Little demo application showcasing the integration of
AWS amplify (for Cognito/user-pools)
graphQL with Apollo
and of course Neo4j
See the blog post for details
The project was created via GRANDstack which substitution of the React part with Vuejs.
The vue application sources amplify configuration from a file web-vue/src/aws-exports.js
which was created during amplify add auth
Could not find much information on that file, but it contains the following entries (values omitted):
const awsmobile = {
"aws_project_region": "eu-central-1",
"aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "eu-central-1:..snip..",
"aws_cognito_region": "eu-central-1",
"aws_user_pools_id": "eu-central-1_..snip..",
"aws_user_pools_web_client_id": "6..snip..",
"oauth": {}
export default awsmobile;
Functionality is limetted, it allows search Twitter users via their descriptions and and display the last tweets from the database. Also some world-cloud with the HashTags of that user.