, srcB)
GetLuminanceFromRGB = Color_Functions.getHQLuminance(srcR, srcG, srcB)
GetLuminanceFromRGB = Colors.getHQLuminance(srcR, srcG, srcB)
End If
End Function

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Classes/pdPreferences.cls
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Public Function getUpdatePath() As String
End Function

'Initialize key program directories
Public Sub initializePaths()
Public Sub InitializePaths()

Dim cFile As pdFSO
Set cFile = New pdFSO
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188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions Classes/pdThemeColors.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "pdThemeColors"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'Visual Theme Color List class
'Copyright 2016-2016 by Tanner Helland
'Created: 15/January/16
'Last updated: 15/January/16
'Last update: initial build
'Each individual PD control uses a unique list of colors. Some of these colors may be modified by different settings
' or actions (e.g. enabled vs disabled, hovered vs active).
'This class exists to simplify the color retrieval process. Each control maintains a list of needed colors as some
' kind of enum (meaning each color is assigned numerically). During the initialization step, this class retrieves
' the string values matching those Enums from the master theme file, plugs in any missing values (e.g. not every
' color requires specialized "hovered" or "disabled" values), and fills a matching array with the complete list of
' required colors.
'This way, the rendering function inside each UC can access colors very quickly, regardless of changes to control state.
'All source code in this file is licensed under a modified BSD license. This means you may use the code in your own
' projects IF you provide attribution. For more information, please visit

Option Explicit

'Number of colors stored by this list. This must be specified by the caller during the initialization step.
Private m_NumOfColors As Long

'Color definition. If a variation is missing, it will be replaced by the BaseColor value. (As such, the BaseColor
' value must always be present in a color definition.)
Private Type pdThemeColor
BaseColor As Long
DisabledColor As Long
ActiveColor As Long
HoverColor As Long
ActiveHoverColor As Long
End Type

'Actual color list. This list is only modified during the initialization stage of the class, but it can be
' refreshed against a new theme if necessary.
Private m_ColorList() As pdThemeColor

'Name of the current object. Because many controls share the same color names (e.g. "background", "text", etc),
' we differentiate between them by object name (e.g. "button-strip").
Private m_ObjectName As String

'Initialize a color list for a given object. This preps a number of structures, but DOESN'T ACTUALLY RETRIEVE COLORS.
' (Colors must be retrieved individually.)
Public Function InitializeColorList(ByRef srcObjectName As String, ByVal numOfRequiredColors As Long) As Boolean

'First, make sure the target object exists in the theme file. If it doesn't, there's not much we can do.
' (Note that this step will fail inside the IDE; we have workarounds for this.)
m_ObjectName = srcObjectName
If g_IsProgramRunning Then
InitializeColorList = g_Themer.VerifyThemeObject(srcObjectName)
InitializeColorList = True
End If

'Prep the internal color list
If numOfRequiredColors > 0 Then
m_NumOfColors = numOfRequiredColors
ReDim m_ColorList(0 To m_NumOfColors - 1) As pdThemeColor
Debug.Print "WARNING! You can't request zero colors from pdThemeColors.InitializeColorList()!"
End If

End Function

'Load a given color from the active theme file. Here's how this step works:
' - While inside the IDE:
' - All values are ignored except the "IDE_FailsafeColor" value.
' - While running:
' - We first look up the supplied color name inside the active theme file, using the current object's name as
' the color namespace.
' - If the color is found, we store it as the BaseColor value.
' - If the color cannot be found, we fallback to the "Default" namespace and try again.
' - Next, we search for the Disabled, Active, and Hover variants of the color.
' - If a variant exists, it is stored in its respective position.
' - If a variant does not exist, the BaseColor value is plugged in instead.
Public Function LoadThemeColor(ByVal colorIndex As Long, ByVal colorName As String, ByVal IDE_FailsafeColor As String) As Boolean

LoadThemeColor = False

'Before doing anything else, validate the color index
If (colorIndex >= 0) And (colorIndex < m_NumOfColors) Then

Dim colorLookupSuccessful As Boolean
colorLookupSuccessful = False

Dim baseColorValue As Long

'If the program is running, try to retrieve a matching color from PD's central theme manager.
If g_IsProgramRunning Then

'Ask the central themer to look up this color. It handles most the cumbersome work, like mapping color
' definition trees back to their source.
Dim colorString As String
colorString = g_Themer.LookUpColor(m_ObjectName, colorName)

'If the color lookup was successful, colorString will be non-null.
If Len(colorString) <> 0 Then

'Attempt to convert the string into an RGB long
colorLookupSuccessful = Colors.GetColorFromString(colorString, baseColorValue)
If colorLookupSuccessful Then

'Store the base color value. We'll use this as the basis for all subsequent color calculations.
m_ColorList(colorIndex).BaseColor = baseColorValue

'Because this color successfully exists, we are now going to check for disabled, active, hovered,
' and active+hovered variants. Each must be handled individually, and all are optional. (If an
' optional variant is missing, we'll just plug in the base color value, with the exception of
' active+hovered which gets the active color by default.)
FillInColorVariant m_ObjectName, colorName, "disabled", m_ColorList(colorIndex).DisabledColor, baseColorValue
FillInColorVariant m_ObjectName, colorName, "active", m_ColorList(colorIndex).ActiveColor, baseColorValue
FillInColorVariant m_ObjectName, colorName, "hover", m_ColorList(colorIndex).HoverColor, baseColorValue
FillInColorVariant m_ObjectName, colorName, "activehover", m_ColorList(colorIndex).ActiveHoverColor, m_ColorList(colorIndex).ActiveColor

pdDebug.LogAction "WARNING! The themed color for " & m_ObjectName & ":" & colorName & " couldn't be converted into a valid RGB value."
End If

pdDebug.LogAction "WARNING! The themed color lookup for " & m_ObjectName & ":" & colorName & " failed."
End If

End If

'If the program is not running, or if color lookup failed, fall back to the "IDE default" value
If Not colorLookupSuccessful Then

colorLookupSuccessful = Colors.GetColorFromString(IDE_FailsafeColor, baseColorValue)
If colorLookupSuccessful Then
With m_ColorList(colorIndex)
.BaseColor = baseColorValue
.DisabledColor = baseColorValue
.ActiveColor = baseColorValue
.HoverColor = baseColorValue
End With
Debug.Print "WARNING! Your IDE failsafe color (" & IDE_FailsafeColor & ") is invalid. Fix it!"
End If

End If

'Return the success/fail value of the base color (since color variants are optional)
LoadThemeColor = colorLookupSuccessful

Debug.Print "WARNING! You've requested an invalid color index from pdThemeColors.LoadThemeColor()!"
End If

End Function

'Once a base color has been successfully retrieved, you can use this function to plug in any/all variant values
Private Sub FillInColorVariant(ByRef objectName As String, ByRef colorName As String, ByVal variantStringTag As String, ByRef dstColor As Long, ByVal failsafeColor As Long)

'By default, assign the fallback color value. If the rest of this function is successful, it will overwrite this
' value with a new, custom value.
dstColor = failsafeColor

Dim colorVariantName As String
colorVariantName = colorName & "-" & variantStringTag

Dim colorString As String
colorString = g_Themer.LookUpColor(objectName, colorVariantName)

If Len(colorString) <> 0 Then
If Not Colors.GetColorFromString(colorString, dstColor) Then
dstColor = failsafeColor
End If
End If

End Sub
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Classes/pdUCSupport.cls
Expand Up @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ Private Function ResetBackBuffer(Optional ByVal newBackColor As Long = -1&, Opti
'If the caller specifies a background color, we want to use it. If they don't, grab the default window background from
' PD's central themer.
If newBackColor = -1 Then
If g_Themer Is Nothing Then
If (g_Themer Is Nothing) Then
newBackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
If m_BackColor = -1 Then
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