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technicalpickles edited this page Aug 22, 2010 · 11 revisions

Publishing to RubyForge is relatively easy, but there are a few stes.

  • Create an account on RubyForge
  • Register a project on RubyForge
  • Run ‘rubyforge setup’ and fill in your username and password for RubyForge
  • Run ‘rubyforge config’ to pull down information about your projects
  • Run ‘rubyforge login’ to make sure you are able to login
  • In Jeweler::Tasks, set `rubyforge_project` to the name of the project you created
  • Instantiate a Jeweler::RubyforgeTasks to bring in the appropriate tasks
  • Run rake rubyforge:setup to setup the project for releasing
  • Run rake rubyforge:release to actually release. Recent versions of Jeweler automatically will invoke this during rake release
  • Releasing to RubyForge will also upload documentation to it. You must provide the name of the rake task to generate the documentation, with it defaulting to ‘rdoc’. You can set this to false of :none skip this process.

Here’s an example usage of the RubyforgeTasks: do |rubyforge|
        rubyforge.doc_task = "rdoc"


Problem: rake rubyforge:release fails with the following message:

    rake aborted!
    no <processor_id> configured for <Any>

Solution: Edit ~/.rubyforge/auto-config.yml and make sure processor_ids is set like this:

        IA64: 6000
        AMD-64: 1500
        Any: 8000
        Sparc: 4000
        PPC: 2000
        Other: 9999
        Alpha: 7000
        i386: 1000
        UltraSparc: 5000
        MIPS: 3000

(With thanks to Dr. Nic for answering this thread)