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This page explains how you can invite someone, for example your colleague or a partner organisation, to access your organisation's instance of the Sempo dashboard.

Inviting someone to access the Dashboard

{% hint style="warning" %} To get access to the dashboard ask your platform administrator to invite you and then sign up. If you need help, please reach out to {% endhint %}

Superadmins and admins can invite others to join the Sempo Dashboard. To invite others, please:

  1. Navigate to the Settings Page
  2. Select ‘+ New User’
  3. Enter the New User's email address, and choose their tier. (See Access Tiers for guidance if you don't know which tier to invite them to.)
  4. If a user doesn't get an email, try resending it and ask them to check their spam inbox.

Step 1 & 2 Settings Page/Invite User

Step 3 Invite User Screen

Step 4 Manage Invite Action

Similar to the admin user list action, to manage an email invite, simply click on the 3 dot action icon of the invite you would like to resend or delete.