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oliverfriedmann committed May 20, 2017
1 parent bfe49ac commit b4bec94
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Showing 38 changed files with 8,480 additions and 186 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ src/externalsat/satsolutionparser.mli
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions Makefile

This file was deleted.

58 changes: 0 additions & 58 deletions
Expand Up @@ -10,62 +10,4 @@ It is developed and maintained by:
- (c) Martin Lange, University of Kassel (

We currently support the following SAT Solvers:
- zChaff (c) Princeton University (
- MiniSAT (c) Niklas Eén, Niklas Sörensson (
- PicoSAT (c) JKU Linz (

## Installation

Install OCaml, OUnit, OPAM, Ocamlbuild.

git clone
cd satsolversforocaml

## Usage

- See the two test application for example use cases

### Sat Solvers

#### Picosat

tar xzvf picosat-965.tar.gz
cd picosat-965
./ && make
cd ..
echo "PICOSAT = `pwd`/picosat-965/libpicosat.a" >> satsolversforocaml/SatConfig
#### ZChaff

tar xzvf
cd zchaff64
cd ..
echo "ZCHAFF = `pwd`/zchaff64/libsat.a" >> satsolversforocaml/SatConfig

#### MiniSat

git clone
cd minisat
cd ..
echo "MINISAT = `pwd`/minisat/build/release/lib/libminisat.a" >> satsolversforocaml/SatConfig
echo "MINISAT_INC = `pwd`/minisat" >> satsolversforocaml/SatConfig

If you're on a Mac and make fails, please have a look at these resources:
54 changes: 0 additions & 54 deletions SatCompile

This file was deleted.

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions _oasis
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
OASISFormat: 0.4
Name: SATSolversForOcaml
Version: 0.1
Synopsis: This library contains an abstraction layer for integrating SAT
Solvers into OCaml.
Description: This library contains an abstraction layer for integrating SAT
Solvers into OCaml.
Authors: Oliver Friedmann, Martin Lange
Maintainers: Oliver Friedmann, Martin Lange
OCamlVersion: >= 4.03.0
License: BSD-3-clause
SourceRepository head
Type: git
Location: git://
Plugins: META
BuildTools: ocamlbuild
Library "SATSolversForOcaml"
Path: src
BuildDepends: minisat
InternalModules: minisat/Minisatwrapper, Satsolverregistry
Modules: Satsolvers, Satwrapper, pseudosat/Pseudosatwrapper, preprocessor/Preprocessor,
externalsat/Externalsat, externalsat/Satsolutionlexer, externalsat/Satsolutionparser
33 changes: 24 additions & 9 deletions _tags
@@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
"tester": include
"src": include
"src/pseudosat": include
"src/externalsat": include
"src/preprocessor": include
"src/picosat": include
"src/zchaff": include
"src/minisat": include
"temp": include
# DO NOT EDIT (digest: a78bab6c57f18998f829519fda9cf2ed)
# Ignore VCS directories, you can use the same kind of rule outside
# OASIS_START/STOP if you want to exclude directories that contains
# useless stuff for the build process
true: annot, bin_annot
<**/.svn>: -traverse
<**/.svn>: not_hygienic
".bzr": -traverse
".bzr": not_hygienic
".hg": -traverse
".hg": not_hygienic
".git": -traverse
".git": not_hygienic
"_darcs": -traverse
"_darcs": not_hygienic
# Library SATSolversForOcaml
"src/SATSolversForOcaml.cmxs": use_SATSolversForOcaml
<src/*.ml{,i,y}>: package(minisat)
<src/externalsat/*.ml{,i,y}>: package(minisat)
<src/preprocessor/*.ml{,i,y}>: package(minisat)
<src/pseudosat/*.ml{,i,y}>: package(minisat)
<src/minisat/*.ml{,i,y}>: package(minisat)
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions deprecated/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
print_string "FOOBAR\n\n\n";

let parameters = [(
"PICOSAT", "Picosat Library file (usually called libpicosat.a)", ref "", ["Picosat"; "Picosatwrapper"], "picosatSolverFactory"
); (
"ZCHAFF", "ZChaff Library file (usually called libsat.a)", ref "", ["Zchaff"; "Zchaffwrapper"], "zchaffSolverFactory"
); (
"MINISAT", "Minisat Library file (usually called libminisat.a)", ref "", ["Minisat"; "Minisatwrapper"], "minisatSolverFactory"
); (
"MINISAT_INC", "Minisat Inclusion directory (usually the Minisat root diredtory)", ref "", [], ""
)] in

let filename_config = "./SatConfig" in

let filename_config = (Sys.getenv "HOME") ^ "/.satconfig" in

(try (
let file_config = open_in filename_config in

let strings = Hashtbl.create 10 in

while true do
let line = input_line file_config in
let split = Array.of_list (String.split_on_char '=' line) in
if Array.length split = 2
then Hashtbl.add strings (String.trim split.(0)) (String.trim split.(1))
with End_of_file -> ();

close_in file_config;

List.iter (fun (key, _, value, _, _) ->
value := Hashtbl.find strings key
with Not_found -> ()
) parameters
) with Sys_error _ -> ());
print_string "\nSATSolversForOcaml Configuration\n\n";
List.iter (fun (key, desc, value, _) ->
print_string ("Configuring " ^ desc ^ "\n");
print_string (" Current value: " ^ !value ^ " (empty to disable)\n");
print_string (" Hit return to keep current value, 'null' to erase current value and path to set current value.\n");
print_string (" " ^ key ^ ": ");
let new_value = String.trim (read_line ()) in
print_string ("\n");
if (new_value = "null")
then value := ""
else if (not (new_value = ""))
then value := new_value
) parameters;
let file_config = open_out filename_config in
List.iter (fun (key, desc, value, _) ->
output_string file_config ("# " ^ desc ^ "\n");
if (not (!value = ""))
then output_string file_config (key ^ " = " ^ !value ^ "\n")
else output_string file_config ("# " ^ key ^ " = \n");
output_string file_config "\n"
) parameters;
close_out file_config;
let filename_include = "./src/local/" in

let file_include = open_out filename_include in

List.iter (fun (_, _, value, includes, _) ->
List.iter (fun incl ->
if (not (!value = ""))
then output_string file_include ("open " ^ incl ^";;\n")
else output_string file_include ("(*open " ^ incl ^";;*)\n")
) includes
) parameters;
output_string file_include "\nlet register_solvers register_solver =\n";
List.iter (fun (_, _, value, _, factory) ->
if (not (!value = "") && not (factory = ""))
then output_string file_include (" register_solver (new " ^ factory ^ ");\n")
) parameters;

close_out file_include;

let stdlib = Sys.argv.(1) in (*`ocamlfind printconf stdlib`*)
let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in

let parameters = [(
(fun (args) -> "gcc -c -g -I " ^ stdlib ^ " -o ./_build/PicoSATWrap.o ./src/picosat/backend/"),
(fun (args) -> "-lflag " ^ pwd ^ "/_build/PicoSATWrap.o -lflag " ^ args.(0))
); (
(fun (args) -> "gcc -c -g -I " ^ stdlib ^ " -o ./_build/ZchaffWrap.o ./src/zchaff/backend/"),
(fun (args) -> "-ocamlopt 'ocamlopt -cc g++' -lflag " ^ pwd ^ "/_build/ZchaffWrap.o -lflag " ^ args.(0))
); (
(fun (args) -> "gcc -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -c -I " ^ stdlib ^ " -I " ^ args.(1) ^ " -o ./_build/MiniSATWrap.o ./src/minisat/backend/"),
(fun (args) -> "-ocamlopt 'ocamlopt -cc g++' -lflag " ^ pwd ^ "/_build/MiniSATWrap.o -lflag " ^ args.(0))
)] in

let filename_config = (Sys.getenv "HOME") ^ "/.satconfig" in
let strings = Hashtbl.create 10 in

(try (
let file_config = open_in filename_config in

while true do
let line = input_line file_config in
let split = Array.of_list (String.split_on_char '=' line) in
if Array.length split = 2
then Hashtbl.add strings (String.trim split.(0)) (String.trim split.(1))
with End_of_file -> ();

close_in file_config
) with Sys_error _ -> ());

let compilelines = ref [] in
List.iter (fun (argkeys, f, g) ->
let argvalues = Array.of_list ( (Hashtbl.find strings) argkeys) in
let cmd = f argvalues in
print_string (cmd ^ "\n");
let _ = Sys.command(cmd) in
compilelines := (g argvalues)::!compilelines
with Not_found -> ()
) parameters;

let compileline = String.concat " " !compilelines in

let filename_compileline = "./compile.include" in

let file_compileline = open_out filename_compileline in
output_string file_compileline compileline;
close_out file_compileline;;
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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