diff --git a/docs/sudo-x.html b/docs/sudo-x.html deleted file mode 100644 index a4d82dc..0000000 --- a/docs/sudo-x.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1452 +0,0 @@ - sudo-x.js


(function(window) {

Sudo Namespace

var sudo = {

Namespace for Delegate Class Objects used to delegate functionality -from a delegator

- -


  delegates: {},

The sudo.extensions namespace holds the objects that are stand alone modules which -can be implemented (mixed-in) in sudo Class Objects

- -


  extensions: {},


- -

Extract a value located at path relative to the passed in object

- -

param {String} path. The key in the form of a dot-delimited path. -param {object} obj. An object literal to operate on.

- -

returns {*|undefined}. The value at keypath or undefined if not found.

  getPath: function getPath(path, obj) {
-    var key, p;
-    p = path.split('.');
-    for (key; p.length && (key = p.shift());) {
-      if(!p.length) {
-        return obj[key];
-      } else {
-        obj = obj[key] || {};
-      }
-    }
-    return obj;
-  },


- -

Inherit the prototype from a parent to a child. -Set the childs constructor for subclasses of child. -Subclasses of the library base classes will not -want to use this function in most use-cases. Why? User Sudo Class Objects -possess their own constructors and any call back to a superclass constructor -will generally be looking for the library Object's constructor.

- -

param {function} parent -param {function} child

  inherit: function inherit(parent, child) {
-    child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
-    child.prototype.constructor = child;
-  },


- -

Notice there is no need to extrinsically instruct how to -make the sandwich, just the elegant single command.

- -

returns {string}

  makeMeASandwich: function makeMeASandwich() {return 'Okay.';},


- -

Method for assuring a Namespace is defined.

- -

param {string} path. The path that leads to a blank Object.

  namespace: function namespace(path) {
-    if (!this.getPath(path, window)) {
-      this.setPath(path, {}, window);
-    }
-  },


- -

The premier object takes precedence over all others so define it at the topmost level.

- -

type {Object}

  premier: null,


- -

Traverse the keypath and get each object -(or make blank ones) eventually setting the value -at the end of the path

- -

param {string} path. The path to traverse when setting a value. -param {*} value. What to set. -param {Object} obj. The object literal to operate on.

  setPath: function setPath(path, value, obj) {
-    var p = path.split('.'), key;
-    for (key; p.length && (key = p.shift());) {
-      if(!p.length) {
-        obj[key] = value;
-      } else if (obj[key]) {
-        obj = obj[key];
-      } else {
-        obj = obj[key] = {};
-      }
-    }
-  },


- -

Some sudo Objects use a unique integer as a tag for identification. -(Views for example). This ensures they are indeed unique.

  uid: 0,


- -

An integer used as 'tags' by some sudo Objects as well -as a unique string for views when needed

- -

param {string} prefix. Optional string identifier

  unique: function unique(prefix) {
-    return prefix ? prefix + this.uid++ : this.uid++;
-  },


- -

Remove a key:value pair from this object's data store -located at

- -

param {String} path -param {Object} obj The object to operate on.

  unsetPath: function unsetPath(path, obj) {
-    var p = path.split('.'), key;
-    for (key; p.length && (key = p.shift());) {
-      if(!p.length) {
-        delete obj[key];
-      } else {

this can fail if a faulty path is passed. -using getPath beforehand can prevent that

        obj = obj[key];
-      }
-    }
-  }

Base Class Object

- -

All sudo.js objects inherit base, giving the ability -to utilize delegation, the base function and the -construct convenience method.

- -


sudo.Base = function() {

can delegate

  this.delegates = [];

a beautiful and unique snowflake

  this.uid = sudo.unique();


- -

Push an instance of a Class Object into this object's _delegates_ list.

- -

param {Object} an instance of a sudo.delegates Class Object -returns {Object} this

sudo.Base.prototype.addDelegate = function addDelegate(del) {
-  del.delegator = this;
-  this.delegates.push(del);
-  if('addedAsDelegate' in del) del.addedAsDelegate(this);
-  return this;


- -

Lookup the function matching the name passed in and call it with -any passed in argumets scoped to the calling object. -This method will avoid the recursive-loop problem by making sure -that the first match is not the function that called base.

- -

params {*} any other number of arguments to be passed to the looked up method -along with the initial method name

sudo.Base.prototype.base = function base() {
-  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
-    name = args.shift(), 
-    found = false,
-    obj = this,
-    curr;

find method on the prototype, excluding the caller

  while(!found) {
-    curr = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
-    if(curr[name] && curr[name] !== this[name]) found = true;

keep digging

    else obj = curr;
-  }
-  return curr[name].apply(this, args);


- -

A convenience method that alleviates the need to place: -Object.getPrototypeOf(this).consturctor.apply(this, arguments) -in every constructor

sudo.Base.prototype.construct = function construct() {
-  Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.apply(this, arguments || []);


- -

From this object's list of delegates find the object whose _role_ matches -the passed name and: -1. if meth is falsy return the delegate. -2 if meth is truthy bind its method (to the delegate) and return the method

- -

param {String} role The role property to match in this object's delegates list -param {String} meth Optional method to bind to the action this delegate is being used for -returns

sudo.Base.prototype.delegate = function delegate(role, meth) {
-  var del = this.delegates, i;
-  for(i = 0; i < del.length; i++) {
-    if(del[i].role === role) {
-      if(!meth) return del[i];
-      return del[i][meth].bind(del[i]);
-    }
-  }


- -

Fetch a delegate whose role property matches the passed in argument. -Uses the delegate method in its 'single argument' form, included for -API consistency

- -

param {String} role -'returns' {Object|undefined}

sudo.Base.prototype.getDelegate = function getDelegate(role) {
-  return this.delegate(role);


- -

From this objects delegates list remove the object (there should only ever be 1) -whose role matches the passed in argument

- -

param {String} role -returns {Object} this

sudo.Base.prototype.removeDelegate = function removeDelegate(role) {
-  var del = this.delegates, i;
-  for(i = 0; i < del.length; i++) {
-    if(del[i].role === role) {

no delegator for you

      del[i].delegator = void 0;
-      del.splice(i, 1);
-      return this;
-    }
-  }
-  return this;


sudo.Base.prototype.role = 'base';

Model Class Object

- -

Model Objects expose methods for setting and getting data, and -can be observed if implementing the Observable Extension

- -

param {object} data. An initial state for this model.

- -


sudo.Model = function(data) {
-  sudo.Base.call(this);
-  this.data = data || {};

only models are observable

  this.callbacks = [];
-  this.changeRecords = [];

Model inherits from sudo.Base -private

sudo.inherit(sudo.Base, sudo.Model);


- -

Returns the value associated with a key.

- -

param {String} key. The name of the key -returns {*}. The value associated with the key or false if not found.

sudo.Model.prototype.get = function get(key) {
-  return this.data[key];


- -

Uses the sudo namespace's getpath function operating on the model's -data hash.

- -

returns {*|undefined}. The value at keypath or undefined if not found.

sudo.Model.prototype.getPath = function getPath(path) {
-  return sudo.getPath(path, this.data);


- -

Assembles and returns an object of key:value pairs for each key -contained in the passed in Array.

- -

param {array} ary. An array of keys. -returns {object}

sudo.Model.prototype.gets = function gets(ary) {
-  var i, obj = {};
-  for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
-    obj[ary[i]] = ary[i].indexOf('.') === -1 ? this.data[ary[i]] :
-      this.getPath(ary[i]);
-  }
-  return obj;


sudo.Model.prototype.role = 'model';


- -

Set a key:value pair.

- -

param {String} key. The name of the key. -param {*} value. The value associated with the key. -returns {Object} this

sudo.Model.prototype.set = function set(key, value) {

NOTE: intentional possibilty of setting a falsy value

  this.data[key] = value;
-  return this;


- -

Uses the sudo namespace's setpath function operating on the model's -data hash.

- -

param {String} path -param {*} value -returns {Object} this.

sudo.Model.prototype.setPath = function setPath(path, value) {
-  sudo.setPath(path, value, this.data);
-  return this;


- -

Invokes set() or setPath() for each key value pair in obj. -Any listeners for those keys or paths will be called.

- -

param {Object} obj. The keys and values to set. -returns {Object} this

sudo.Model.prototype.sets = function sets(obj) {
-  var i, k = Object.keys(obj);
-  for(i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
-    k[i].indexOf('.') === -1 ? this.set(k[i], obj[k[i]]) :
-      this.setPath(k[i], obj[k[i]]);
-  }
-  return this;


- -

Remove a key:value pair from this object's data store

- -

param {String} key -returns {Object} this

sudo.Model.prototype.unset = function unset(key) {
-  delete this.data[key];
-  return this;


- -

Uses sudo.unsetPath operating on this models data hash

- -

param {String} path -returns {Object} this

sudo.Model.prototype.unsetPath = function unsetPath(path) {
-  sudo.unsetPath(path, this.data);
-  return this;


- -

Deletes a number of keys or paths from this object's data store

- -

param {array} ary. An array of keys or paths. -returns {Objaect} this

sudo.Model.prototype.unsets = function unsets(ary) {
-  var i;
-  for(i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
-    ary[i].indexOf('.') === -1 ? this.unset(ary[i]) :
-      this.unsetPath(ary[i]);
-  }
-  return this;

Container Class Object

- -

A container is any object that can both contain other objects and -itself be contained

- -


sudo.Container = function() {
-  sudo.Base.call(this);
-  this.children = [];
-  this.childNames = {};

Container is a subclass of sudo.Base

sudo.inherit(sudo.Base, sudo.Container);


- -

Adds a View to this container's list of children. -Also adds an 'index' property and an entry in the childNames hash. -If addedToParent if found on the child, call it, sending this as an argument.

- -

param {Object} child. View (or View subclass) instance. -param {String} name. An optional name for the child that will go in the childNames hash. -returns {Object} this

sudo.Container.prototype.addChild = function addChild(child, name) {
-  var c = this.children;
-  child.parent = this;
-  child.index = c.length;
-  if(name) {
-    child.name = name;
-    this.childNames[name] = child.index;
-  }
-  c.push(child);
-  if('addedToParent' in child) child.addedToParent(this);
-  return this;


- -

By default, bubble returns the current view's parent (if it has one)

- -

returns {Object|undefined}

sudo.Container.prototype.bubble = function bubble() {return this.parent;};


- -

If a child was added with a name, via addChild, -that object can be fetched by name. This prevents us from having to reference a -containers children by index. That is possible however, though not preferred.

- -

param {String|Number} id. The string name or numeric index of the child to fetch. -returns {Object|undefined} The found child

sudo.Container.prototype.getChild = function getChild(id) {
-  return typeof id === 'string' ? this.children[this.childNames[id]] :
-    this.children[id];


- -

Method is called with the index property of a subview that is being removed. -Beginning at decrement subview indices. -param {Number} i -private

sudo.Container.prototype._indexChildren_ = function _indexChildren_(i) {
-  var c = this.children, obj = this.childNames, len;
-  for (len = c.length; i < len; i++) {
-    c[i].index--;

adjust any entries in childNames

    if(c[i].name in obj) obj[c[i].name] = c[i].index; 
-  }


- -

Find the intended child from my list of children and remove it, removing the name reference and re-indexing -remaining children. This method does not remove the child's DOM. -Override this method, doing whatever you want to the child's DOM, then call base('removeChild') to do so.

- -

param {String|Number|Object} arg. Children will always have an index number, and optionally a name. -If passed a string name is assumed, so be sure to pass an actual number if expecting to use index. -An object will be assumed to be an actual sudo Class Object. -returns {Object} this

sudo.Container.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild(arg) {
-  var i, t = typeof arg, c;

normalize the input

  if(t === 'object') c = arg; 
-  else c = t === 'string' ? this.children[this.childNames[arg]] : this.children[arg];
-  i = c.index;

remove from the children Array

  this.children.splice(i, 1);

remove from the named child hash if present

  delete this.childNames[c.name];

child is now an orphan

  delete c.parent;
-  delete c.index;
-  delete c.name;
-  this._indexChildren_(i);
-  return this;


- -

Remove all children, name references and adjust indexes accordingly. -This method calls removeFromParent as each child may have overridden logic there.

- -

returns {object} this

sudo.Container.prototype.removeChildren = function removeChildren() {
-  while(this.children.length) {
-    this.children.shift().removeFromParent();
-  }
-  return this;


- -

Remove this object from its parents list of children. -Does not alter the dom - do that yourself by overriding this method -or chaining method calls

sudo.Container.prototype.removeFromParent = function removeFromParent() {

will error without a parent, but that would be your fault...

-  return this;
-sudo.Container.prototype.role = 'container';


- -

The call to the specific method on a (un)specified target happens here. -If this Object is part of a sudo.Container maintained hierarchy -the 'target' may be left out, causing the bubble() method to be called. -What this does is allow children of a sudo.Container to simply pass -events upward, delegating the responsibility of deciding what to do to the parent.

- -

TODO Currently, only the first target method found is called, then the -bubbling is stopped. Should bubbling continue all the way up the 'chain'?

- -

param {*} Any number of arguments is supported, but the first is the only one searched for info. -A sendMethod will be located by: - 1. using the first argument if it is a string - 2. looking for a sendMethod property if it is an object -In the case a specified target exists at this.model.get('sendTarget') it will be used -Any other args will be passed to the sendMethod after this -returns {Object} this

sudo.Container.prototype.send = function send(/*args*/) {
-  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
-    d = this.model && this.model.data, meth, targ, fn;

normalize the input, common use cases first

  if(d && 'sendMethod' in d) meth = d.sendMethod;
-  else if(typeof args[0] === 'string') meth = args.shift();

less common but viable options

  if(!meth) {

passed as a jquery custom data attr bound in events

    meth = 'data' in args[0] ? args[0].data.sendMethod :

passed in a hash from something or not passed at all

      args[0].sendMethod || void 0;
-  }

target is either specified or my parent

  targ = d && d.sendTarget || this.bubble();

obvious chance for errors here, don't be dumb

  fn = targ[meth];
-  while(!fn && (targ = targ.bubble())) {
-    fn = targ[meth];
-  }

sendMethods expect a signature (sender, ...)

  if(fn) {
-    args.unshift(this);
-    fn.apply(targ, args);
-  }
-  return this;

View Class Object

Create an instance of a sudo.View object. A view is any object -that maintains its own el, that being some type of DOM element. -Pass in a string selector or an actual dom node reference to have the object -set that as its el. If no el is specified one will be created upon instantiation -based on the tagName (div by default). Specify className, id (or other attributes if desired) -as an (optional) attributes object literal on the data arg.

- -

The view object uses jquery for dom manipulation -and event delegation etc... A jquerified this reference is located -at this.$el and this.$ scopes queries to this objects el, i.e it's -a shortcut for this.$el.find(selector)

- -

param {string|element|jQuery} el. Otional el for the View instance. -param {Object} data. Optional data object-literal which becomes the initial state -of a new model located at this.model. Also can be a reference to an existing sudo.Model instance

- -


sudo.View = function(el, data) {
-  sudo.Container.call(this);

allow model instance to be passed in as well

  if(data) {
-    this.model = data.role === 'model' ? data :
-      this.model = new sudo.Model(data);
-  } 
-  this.setEl(el);
-  if(this.role === 'view') this.init();

View inherits from Container -private

sudo.inherit(sudo.Container, sudo.View);


- -

Premier functionality provides hooks for behavioral differentiation -among elements or class objects.

- -

returns {Object} this

sudo.View.prototype.becomePremier = function becomePremier() {
-  var p, f = function() {
-      this.isPremier = true;
-      sudo.premier = this;
-    }.bind(this);

is there an existing premier that isn't me?

  if((p = sudo.premier) && p.uid !== this.uid) {

ask it to resign and call the cb

-  } else f(); // no existing premier
-  return this;


- -

A 'contruction-time' hook to call for further initialization needs in -View objects (and their subclasses). A noop by default child classes should override.

sudo.View.prototype.init = $.noop;

the el needs to be normalized before use -private

sudo.View.prototype._normalizedEl_ = function _normalizedEl_(el) {
-  if(typeof el === 'string') {
-    return $(el);
-  } else {

Passed an already jquerified Element? -It will have a length of 1 if so.

    return el.length ? el : $(el);
-  } 


- -

Resign premier status

- -

param {Function} cb. An optional callback to execute -after resigning premier status. -returns {Object} this

sudo.View.prototype.resignPremier = function resignPremier(cb) {
-  var p;
-  this.isPremier = false;

only remove the global premier if it is me

  if((p = sudo.premier) && p.uid === this.uid) {
-    sudo.premier = null;
-  }

fire the cb if passed

  if(cb) cb();
-  return this;


sudo.View.prototype.role = 'view';


- -

A view must have an element, set that here. -Stores a jquerified object as this.$el the raw -node is always then available as this.$el[0].

- -

param {string=|element} el -returns {Object} this

sudo.View.prototype.setEl = function setEl(el) {
-  var d = this.model && this.model.data, a, t;
-  if(!el) {

normalize any relevant data

    t = d ? d.tagName || 'div': 'div';
-    this.$el = $(document.createElement(t));
-    if(d && (a = d.attributes)) this.$el.attr(a);
-  } else {
-    this.$el = this._normalizedEl_(el);
-  }
-  return this;


- -

Return a single Element matching sel scoped to this View's el. -This is an alias to this.$el.find(sel).

- -

param {string} sel. A jQuery compatible selector -returns {jQuery} A 'jquerified' result matching the selector

sudo.View.prototype.$ = function(sel) {
-  return this.$el.find(sel);

ViewController Class Object

ViewControllers were designed for Rails projects for 2 specific use-cases:

- -
  1. ViewControllers can instantiate any descriptors found in their model -when constructing, adding them as child objects. Why? Sometimes a 'partial' will -need to define a javascript object that should, by design, be the child of a parent View -that is itself defined on the Rails view that owns the 'partial'. Since any JS introduced -by a partial will be parsed before the JS on its parent Rails View this usually isn't possible. -Our solution? Pushing Descriptor objects (see docs) into an array (somewhere in your namespace) from a -'partial' and then passing a reference to that array into the ViewController as 'descriptors' -in its optional data argument when instantiated. The ViewController will then iterate over those -and instantiate them, adding them as children as it goes (also setting up any stated observers)

  2. -
  3. ViewControllers also abstract away connecting UJS style events by allowing the developer to -pass in the name(s) of any desired UJS events to observe: ujsEvent: ajax:success for example, -and expect that a method named onAjaxSuccess, if present on the ViewController, will be called -with the arguments returned by the UJS plugin*

  4. -
- -

param {string|element} el. Otional el for the View instance. -param {object} data. Optional data object.

- -

see sudo.View.

- -


sudo.ViewController = function(el, data) {
-  sudo.View.call(this, el, data);

map the names of events to methods we expect to proxy to

  this.eventMap = {
-    'ajax:before': 'onAjaxBefore',
-    'ajax:beforeSend': 'onAjaxBeforeSend',
-    'ajax:success': 'onAjaxSuccess',
-    'ajax:error': 'onAjaxError',
-    'ajax:complete': 'onAjaxComplete',
-    'ajax:aborted:required': 'onAjaxAbortedRequired',
-    'ajax:aborted:file': 'onAjaxAbortedFile'
-  };

can be called again if mapping changes...

  if(data) {
-    this.doMapping();
-    if('descriptor' in data) this.instantiateChildren([data.descriptor]);
-    else if('descriptors' in data) this.instantiateChildren();
-  }
-  if(this.role === 'viewController') this.init();

ViewController inherits from View. -private

sudo.inherit(sudo.View, sudo.ViewController);


- -

assign the proxy mapping for events. This can be called at any time -if the listened for events change

- -

returns {Object} this

sudo.ViewController.prototype.doMapping = function() {

either a single event or an array of them

  var i,
-    toMap = this.model.data.ujsEvent || this.model.data.ujsEvents;
-  if(toMap) {
-    if(typeof toMap === 'string') this._mapEvent_(toMap);
-    else {
-      for(i = 0; i < toMap.length; i++) {
-        this._mapEvent_(toMap[i]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return this;


- -

Helper for instantiateChildren -private

sudo.ViewController.prototype._handleObserve_ = function _handleObserve_(obs, c) {
-  var obj = obs.object ? this._objectForPath_(obs.object) : this.model;
-  obj.observe(c[obs.cb].bind(c));


- -

instantiate the children described in the passed in array or the descriptors array -set in this object's data store

- -

returns {object} this

sudo.ViewController.prototype.instantiateChildren = function instantiateChildren(ary) {
-  var i, j, curr, c, d = ary || this.model.data.descriptors;
-  for(i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
-    curr = d[i]; 
-    c = new curr.is_a(curr.el, curr.data);
-    this.addChild(c, curr.name);

handle any observe(s)

    if('observe' in curr) {
-      this._handleObserve_(curr.observe, c);
-    }
-    else if('observes' in curr) {
-      for(j = 0; j < curr.observes.length; j++) {
-        this._handleObserve_(curr.observes[j], c);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return this;


- -

Maps the ajax:event names to methods -private

sudo.ViewController.prototype._mapEvent_ = function _mapEvent_(name) {

because the signatures vary we need specific methods

    this.$el.on(name, this[this.eventMap[name]].bind(this));


- -

The objects used for callbacks and connections need to be -looked-up via a key-path like address as they likely will not exist -when viewController's are instantiated. -private

sudo.ViewController.prototype._objectForPath_ = function _objectForPath_(path) {
-  return sudo.getPath(path, window);

Virtual methods to override in your child classes for -any events you chose to listen for

sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxAbortedFile = $.noop;
-sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxAbortedRequired = $.noop;
-sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxBefore = $.noop;
-sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxBeforeSend = $.noop;
-sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxComplete = $.noop;
-sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxSuccess = $.noop;
-sudo.ViewController.prototype.onAjaxError = $.noop;


sudo.ViewController.prototype.role = 'viewController';


Allow the default {{ js code }}, {{= key }}, and {{- escape stuff }} -micro templating delimiters to be overridden if desired

- -

type {Object}

sudo.templateSettings = {
-  evaluate: /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g,
-  interpolate: /\{\{=([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g,
-  escape: /\{\{-([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g

Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put -into a string literal when templating.

- -

type {Object}

sudo.escapes = {};
-(function(s) {
-  var e = {
-    '\\': '\\',
-    "'": "'",
-    r: '\r',
-    n: '\n',
-    t: '\t',
-    u2028: '\u2028',
-    u2029: '\u2029'
-  };
-  for (var key in e) s.escapes[e[key]] = key;

lookup hash for escape

- -

type {Object}

sudo.htmlEscapes = {
-  '&': '&amp;',
-  '<': '&lt;',
-  '>': '&gt;',
-  '"': '&quot;',
-  "'": '&#x27;',
-  '/': '&#x2F;'

Escapes certain characters for templating

- -

type {regexp}

sudo.escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;

Escape unsafe HTML

- -

type {regexp}

sudo.htmlEscaper = /[&<>"'\/]/g;

Unescapes certain characters for templating

- -

type {regexp}

sudo.unescaper = /\\(\\|'|r|n|t|u2028|u2029)/g;


- -

Remove unsafe characters from a string

- -

param {String} str

sudo.escape = function(str) {
-  return str.replace(sudo.htmlEscaper, function(match) {
-    return sudo.htmlEscapes[match];
-  });


- -

Within an interpolation, evaluation, or escaping, -remove HTML escaping that had been previously added.

- -

param {string} str

sudo.unescape = function unescape(str) {
-  return str.replace(sudo.unescaper, function(match, escape) {
-    return sudo.escapes[escape];
-  });


- -

JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's (and it's offspring) implementation. -sudo templating preserves whitespace, and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code. -Unlike others sudo.template requires a scope name (to avoid the use of with) and will spit at you -if it is not present.

- -

param {string} str. The 'templated' string. -param {Object} data. Optional hash of key:value pairs. -param {string} scope. Optional context name of your data object, set to 'data' if falsy.

sudo.template = function template(str, data, scope) {
-  scope || (scope = 'data');
-  var settings = sudo.templateSettings, render, template,

Compile the template source, taking care to escape characters that -cannot be included in a string literal and then unescape them in code blocks.

  source = "_p+='" + str.replace(sudo.escaper, function(match) {
-    return '\\' + sudo.escapes[match];
-  }).replace(settings.escape, function(match, code) {
-    return "'+\n((_t=(" + sudo.unescape(code) + "))==null?'':sudo.escape(_t))+\n'";
-  }).replace(settings.interpolate, function(match, code) {
-    return "'+\n((_t=(" + sudo.unescape(code) + "))==null?'':_t)+\n'";
-  }).replace(settings.evaluate, function(match, code) {
-    return "';\n" + sudo.unescape(code) + "\n_p+='";
-  }) + "';\n";
-  source = "var _t,_p='';" + source + "return _p;\n";
-  render = new Function(scope, source);
-  if (data) return render(data);
-  template = function(data) {
-    return render.call(this, data);
-  };

Provide the compiled function source as a convenience for reflection/compilation

  template.source = 'function(' + scope + '){\n' + source + '}';
-  return template;

DataView Class Object

Create an instance of an Object, inheriting from sudo.View that: -1. Expects to have a template located in its internal data Store accessible via this.get('template'). -2. Can have a renderTarget property in its data store. If so this will be the location - the child injects itself into (if not already in) the DOM -3. Can have a 'renderMethod' property in its data store. If so this is the jQuery method - that the child will use to place itself in it's renderTarget. -4. Has a render method that when called re-hydrates it's $el by passing its - internal data store to its template -5. Handles event binding/unbinding by implementing the sudo.extensions.listener - extension object

- -


sudo.DataView = function(el, data) {
-  sudo.View.call(this, el, data);

implements the listener extension

  $.extend(this, sudo.extensions.listener);

dataview's models are observable, make it so if not already

  if(!this.model.observe) $.extend(this.model, sudo.extensions.observable);

dont autoRender on the setting of events, -add to this to prevent others if needed

  this.autoRenderBlacklist = {event: true, events: true};

if autorendering, observe your own model -use this ref to unobserve if desired

  if(this.model.data.autoRender) this.observer = this.model.observe(this.render.bind(this));
-  this.build();
-  this.bindEvents();
-  if(this.role === 'dataview') this.init();


sudo.inherit(sudo.View, sudo.DataView);


- -

Container's will check for the presence of this method and call it if it is present -after adding a child - essentially, this will auto render the dataview when added to a parent

sudo.DataView.prototype.addedToParent = function(parent) {
-  return this.render();


- -

Construct the innerHTML of the $el here so that the behavior of the -DataView, that the markup is ready after a subclass calls this.construct, -is the same as other View classes -- IF there is a template available -there may not be yet as some get added later by a ViewController

sudo.DataView.prototype.build = function build() {
-  var t;
-  if(!(t = this.model.data.template)) return;
-  if(typeof t === 'string') t = sudo.template(t);
-  this.$el.html(t(this.model.data));
-  this.built = true;
-  return this;


- -

Remove this object from the DOM and its parent's list of children. -Overrides sudo.View.removeFromParent to actually remove the DOM as well

- -

returns {Object} this

sudo.DataView.prototype.removeFromParent = function removeFromParent() {
-  this.parent.removeChild(this);
-  this.$el.remove();
-  return this;


- -

(Re)hydrate the innerHTML of this object via its template and internal data store. -If a renderTarget is present this Object will inject itself into the target via -this.get('renderMethod') or defualt to $.append. After injection, the renderTarget -is deleted from this Objects data store. -Event unbinding/rebinding is generally not necessary for the Objects innerHTML as all events from the -Object's list of events (this.get('event(s)')) are delegated to the $el on instantiation.

- -

param {object} change dataviews may be observing their model if autoRender: true

- -

returns {Object} this

sudo.DataView.prototype.render = function render(change) {
-  var d;

return early if a blacklisted key is set to my model

  if(change && this.autoRenderBlacklist[change.name]) return this;
-  d = this.model.data;

has build been executed already? If not call it again

  if(!this.built) this.build();

if there is no template by this point you are doing it wrong -erase the flag

  else this.built = false;
-  if(d.renderTarget) {
-    this._normalizedEl_(d.renderTarget)[d.renderMethod || 'append'](this.$el);
-    delete d.renderTarget;
-  }
-  return this;


sudo.DataView.prototype.role = 'dataview';

Navigator Class Object

Abstracts location and history events, parsing their information into a -normalized object that is then set to an Observable class instance

- -


sudo.Navigator = function(data) {
-  this.started = false;
-  this.slashStripper = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
-  this.leadingStripper = /^[#\/]|\s+$/g;
-  this.trailingStripper = /\/$/;
-  this.construct(data);

Navigator inherits from sudo.Model

sudo.Navigator.prototype = Object.create(sudo.Model.prototype);


- -

'Fragment' is defined as any URL information after the 'root' path -including the search or hash

- -

returns {String} fragment -returns {String} the normalized current fragment

sudo.Navigator.prototype.getFragment = function getFragment(fragment) {
-  var root = this.data.root;
-  if(!fragment) {

intentional use of coersion

    if (this.isPushState) {
-      fragment = window.location.pathname;
-      root = root.replace(this.trailingStripper, '');
-      if(!fragment.indexOf(root)) fragment = fragment.substr(root.length);
-    } else {
-      fragment = this.getHash();
-    }
-  }
-  return decodeURIComponent(fragment.replace(this.leadingStripper, ''));


- -

Check either the passed in fragment, or the full location.href -for a hash value

- -

param {string} fragment Optional fragment to check -returns {String} the normalized current hash

sudo.Navigator.prototype.getHash = function getHash(fragment) {
-  fragment || (fragment = window.location.href);
-  var match = fragment.match(/#(.*)$/);
-  return match ? match[1] : '';


- -

Check either the passed in fragment, or the full location.href -for a search value

- -

param {string} fragment Optional fragment to check -returns {String} the normalized current search

sudo.Navigator.prototype.getSearch = function getSearch(fragment) {
-  fragment || (fragment = window.location.href);
-  var match = fragment.match(/\?(.*)$/);
-  return match ? match[1] : '';


- -

fetch the URL in the form

- -

returns {String}

sudo.Navigator.prototype.getUrl = function getUrl() {

note that delegate(role) returns the deleagte

  return this.data.root + this.data.fragment;


- -

If the passed in 'fragment' is different than the currently stored one, -push a new state entry / hash event and set the data where specified

- -

param {string} fragment -returns {*} call to setData

sudo.Navigator.prototype.go = function go(fragment) {
-  if(!this.started) return false;
-  if(!this.urlChanged(fragment)) return;

TODO ever use replaceState?

  if(this.isPushState) {
-    window.history.pushState({}, document.title, this.getUrl());
-  } else if(this.isHashChange) {
-    window.location.hash = '#' + this.data.fragment;
-  }
-  return this.setData();


- -

Bound to either the popstate or hashchange events, if the -URL has indeed changed then parse the relevant data and set it - -triggering change observers

- -

returns {*} call to setData or undefined

sudo.Navigator.prototype.handleChange = function handleChange(e) {
-  if(this.urlChanged()) {
-    return this.setData();
-  }


- -

Parse and return a hash of the key value pairs contained in -the current query

- -

returns {object}

sudo.Navigator.prototype.parseQuery = function parseQuery() {
-  var obj = {}, seg = this.data.query,
-    i, s;
-  if(seg) {
-    seg = seg.split('&');
-    for(i = 0; i < seg.length; i++) {
-      if(!seg[i]) continue;
-      s = seg[i].split('=');
-      obj[s[0]] = s[1];
-    }
-    return obj;
-  }


- -

Using the current fragment (minus any search or hash data) as a key, -use parseQuery as the value for the key, setting it into the specified -model (a stated Observable or this.data)

- -

returns {object} this

sudo.Navigator.prototype.setData = function setData() {
-  var frag = this.data.fragment,

data is set in a specified model or in self

    observable = this.data.observable || this;
-  if(this.data.query) {

we want to set the key minus any search/hash

    frag = frag.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? frag.split('?')[0] : frag.split('#')[0];
-  }
-  observable.set(frag, this.parseQuery());
-  return this;


- -

Gather the necessary information about the current environment and -bind to either (push|pop)state or hashchange. -Also, if given an imcorrect URL for the current environment (hashchange -vs pushState) normalize it and set accordingly (or don't).

- -

returns {object} this

sudo.Navigator.prototype.start = function start() {
-  var hasPushState, atRoot, loc, tmp;
-  if(this.started) return;
-  hasPushState = window.history && window.history.pushState;
-  this.started = true;

setup the initial configuration

  this.isHashChange = this.data.useHashChange && 'onhashchange' in window || 
-    (!hasPushState && 'onhashchange' in window);
-  this.isPushState = !this.isHashChange && !!hasPushState;

normalize the root to always contain a leading and trailing slash

  this.data['root'] = ('/' + this.data['root'] + '/').replace(this.slashStripper, '/');

Get a snapshot of the current fragment


monitor URL changes via popState or hashchange

  if (this.isPushState) {
-    $(window).on('popstate', this.handleChange.bind(this));
-  } else if (this.isHashChange) {
-    $(window).on('hashchange', this.handleChange.bind(this));
-  } else return;
-  atRoot = window.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]$/, '$&/') === this.data['root'];

somehow a URL got here not in my 'format', unless explicitly told not too, correct this

  if(!this.data.stay) {
-   if(this.isHashChange && !atRoot) {
-      window.location.replace(this.data['root'] + window.location.search + '#' + 
-        this.data.fragment);

return early as browser will redirect

      return true;

the converse of the above

    } else if(this.isPushState && atRoot && window.location.hash) {
-      tmp = this.getHash().replace(this.leadingStripper, '');
-      window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, this.data['root'] + 
-        tmp + window.location.search);
-    } 
-  }

TODO provide option to go from inital start state?

  return this;


- -

Is a passed in fragment different from the one currently set at this.get('fragment')? -If so set the fragment to the passed fragment passed in (as well as any 'query' data), else -simply return false

- -

param {String} fragment -returns {bool}

sudo.Navigator.prototype.urlChanged = function urlChanged(fragment) {
-  var current = this.getFragment(fragment);

nothing has changed

  if (current === this.data.fragment) return false;
-  this.data.fragment = current;
-  this.data.query = this.getSearch(current) || this.getHash(current);
-  return true;

Observable Extension Object

- -

Implementaion of the ES6 Harmony Observer pattern. -Extend a sudo.Model class with this object if -data-mutation-observation is required

sudo.extensions.observable = {


- -

Called from deliverChangeRecords when ready to send -changeRecords to observers.

- -


  _deliver_: function _deliver_(obj) {
-    var i, cb = this.callbacks;
-    for(i = 0; i < cb.length; i++) {
-      cb[i](obj);
-    }
-  },


- -

Iterate through the changeRecords array(emptying it as you go), delivering them to the -observers. You can override this method to change the standard delivery behavior.

- -

returns {Object} this

  deliverChangeRecords: function deliverChangeRecords() {
-    var rec, cr = this.changeRecords;


    for(rec; cr.length && (rec = cr.shift());) {
-      this._deliver_(rec);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },


- -

In a quasi-ES6 Object.observe pattern, calling observe on an observable and -passing a callback will cause that callback to be called whenever any -property on the observable's data store is set, changed or deleted -via set, unset, setPath or unsetPath with an object containing: - { - type: , - object: , - name: , - oldValue: - } -For ease of 'unobserving' the same Function passed in is returned.

- -

param {Function} fn The callback to be called with changeRecord(s) -returns {Function} the Function passed in as an argument

  observe: function observe(fn) {

this will fail if mixed-in and no callbacks created so don't do that. -Per the spec, do not allow the same callback to be added

    var d = this.callbacks;
-    if(d.indexOf(fn) === -1) d.push(fn);
-    return fn;
-  },


- -

Allow an array of callbacks to be registered as changeRecord recipients

- -

param {Array} ary -returns {Array} the Array passed in to observe

  observes: function observes(ary) {
-    var i;
-    for(i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
-      this.observe(ary[i]);
-    }
-    return ary;
-  },


- -

Overrides sudo.Base.set to check for observers

- -

param {String} key. The name of the key -param {*} value -param {Bool} hold Call deliver (falsy) or store the change notification -to be delivered upon a call to deliverChangeRecords (truthy)

- -

returns {Object|*} this or calls deliverChangeRecords

  set: function set(key, value, hold) {
-    var obj = {name: key, object: this.data};

did this key exist already

    if(key in this.data) {
-      obj.type = 'updated';

then there is an oldValue

      obj.oldValue = this.data[key];
-    } else obj.type = 'new';

now actually set the value

    this.data[key] = value;
-    this.changeRecords.push(obj);

call the observers or not

    if(hold) return this;
-    return this.deliverChangeRecords();
-  },


- -

Overrides sudo.Base.setPath to check for observers. -Change records originating from a setPath operation -send back the passed in path as name as well as the -top level object being observed (this observable's data). -this allows for easy filtering either manually or via a -change delegate

- -

param {String} path -param {} value -param {Bool} hold Call _deliver_ (falsy) or store the change notification -to be delivered upon a call to deliverChangeRecords (truthy) -returns {Object|} this or calls deliverChangeRecords

  setPath: function setPath(path, value, hold) {
-    var curr = this.data, obj = {name: path, object: this.data},
-      p = path.split('.'), key;
-    for (key; p.length && (key = p.shift());) {
-      if(!p.length) {

reached the last refinement, pre-existing?

        if (key in curr) {
-          obj.type = 'updated';
-          obj.oldValue = curr[key];
-        } else obj.type = 'new';
-        curr[key] = value;
-      } else if (curr[key]) {
-        curr = curr[key];
-      } else {
-        curr = curr[key] = {};
-      }
-    }
-    this.changeRecords.push(obj);

call all observers or not

    if(hold) return this;
-    return this.deliverChangeRecords();
-  }, 


- -

Overrides Base.sets to hold the call to deliver until -all operations are done

- -

returns {Object|*} this or calls deliverChangeRecords

  sets: function sets(obj, hold) {
-    var i, k = Object.keys(obj);
-    for(i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
-      k[i].indexOf('.') === -1 ? this.set(k[i], obj[k[i]], true) :
-        this.setPath(k[i], obj[k[i]], true);
-    }
-    if(hold) return this;
-    return this.deliverChangeRecords();
-  },


- -

Remove a particular callback from this observable

- -

param {Function} the function passed in to observe -returns {Object} this

  unobserve: function unobserve(fn) {
-    var cb = this.callbacks, i = cb.indexOf(fn);
-    if(i !== -1) cb.splice(i, 1);
-    return this;
-  },


- -

Allow an array of callbacks to be unregistered as changeRecord recipients

- -

param {Array} ary -returns {Object} this

  unobserves: function unobserves(ary) {
-    var i;
-    for(i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
-      this.unobserve(ary[i]);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },


- -

Overrides sudo.Base.unset to check for observers

- -

param {String} key. The name of the key -param {Bool} hold

- -

returns {Object|*} this or calls deliverChangeRecords

  unset: function unset(key, hold) {
-    var obj = {name: key, object: this.data, type: 'deleted'}, 
-      val = !!this.data[key];
-    delete this.data[key];

call the observers if there was a val to delete

    return this._unset_(obj, val, hold);
-  },


- -

Helper for the unset functions

- -


  _unset_: function _unset_(o, v, h) {
-    if(v) {
-      this.changeRecords.push(o);
-      if(h) return this;
-      return this.deliverChangeRecords();
-    }
-    return this;
-  },


- -

Overrides sudo.Base.unsetPath to check for observers

- -

param {String} path -param {*} value -param {bool} hold

- -

returns {Object|*} this or calls deliverChangeRecords

  unsetPath: function unsetPath(path, hold) {
-    var obj = {name: path, object: this.data, type: 'deleted'}, 
-      curr = this.data, p = path.split('.'), 
-      key, val;
-    for (key; p.length && (key = p.shift());) {
-      if(!p.length) {

reached the last refinement

        val = !!curr[key];
-        delete curr[key];
-      } else {

this can obviously fail, but can be prevented by checking -with getPath first.

        curr = curr[key];
-      }
-    }
-    return this._unset_(obj, val, hold);
-  },


- -

Override of Base.unsets to hold the call to deliver until done

- -

param ary -param hold -returns {Object|*} this or calls deliverChangeRecords

  unsets: function unsets(ary, hold) {
-    var i;
-    for(i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
-      ary[i].indexOf('.') === -1 ? this.unset(k[i], true) :
-        this.unsetPath(k[i], true);
-    }
-    if(hold) return this;
-    return this.deliverChangeRecords(); 
-  }

Bindable Extension Object

Bindable methods allow various properties and attributes of -a sudo Class Object to be synchronized with the data contained -in a changeRecord recieved via observe().

- -


sudo.extensions.bindable = {

List of attributes - $.attr() to be used.

- -


  _attr_: {
-    accesskey: true,
-    align: true,
-    alt: true,
-    contenteditable: true,
-    draggable: true,
-    href: true,
-    label: true,
-    name: true,
-    rel: true,
-    src: true,
-    tabindex: true,
-    title: true
-  },

Some bindings defer to jQuery.css() to be bound.

- -


  _css_: {
-    display: true,
-    visibility: true
-  },


- -

bind the jQuery prop() method to this object, now exposed -by this name, matching passed bindings arguments.

- -

param {string} meth The name of the method to be bound -returns {Object} this -private

  _handleAttr_: function _handleAttr_(meth) {
-    this[meth] = function(obj) {
-      if(obj.name === meth) this.$el.attr(meth, obj.object[obj.name]);
-      return this;
-    };
-    return this;
-  },


- -

bind the jQuery css() method to this object, now exposed -by this name, matching passed bindings arguments.

- -

param {string} meth The name of the method to be bound -returns {Object} this -private

  _handleCss_: function _handleCss_(meth) {
-    this[meth] = function(obj) {
-      if(obj.name === meth) this.$el.css(meth, obj.object[obj.name]);
-      return this;
-    };
-    return this;
-  },


- -

bind the jQuery data() method to this object, now exposed -by this name, matching passed bindings arguments.

- -

param {string} meth The name of the method to be bound -returns {Object} this -private

  _handleData_: function _handleData_(meth) {
-    this[meth] = function(obj) {
-      if(obj.name === meth) {
-        this.$el.data(obj.object[obj.name].key, obj.object[obj.name].value);
-        return this;
-      }
-    };
-    return this;
-  },


- -

bind the jQuery attr() method to this object, now exposed -by this name, matching passed bindings arguments.

- -

NOTE: If more than 1 data-* attribute is desired you must -set those up manually as .data({..}) is what will be -constructed via this method.

- -

param {string} meth The name of the method to be bound. -returns {Object} this -private

  _handleProp_: function _handleProp_(meth) {
-    this[meth] = function(obj) {
-      if(obj.name === meth) this.$el.prop(meth, obj.object[obj.name]);
-      return this;
-    };
-    return this;
-  },


- -

bind the jQuery shorthand methods to this object matching -passed bindings arguments.

- -

param {string} meth The name of the method to be bound. -returns {Object} this -private

  _handleSpec_: function _handleSpec_(meth) {
-    this[meth] = function(obj) {
-      if(obj.name === meth) this.$el[meth](obj.object[obj.name]);
-      return this;
-    };
-    return this;
-  },

List of properties - $.prop() to be used.

- -


  _prop_: {
-    checked: true,
-    defaultValue: true,
-    disabled: true,
-    location: true,
-    multiple: true,
-    readOnly: true,
-    selected: true
-  },


- -

Given a single explicit binding, create it. Called from -setbindings as a convenience for normalizing the -single vs. multiple bindings scenario

- -

param {string} b The binding. -private

  _setBinding_: function _setBinding_(b) {
-    if(b in this._spec_) return this[this._spec_[b]](b);
-    if(b in this._css_) return this._handleCss_(b);
-    if(b in this._attr_) return this._handleAttr_(b);
-    if(b in this._prop_) return this._handleProp_(b);
-  },


- -

Inspect the binding (in the single-bound use case), or the -bindings Array in this Object's data store and -create the bound functions expected.

- -

returns {Object} this

  setBindings: function setBindings() {
-    var d = this.model.data, b, i;

handle the single binding use case

    if((b = d.binding)) return this._setBinding_(b);
-    if(!(b = d.bindings)) return this;
-    for(i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
-      this._setBinding_(b[i]);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },

Special binding cases. jQuery shorthand methods to be used.

- -


  _spec_: {
-    data: '_handleData_',
-    html: '_handleSpec_',
-    text: '_handleSpec_',
-    val: '_handleSpec_'
-  }

Listener Extension Object

Handles event binding/unbinding via an events array in the form: -events: [{ -name: eventName, -sel: an_optional_delegator, -data: anoptionalhashofdata -fn: function name -}, {... -This array will be searched for via this.get('events'). There is a -single-event use case as well, pass a single object literal in the above form. -with the key event: -event: {...same as above} -Details about the hashes in the array: -A. name -> jQuery compatible event name -B. sel -> Optional jQuery compatible selector used to delegate events -C. data: A hash that will be passed as the custom jQuery Event.data object -D. fn -> If a {String} bound to the named function on this object, if a - function assumed to be anonymous and called with no scope manipulation

sudo.extensions.listener = {


- -

Bind the events in the data store to this object's $el

- -

returns {Object} this

  bindEvents: function bindEvents() {
-    var e;
-    if((e = this.model.data.event || this.model.data.events)) this._handleEvents_(e, 1);
-    return this;
-  },

Use the jQuery on or 'off' method, optionally delegating to a selector if present -private

  _handleEvents_: function _handleEvents_(e, which) {
-    var i;
-    if(Array.isArray(e)) {
-      for(i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
-        this._handleEvent_(e[i], which);
-      }
-    } else {
-      this._handleEvent_(e, which);
-    }
-  },

helper for binding and unbinding an individual event -param {Object} e. An event descriptor -param {String} which. on or off -private

  _handleEvent_: function _handleEvent_(e, which) {
-    if(which) {
-      this.$el.on(e.name, e.sel, e.data, typeof e.fn === 'string' ? this[e.fn].bind(this) : e.fn);
-    } else {

do not re-bind the fn going to off otherwise the unbind will fail

      this.$el.off(e.name, e.sel);
-    }
-  },


- -

Convenience method for this.unbindEvents().bindEvents()

- -

'returns' {object} 'this'

  rebindEvents: function rebindEvents() {
-    return this.unbindEvents().bindEvents();
-  },


- -

Unbind the events in the data store from this object's $el

- -

returns {Object} this

  unbindEvents: function unbindEvents() {
-    var e;
-    if((e = this.model.data.event || this.model.data.events)) this._handleEvents_(e);
-    return this;
-  }

sudo persistable extension

- -

A mixin providing restful CRUD operations for a sudo.Model instance.

- -

create : POST -read : GET -update : PUT or PATCH (configurable) -destroy : DELETE

- -

Before use be sure to set an ajax property {object} with at least -a baseUrl: ... key. The model's id (if present -- indicating a persisted model) -is appended to the baseUrl (baseUrl/id) by default. You can override this behavior -by simply setting a url: ... in the ajax options hash or pass in the same when -calling any of the methods (or override the model.url() method).

- -

Place any other default options in the ajax hash -that you would want sent to a $.ajax({...}) call. Again, you can also override those -defaults by passing in a hash of options to any method: -this.model.update({patch: true}) etc...

sudo.extensions.persistable = {


- -

Save this model on the server. If a subset of this model's attributes -have not been stated (ajax:{data:{...}}) send all of the model's data. -Anticipate that the server response will send back the -state of the model on the server and set it here (via a success callback).

- -

param {object} params Hash of options for the XHR call -returns {object} The jQuery XHR object

  create: function create(params) {
-    return this._sendData_('POST', params);
-  },


- -

Delete this model on the server

- -

param {object} params Optional hash of options for the XHR -returns {object} jqXhr

  destroy: function destroy(params) {
-    return this._sendData_('DELETE', params);
-  },


- -

Abstracted logic for preparing the options object. This looks at -the set ajax property, allowing any passed in params to override.

- -

Sets defaults: JSON dataType and a success callback that simply sets() the -data returned from the server

- -

returns {object} A normalized params object for the XHR call

  _normalizeParams_: function _normalizeParams_(meth, opts, params) {
-    opts || (opts = $.extend({}, this.data.ajax));
-    opts.url || (opts.url = this.url(opts.baseUrl));
-    opts.type || (opts.type = meth);
-    opts.dataType || (opts.dataType = 'json');

the default success callback is to set the data returned from the server -or just the status as ajaxStatus if no data was returned

    opts.success || (opts.success = function(data, status, jqXhr) {
-      data ? this.sets(data) : this.set('ajaxStatus', status);
-    }.bind(this));

allow the passed in params to override any set in this model's ajax options

    return params ? $.extend(opts, params) : opts;
-  },


- -

Fetch this models state from the server and set it here. The -Model.sets() method is used with the returned data (we are -asssuming the default json dataType). Pass in (via the params arg) -a success function to override this default.

- -

Maps to the http GET method.

- -

param {object} params. Optional info for the XHR call. If -present will override any set in this model's ajax options object. -returns {object} The jQuery XHR object

  read: function read(params) {
-    return $.ajax(this._normalizeParams_('GET', null, params));
-  },


- -

Convenience method removing the need to know if a model is new (not yet persisted) -or has been loaded/refreshed from the server.

- -

param {object} params Hash of options for the XHR call -returns {object} The jQuery XHR object

  save: function save(params) {
-    return ('id' in this.data) ? this.update(params) : this.create(params);
-  },


- -

The Create, Update and Patch methods all send data to the server, -varying only in their HTTP method. Abstracted logic is here.

- -

returns {object} jqXhr

  _sendData_: function _sendData_(meth, params) {
-    opts = $.extend({}, this.data.ajax);
-    opts.contentType || (opts.contentType = 'application/json');
-    opts.data || (opts.data = this.data);

non GET requests do not 'processData'

    if(!('processData' in opts)) opts.processData = false;
-    return $.ajax(this._normalizeParams_(meth, opts, params));
-  },


- -

If this model has been persisted to/from the server (it has an id attribute) -send the specified data (or all the model's data) to the server at url via -the PUT http verb or PATCH if {patch: true} is in the ajax options (or the -passed in params)

- -

NOTE: update does not check is this is a new model or not, do that yourself -or use the save() method (that does check).

- -

param {object} params Optional hash of options for the XHR -returns {object|bool} the jqXhr if called false if not

  update: function update(params) {
-    return this._sendData_((this.data.ajax.patch || params && params.patch) ? 
-      'PATCH' : 'PUT', params);
-  },


- -

Takes the base url and appends this models id if present -(narmalizing the trailong slash if needed). -Override if you need to change the format of the calculated url.

- -

param {string} base the baseUrl set in this models ajax options

  url: function url(base) {

could possibly be 0...

    if('id' in this.data) {
-      return base + (base.charAt(base.length - 1) === '/' ? 
-        '' : '/') + encodeURIComponent(this.data.id);
-    } else return base;
-  }

Change Delegate

Delegates, if present, can override or extend the behavior -of objects. The change delegate is specifically designed to -filter change records from an Observable instance and only forward -the ones matching a given filters criteria (key or path). -The forwarded messages will be sent to the specified method -on the delegates delegator (bound to the delegator scope)

- -

param {Object} data

sudo.delegates.Change = function(data) {
-  this.construct(data);

Delegates inherit from Model

sudo.delegates.Change.prototype = Object.create(sudo.Model.prototype);


- -

Place an entry into this object's hash of filters

- -

param {string} key -param {string} val -returns {object} this

sudo.delegates.Change.prototype.addFilter = function addFilter(key, val) {
-  this.data.filters[key] = val;
-  return this;


- -

Change records are delivered here and filtered, calling any matching -methods specified in `this.get('filters').

- -

returns {Object} a call to the specified delegator method, passing -a hash containing: -1. the type of Change -2. the name of the changed property -3. the value located at the key/path -4. the oldValue of the key if present

sudo.delegates.Change.prototype.filter = function filter(change) {
-  var filters = this.data.filters, name = change.name,
-    type = change.type, obj = {};

does my delegator care about this?

  if(name in filters && filters.hasOwnProperty(name)) {

assemble the object to return to the method

    obj.type = type;
-    obj.name = name;
-    obj.oldValue = change.oldValue;

delete operations will not have any value so no need to look

    if(type !== 'deleted') {
-      obj.value = name.indexOf('.') === -1 ? change.object[change.name] :
-        sudo.getPath(name, change.object);
-    }
-    return this.delegator[filters[name]].call(this.delegator, obj);
-  }


- -

Remove an entry from this object's hash of filters

- -

param {string} key -returns {object} this

sudo.delegates.Change.prototype.removeFilter = function removeFilter(key) {
-  delete this.data.filters[key];
-  return this;


sudo.delegates.Change.prototype.role = 'change';

Data Delegate

Delegates, if present, can extend the behavior -of objects, lessening the need for subclassing. -The data delegate is specifically designed to -filter through an object, looking for specified keys or paths -and returning values for those if found

- -

param {Object} data -returns {*} the value found at the specified key/path if found

sudo.delegates.Data = function(data) {
-  this.construct(data);

inherits from Model

sudo.delegates.Data.prototype = Object.create(sudo.Model.prototype);


- -

Place an entry into this object's hash of filters

- -

param {string} key -param {string} val -returns {object} this

sudo.delegates.Data.prototype.addFilter = function addFilter(key, val) {
-  this.data.filters[key] = val;
-  return this;


- -

iterates over a given object literal and returns a value (if present) -located at a given key or path

- -

param {Object} obj

sudo.delegates.Data.prototype.filter = function(obj) {
-  var filters = this.data.filters,
-    ary = Object.keys(filters), key, i, o, k;
-  for(i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
-    key = ary[i];

keys and paths need different handling

    if(key.indexOf('.') === -1) {
-      if(key in obj) this.delegator[filters[key]].call(
-        this.delegator, obj[key]);  
-    } else {

the chars after the last refinement are the key we need to check for

      k = key.slice(key.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

and the ones prior are the object

      o = sudo.getPath(key.slice(0, key.lastIndexOf('.')), obj);
-      if(o && k in o) this.delegator[filters[key]].call(
-        this.delegator, o[k]);
-    }
-  }


- -

Remove an entry from this object's hash of filters

- -

param {string} key -returns {object} this

sudo.delegates.Data.prototype.removeFilter = function removeFilter(key) {
-  delete this.data.filters[key];
-  return this;


sudo.delegates.Data.prototype.role = 'data';
-sudo.version = "0.9.5";
-window.sudo = sudo;
-if(typeof window._ === "undefined") window._ = sudo;
-}).call(this, this);
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