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Welcome to TensorLayer


TensorLayer is a Deep Learning (DL) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) library extended from Google TensorFlow. It provides popular DL and RL modules that can be easily customized and assembled for tackling real-world machine learning problems.


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User Guide

The TensorLayer user guide explains how to install TensorFlow, CUDA and cuDNN, how to build and train neural networks using TensorLayer, and how to contribute to the library as a developer.

user/installation user/tutorial user/example user/development user/more

API Reference

If you are looking for information on a specific function, class or method, this part of the documentation is for you.

modules/layers modules/cost modules/prepro modules/iterate modules/utils modules/nlp modules/rein modules/files modules/visualize modules/ops modules/activation modules/db

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search