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A banner image of a hexgrid surface plot

Library code used in models developed by Stuart P. Wilson, Seb James and co-workers in the Wilson Lab.

New: morphologica has a YouTube channel with some demo/tutorial content:

This header-only c++ code installs headers which contain simulation support facilities for our simulations of dynamical systems.

It helps with:

  • Configuration: morphologica allows you to easily set up a simulation parameter configuration system, using the JSON reading and writing abilities of morph::Config.

  • Saving data from your simulation. morphologica provides a set of easy-to-use convenience wrappers (morph::HdfData) around the HDF5 C API. By saving data in a standard format, it is easy to access simulation data in python, MATLAB or Octave for analysis and graphing.

  • Visualizing your model while it runs. A modern OpenGL visualization scheme called morph::Visual provides the ability to visualise hex grids, surfaces, scatter plots and quiver plots with minimal processing overhead.

It keeps out of the way of what kind of simulation you write. Our programs typically start with some kind of preamble, in which we use morph::Config to load up a JSON parameter file defining the values of the parameters for the simulation run. We might also use morph::HdfData to retrieve some data (e.g. the state) from an earlier simulation and then set up a morph::Visual object for the visualization. We then might call a function, or create a class object which defines the simulation. This may or may not access features from libmorphologica.

As the simulation progresses, we update the data in the morph::Visual scene; save images from the scene for movie making and record data as often as we want it using morph::HdfData. At the end of the program, as well as saving any final data, we use morph::Config to save out a 'version of record' of the parameters that were used, along with git information which morph::Config can extract so that we could find the exact version of the simulation for future reproducion of the result.

Shows a variety of visualisations created with morphologica

A selection of visualisations made with morphologica. A 2D graphs. B A self-organising map simulation (orientation preference maps). C Three dimensional quiver plot. D gene driven reaction diffusion model. E Debugging a large model.

Although it need not be incorporated into your actual simulation, morphologica does also provide classes that you might find useful. Examples include:

  • morph::HexGrid: a class for running simulations on hexagonal grids (it manages all the neighbour relationships between hexes and allows you to specific various boundary shapes for your domain)

  • morph::Vector and morph::vVector: Cool vector classes.

  • morph::MathAlgo a class containing mathematical algorithms.

  • morph::BezCurve and friends: classes for working with Bezier curves.

  • morph::Winder A class to compute the winding number of a path.

  • morph::Scale A class for simple scaling/transformation of numbers.

  • morph::NM_Simplex An optimization algorithm.

  • morph::RandUniform and friends. Nice wrapper classes around c++'s high quality random number generation code.

  • morph::ReadCurves Code to read SVG drawings to turn Bezier-curve based lines into paths containing evenly spaced coordinates.

morphologica is a way of storing our 'group knowledge' for posterity!

Some existing projects which use morphologica are:

Code documentation

morphologica code is enclosed in the morph namespace. You can see the doxygen-generated code documentation at

For example programs which are compiled when you do the standard cmake-driven build of morphologica, see both the tests/ subdirectory and the examples/ subdirectory. The readme in examples/ has some nice screenshots.

For full, compilable, standalone examples of the code, see the standalone_examples/ subdirectory. Use these as templates for creating your own projects which use morphologica library code.

See for a quick-start guide to the main classes.

Building code against morphologica

First, ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed (OpenCV, Armadillo, OpenGL, Freetype, glfw3, HDF5 and LAPACK). Platform-specific instructions can be found in the files and

To build a program against morphologica, you need to tell your build process: 1) What compiler flags to add to the compiler command line, including a directive to say where the fonts that morphologica will compile into your binaries (if you're using morph::Visual) are located. 2) Where the morphologica headers are to be found. 3) which libraries to link to.

You can either build with morphologica headers (and fonts) installed in your chosen location (/usr/local by default) or you can just clone a copy of morphologica source into your own source tree.

(Seb prefers this second option: 'clone and go'. Just git clone morphologica into your source tree (or somewhere else) and then make sure your compiler can find the includes, fonts and libraries.)

Depending on the option you choose, small differences to the paths used for 1) Compiler flags and 2) Include directories will be required.

If you're using cmake, then this is what you add to your client code's CMakeLists.txt:

1) Compiler flags

This piece of boiler-plate cmake will get you started with a sensible set of compiler flags for morphologica:

# From CMAKE_SYSTEM work out which of __OSX__, __GLN__, __NIX__ or __WIN__ are required
message(STATUS "Operating system: " ${CMAKE_SYSTEM})
  message(ERROR "Operating system not supported: " ${CMAKE_SYSTEM})

# morphologica uses c++-17 language features

# Add the host definition to CXXFLAGS along with other switches,
# depending on OS/Compiler and your needs/preferences
if (APPLE)
  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${EXTRA_HOST_DEFINITION} -Wall -Wfatal-errors -g -O3")
else() # assume g++ (or a gcc/g++ mimic like Clang)
  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${EXTRA_HOST_DEFINITION} -Wall -Wfatal-errors -g -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -march=native -O3")

# Tell clang to be quiet about brace initialisers:
  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-missing-braces")

# Add OpenMP flags here, if necessary

# Additional GL compiler flags.

# Tell the program where the morph fonts are. Again, assuming you installed morphologica in /usr/local:
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -DMORPH_FONTS_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/local/share/fonts\\\"\"")

The last flag (MORPH_FONTS_DIR) helps your compiler to copy in the fonts that morph::Visual needs. If you are working with 'in-tree' morphologica change this to:

# Tell the program where the morph fonts are, to compile them into the binary
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -DMORPH_FONTS_DIR=\"\\\"${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/morphologica/fonts\\\"\"")

2) Include directories for headers

# Find the libraries which will be needed
find_package(jsoncpp REQUIRED)
find_package(HDF5 REQUIRED)
find_package(Armadillo REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(glfw3 3.3 REQUIRED)
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)

# Define collections of includes for the dependencies
get_target_property(JSON_INC_PATH jsoncpp_lib INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
include_directories(${MORPH_INC_CORE} ${MORPH_INC_GL})

# MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH is set to the location at which the header directory 'morph' is found. For 'Installed morpholoigca':
set(MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/local CACHE PATH "The path to the morphologica headers (e.g. /usr/local/include or \$HOME/usr/include)")
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH}/include/morph) # Allows GL3/gl3.h to be found
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH}/include)       # Allows morph/Header.h to be found

If you are working with in-tree morphologica, then replace the last section with:

# Assuming that you installed morphologica in-tree (i.e. 'next to' schnakenberg.cpp).
set(MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/morphologica" CACHE PATH "The path to morphologica")
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH}/include) # Allows GL3/gl3.h to be found
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH})         # Allows morph/Header.h to be found

3) Links to dynamically linked libraries

Morphologica makes use of a number of libraries. Depending on which classes you use from morphologica, you'll need to link to some or all of these:

set(MORPH_LIBS_GL ${OpenCV_LIBS} OpenGL::GL Freetype::Freetype glfw)
target_link_libraries(myprogtarget ${MORPH_LIBS_CORE} ${MORPH_LIBS_GL})

Example build files

Each of the examples in morphologica/standalone_examples has a CMakeLists.txt, written as if each example was a standalone project in its own right.

The best example CMakeLists.txt file is the one in standalone_examples/schnakenberg, because it uses a broad range of morphologica's features.

In standalone_examples/schnakenberg, the default cmake build file, CMakeLists.txt assumes you did a 'morphologica install' into /usr/local, whereas CMakeLists_intree.txt will (if renamed to CMakeLists.txt) build the code assuming that you placed a copy of the morphologica source tree inside standalone_examples/schnakenberg.

Legacy code and tests

morphologica has a library of legacy code and some test programs which are built with cmake. The process to build and install morphologica's test programs is given in for GNU/Linux and for Apple Mac.


Authorship of morphologica code is given in each file. Copyright in the software is owned by the authors. morphologica is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 (see LICENSE.txt).


A library of supporting code for numerical modelling (JSON config, HDF5 data, Modern OpenGL visualization)







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  • C++ 59.3%
  • C 36.2%
  • HTML 3.1%
  • CMake 1.2%
  • GLSL 0.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%