This is a service that provides web applications the ability to authenticate their users not only with username-password by also with their behavior. Specifically, it uses keystroke patterns (keystroke dynamics) to authenticate users and in this way can detect anomalies to typing behaviora detecting possible impostors.
- You create a project submitting your domain-name of your website
- You copy the snippet created and inject it to your index.html of your website
- You train your project in order for the system to create keystroke profiles for each user
- From the dashboard you can set other preferences (like authentication threshold, limits, view stats etc)
- Checkout continuous-authentication-website repository to see this service in action
MEAN Stack
: MongoDB, Express, Angular (4) and Nodejs used for web application. Specifically, MEN is used for handling back-end logic and the service and the Angular is used to provide a front-end dashboard for admin.Python
is used for machine learning (One-Class SVM and GMM) to utilize the continuous authentication mechanism
npm install
npm start
Run ng serve
for a angular dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
: Host url for mlab databaseKEYSTROKE_DYNAMICS_MLAB_USER
: Secret for generating jwt tokens
The project is ready to be deployed to a Heroku dyno (as a node & python app). Just press the button above or run heroku create
and push the code to your heroku server.