Infor CloudSuite Distribution Kit Production User Guide Release 2023.x Copyright (c) 2023 Infor Important Notices The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and contains confidential and proprietary information of Infor. 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Publication Information Release: Infor Distribution SX.e 2023.x Publication Date: April 27, 2023 Document code: sxe_2023.x_kpolh en-us Contents Contacting Infor 4 Chapter 1: Setting up kit products 5 Setting up a prebuilt or build-on-demand kit 5 Setting up a BOD kit with back-ordered components 6 Setting up a fabricated kit 7 Setting up a core kit 7 Creating a new version of a KP product setup 8 Replenishing prebuilt kits 9 Chapter 2: Entering and maintaining work orders 10 Manually creating work orders 10 Creating ties for prebuilt kit components 10 Creating manual work order ties 11 Updating the product setup version on a KP order 11 Accepting work orders 12 Deleting or canceling work orders 12 Disassembling a kit 13 Index 14 Contacting Infor If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at and create a support incident. For the latest documentation, go to Documentation Central at We recommend that you check this website periodically for updated documentation. If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact Chapter 1: Setting up kit products Setting up a prebuilt or build-on-demand kit Before you can set up a kit in KP Component Setup, you must set up the kit product as a stock product in Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup. A prebuilt kit product is assembled from a work order and placed in inventory to be sold at a later date. A build-on-demand (BOD) kit product is assembled when it is ordered by a customer and the pick ticket, which contains the components, is printed. Note: You cannot set up a labor product as a prebuilt kit. 1 Select Product > Setup > Product. 2 Click New. 3 Specify the product number for the kit product; click Create & Continue. 4 On the General view, specify information in the fields as appropriate. In the Kit section, specify values for these and other fields: a In the Kit Type field, select Build On Demand or Pre-Built. b In the OE Kit Rollup field, select a roll-up option. c In the Comp Prt Transfer field, select the documents on which you want the components to print. If you are setting up a prebuilt kit, components do not print, regardless of this setting. d If you are setting up a BOD kit, you can require that the operator enter a nonstock component when entering a sales order. Select Req N/S Component option. 5 Complete and save the record. 6 Select Product > Setup > Warehouse Product. 7 Click New. 8 Specify the same product number you used in step 3. 9 If you entered the product number for a prebuilt kit, specify the vendor and product line for this kit. 10 Specify a warehouse; click OK. 11 On the General view, specify information in the fields as appropriate. In the Authorized Replenishment Path section, specify these values: • If you are setting up a prebuilt kit, select Kit in the Type field and click Save. • If you are setting up a BOD kit, select Vendor in the Type field. Specify the vendor and product line. 12 Complete and save the record. When specifying Ordering values, note that prebuilt kits usually use a min/max ordering method. 13 Select Kit Production > Setup > Components. 14 Click New. 15 In the Kit Product field, specify the kit's product number. 16 Select Component in the Type field and complete the remaining fields. Indicate if this component is required, has a variable quantity, allows substitutes, should have its price rolled into the price of the kit, and should print on order acknowledgements, pick tickets, and bid worksheets. 17 Click Save to add the component to the kit. If the component has a core charge, an error occurs. You cannot add a core charge component to a prebuilt kit. 18 To add another component, or a group, keyword, option, or reference, repeat steps 14-17, selecting correct option in the Type field. Setting up a BOD kit with back-ordered components You can sell a build-on-demand (BOD) kit with the components you have on hand and back order the components that are not available. To do so, you must set up the component to allow it to be back-ordered in KP Components Setup. 1 Verify that all of the kit component products are set up in Product Setup and in Product Warehouse Product Setup for the warehouse from which the kit is sold. 2 In Product Setup, create or maintain a BOD kit product record. Ensure that these values are specified in the Kit section: a In the Kit Type field, select Build On Demand. b In the OE Kit Rollup field, select Blank. c In the Allow Transfer filed, select Do Not Allow WT BOD. 3 To add components to the kit, select Kit Production > Setup > Components. 4 Click New. 5 In the Kit Product field, specify the kit product number. 6 In the Component Type field, select Component. Only components for build on demand kits can be back-ordered. Options, groups, keywords, and reference types cannot be back-ordered. 7 Specify the component. To allow it to be back-ordered, select the Back Order option. 8 Complete the component information and click Save to add the component to the kit. 9 Repeat steps 6-8 until you have added all of the kit components. 10 To use the split-billing option to control the amount billed when a partial kit back order is created, select Product > Setup > Warehouse Descriptions. 11 Select the warehouse in which you want to allow split billing. 12 In the Extended view, click Edit. 13 In the Kits section, select the Split Bill option. 14 Click Save. Setting up a fabricated kit Fabricated kits are a hybrid of a prebuilt and build-on-demand kit that can be transferred between warehouses. Fabricated kits can also be drop-shipped directly to the customer. When you set up a fabricated kit, you must complete two different setups. In the fabrication warehouse, you must set up both the fabricated kit and each of the kit components. You can use nonstock components. In the sales order warehouse, you must set up the fabricated kit product only. The kit product name must be the same on all records. The work flow for a fabricated kits starts when a fabricated kit is entered on a sales order. Entering a fabricated kit on a sales order automatically creates a warehouse transfer and work order for the kit in the fabricating warehouse. Use these instruction to set up a fabricated kit product in the fabricating warehouse: 1 Create a kit product record in Product Setup. In the Kit section, specify this information: a Select Build On Demand in the Kit Type field. b Select No Rollup in the OE Kit Rollup field. c Select Allow WT BOD in the Allow Transfer field. d In the Comp Prt Trans field, indicate on which pick tickets you want the kit components to print. If you print components on the Sales Order Entry or Warehouse Transfer pick ticket, the components also print on the corresponding master report, Sales Order Master List Report or Transfer Master List Report. 2 For the fabrication warehouse, create a kit product record in Product Warehouse Product Setup. In the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) section, specify this information: a Select Vendor in the Type field. b Specify a Vendor and a Product Line. 3 For the selling warehouse, create a kit product record in Product Warehouse Product Setup. In the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) section, specify this information: a Select Warehouse in the Type field. b Specify the fabrication warehouse in the ARP Warehouse field. 4 Select Kit Production > Setup > Components. 5 To add a component to a kit, click New and specify the product number for the fabricated kit in the Kit Product field. 6 Select a component type from the Type field. Valid options for build-on-demand kits are Component, Group, Option, and Reference. Complete the fields that are related to the type that you selected. 7 To add the component to the kit, click Save. 8 Repeat steps 5-7 to add the remaining components to the kit. Setting up a core kit You must provide the minimum information in Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup to create a product record for each prebuilt kit product and component that you stock in your warehouse. You must set up the records for the implied core charge and dirty core products before you can set up a record for a remanufactured core product. You must also associate the components with the kit in KP Component Setup, so that quantities of the components can be checked when you enter the kit on a work order, sales order, warehouse transfer, or any other document. 1 Select Product > Setup > Product and create a core kit product record. a Access the Cores & Configurator view. b Select a Product Type. There are three types of core product records that identify the phase of the core product's life cycle or return deposit: remanufactured or new, implied core charge, and dirty or worn core product. You must set up the records for the implied core charge and dirty core product before you set up a record for a remanufactured core product. If you are setting up a record for a remanufactured core product, specify the names for the implied core charge and dirty core products or ensure the product names that default according to SA Admin Options-Products-Cores options are valid. c Specify grace periods for the vendor and customer. d Complete and save the record. 2 Select Products > Setup > Warehouse Product and create a record for the remanufactured core product you created in step 1. a In the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) section on the General view, select the way the product is to be replenished. If this product is a prebuilt kit that is replenished in your kit work center, select Kit in the Type field. If this product is a build-on-demand kit, select Vendor, and specify the vendor and product line that you use to replenish the product. If the vendor that supplies the core product charges you a fee or return deposit, you must select the Vendor Core Chg option in Product Lines Setup. This setting ensures that the correct prices and costs are used for the product. b Complete and save the record. 3 To specify components for a core kit, select Kit Production > Setup > Components. a Click Create. b Specify the remanufactured core kit product number in the Kit Product field. This is the same product you created a record for in steps 1 and 2. c Select a value in the Type field and then complete the remaining fields. Select the appropriate options and save the record. 4 Repeat steps 1-3 until all components, groups, keywords, options, and instructions are entered for this kit. Creating a new version of a KP product setup 1 Select Kit Production > Setup > Components. 2 Specify the kit product and version number you want to modify to create a new version. 3 Click Create New Version. A new product setup is created with the selected version's component information. The system assigns a new version number. 4 Specify a description for the version in the Version Reference field. 5 Modify the component setup. 6 Save the component setup version. Replenishing prebuilt kits You should replenish prebuilt kits as you sell them. A KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report (KP RRAR), similar to a PO RRAR or WT RRAR, is used to create work orders. 1 Select Kit Production > Entry > KPE Reports > KPER. 2 Run the report as a One-time or Stored report. Chapter 2: Entering and maintaining work orders Manually creating work orders Work orders are usually created through the KP Recommended Replenishment Action Report process. You can manually enter work orders in KP Work Order Center Entry. 1 Select Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Center. 2 Click Quick Work Order Entry. 3 Specify the warehouse responsible for the inventory and the prebuilt kit product number, click Continue. 4 Specify the quantity to order. 5 Verify the Unit, Quantity Shipped, and B/O fields. Optionally, specify a reference. 6 To add or delete components on the kit, click Components. 7 Click Save Work Order. 8 Repeat steps 3-7 to enter additional work orders. Close the Quick Work Order Entry window when you are finished. 9 Print the work order(s) using the KP Entry Print Work Orders Report. 10 Select Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Center and accept the work order. Creating ties for prebuilt kit components You can source a single component or multiple components for prebuilt kits in KP Work Order Center Entry. You can tie a component to a purchase order or warehouse transfer. If a component of the prebuilt kit is another prebuilt kit, you can tie it to another work order. Ties are created only if the quantity order is less than the quantity reserved. To create a tie for a component that has the full quantity reserved, create the work order without sourcing the component. After the work order is created, change the reserved amount for the component to less than the quantity needed. Then, create the tie in the Sourcing section. The tie is created for the quantity ordered less the quantity reserved. Use these instructions to create ties for single or multiple components during work order creation. You can also update a work order, including work orders for fabricated kits, to include kit component sourcing. 1 Manually create a work order. 2 Click Components. To source a single component: Note: If you are adding a component to the kit, you can source the component in the Add Component window starting with step b. a Drill down on the component line and click Sourcing. b In the Product Source field, specify whether to tie the component to a purchase order, warehouse transfer, or work order. c Complete the remaining fields for the selected product source. To source multiple components: a Select the components you want to tie to a single purchase order or warehouse transfer. If you are sourcing lines from a group, you must select the individual sub-lines. b Click Multi-Comp Sourcing. c Specify the product sourcing information. 3 Click Submit to return to the Kit Components window. 4 Navigate back to the Quick Work Order Entry window and click Save. Creating manual work order ties When a work order is created for a sub-assembly component, you can manually tie work orders at both the component and sub-assembly component level. 1 Select Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Center. 2 Click Quick Work Order Entry. 3 Specify the warehouse and kit; click Continue. To view component availability for the kit, click Component Availability. 4 In the Work Order Tie field, specify the number of the work order. The prebuilt kit and its sequence number are tied to this work order. 5 Click Save. Updating the product setup version on a KP order 1 Access Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Version. 2 Specify the product to search for open stage KP work orders that use a previous product version setup. 3 Select the orders that you want to update and flag them for update. If components on the KP work order were modified when the order was created, running this option to update the work order to the new version setup removes those changes. The original version number is not retained. 4 Click Final Update. Accepting work orders After prebuilt kits are built, accept them in KP Work Order Center Entry to update the information in the system. The work order cannot be accepted if it is in use by another operator. After the work order is accepted, you cannot update order lines. 1 Select Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Center. 2 Search for the work order you want to accept and then select the work order in the grid. 3 Optionally, expand the line to change the Ordered and Unit field values. 4 Click Accept. 5 Open a journal and click OK. If this work order contains serial or lot products, the Serial/Lot view is displayed. Specify a unique lot/serial number and click OK. 6 The Status column indicates that the work order is accepted. 7 Optionally, accept additional work orders. 8 When you are finished, click Submit. 9 Specify a printer for the allocation and receipts reports. 10 Specify a printer for the pick tickets and indicate in which order you want to print pick tickets. 11 Click Save. Deleting or canceling work orders Deleting a work order removes the records from your system. Canceling a work order inactivates the records, but they remain in your system. If you are canceling or deleting a work order and the work order was already printed, the component quantity is subtracted from the committed quantity, thus increasing your net available balance. The kit product's on-order balance is reduced by the quantity indicated on the work order. If the work order has not been printed, the quantity reserved decreases, thus increasing the component's net available balance. The kit product's on-order balance is reduced. If a sales order with ties to a work order is canceled, you must cancel the work order(s) manually to prevent inventory from being reserved for any components. This warning is displayed when you cancel a tied sales order: The Ties on the PO#/WT#/VA#/WO# Not Removed, Must Remove Manually (6032) Note: You cannot cancel or delete a completed work order or a work order in use by another operator. To cancel or delete a work order with active back orders, orders with a 00 suffix, you must cancel or delete the back order first. Use these instructions to delete or cancel work order after it is completed: 1 Select Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Center. 2 Search for the work order you want to delete or cancel and then select the work order in the grid. 3 Click Delete or Cancel. 4 Open a journal and click OK. 5 If you are deleting the work order, the letter d is displayed in the Status column. If you are canceling the work order, the letter c is displayed. 6 Optionally, delete or cancel additional work orders. 7 When you are finished, click Submit. 8 Specify a printer for the allocation and receipts reports. 9 Specify a printer for the pick tickets and indicate in which order you want to print pick tickets. 10 Click OK. Disassembling a kit Use these instructions to disassemble a prebuilt kit: 1 Select Kit Production > Entry > Work Order Center. 2 Click Quick Work Order Entry. 3 Specify the warehouse and the kit product to be disassembled. 4 Click Continue; make note of the work order number. 5 In the Qty Ordered field, press the minus sign and then specify the number of kits to disassemble. 6 Click Save Work Order. 7 Print the work order using the KP Entry Print Work Orders Report. 8 Follow the instructions to accept the work order. Index A accept work order 12 B back order kits 6 break down K kit back order processing 6 build-on-demand 5-6 core kits 7 disassembling 13 fabricated 7 manually creating work orders 10 prebuilt 5 kit 13 build-on-demand kit setting up 5, 7 C cancel work order 12 component back ordered 6 disassemble 13 core kit setting up 7 create kit 5-7, 10 D delete work order 12 disassemble kit 13 E enter work order 10 F fabricated kit setting up 7 kit component back ordered 6 P partial kit setting up records 6 prebuilt kit disassembling 13 setting up 5, 7 product component 6 kit 5, 7, 13 R remove work order 12 S set up core kit 7 kit 5, 7 W work order accepting 12 cancelling 12 creating 10 deleting 12 ties 11