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Some notes on how to build TechCoin in Raspbian.


  • Raspberry Pi + Raspbian
  • RAM
    • compilation could take up to 300MB of memory
    • model A with 256MB RAM - you will need bigger swap
    • model B and B+ with 512MB RAM - standard swap file (100MB) will do
    • maximize your RAM
      • sudo raspi-config - Advanced Options -> Memory Split -> set GPU memory to minimum (16MB)
    • free as much RAM as possible (if you run other applications/servers close them for the time of compilation)
  • Disk space
    • maximize your free space on SD card (min. 8GB card is recommended)
      • sudo raspi-config - Expand Filesystem (expands disk space to take all available SD card capacity)
  • Updated repositories
    • sudo apt-get update


Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential libboost1.50-dev libboost-filesystem1.50-dev libboost-system1.50-dev libboost-program-options1.50-dev libboost-thread1.50-dev libssl-dev libdb5.1++-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt4-qmake libqt4-dev

Create directories and clone git repository:

cd ~ && mkdir -p ~/cryptos && cd ~/cryptos && git clone git://

Compiling daemon (Techcoind) from source

Compile (takes some time, depending on CPU speed, ~2h on stock 700Mhz):

cd ~/cryptos/techcoin/src && mkdir obj && make -f makefile.unix

Allow daemon to be accessed from any path (optional: allows to use Techcoind instead of using full path:

sudo mv Techcoind /usr/local/bin

Compiling TechCoin-Qt from source

Compile (takes even more time, depending on CPU speed, 4-8 hours):

cd ~/cryptos/techcoin && qmake && make

Strip debug symbols (optional but recommended: reduces binary size):

strip techcoin-qt

Create Desktop icon (optional but useful:

wget -O ~/.TechCoin/icon.png && echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nName=TechCoin\nType=Application\nComment=TECH rebuilt! \nCategories=Application\nExec=/home/pi/cryptos/techcoin/techcoin-qt\nIcon=/home/pi/.TechCoin/icon.png\nTerminal=false\nStartupNotify=true" > ~/Desktop/techcoin.desktop


Pull fresh code from git:

cd ~/cryptos/techcoin && git pull

Repeat procedure for daemon or Qt (all steps)