The rfidpassiveapilib module depends on the txrxlib base module.
The current configuration require that all modules folder should reside in the same directory, as in the example below:
+-- tt-rfid-passive-api-lib-android/
+-- rfidpassiveapilib/
+-- settings.gradle
+-- tt-txrx-lib-android/
+-- txrxlib/
If needed, you can change the settings.gradle file inside the module folder, according to your project structure.
Migration to api level 30 (Android 11) require the replacement of original support library APIs with the new androidx APIs (see here for more instructions) and the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission
The supportLibrayVersion
variable, defined as ext in the root project build.gradle file, must be replaced with the new androidxAnnotationVersion
variable (current value is 1.2.0)