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#The xiii. bukes of Eneados of the famose poete Virgill translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel [and] unkil to the Erle of Angus. Euery buke hauing hys perticular prologe. Aeneis. English (Scots)#

##Virgil.## The xiii. bukes of Eneados of the famose poete Virgill translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel [and] unkil to the Erle of Angus. Euery buke hauing hys perticular prologe. Aeneis. English (Scots) Virgil.

##General Summary##


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##Content Summary##


  1. ¶ The Preface.

    _ ❧ The contentes of euery buke.


  1. The firſt Booke of Eneados. ¶The poete firſt, proponyng his ententDeclaris Iunois wrath, and matalent.THe battellis and the man,☞ How dame Iuno / till Eolus cuntre wentAnd of the ſtorme on the Troianis furth ſent.ANd on this wiſ❧ How Eneas was / with the tempeſt ſchaikAnd how Neptune his nauy / ſauit fra wraik.BElife Eneas mem¶ How Eneas in Affrik / did aryueAnd thare wyth ſchote / ſlew .vii. Dartis beliue.AFter that the Fad☞ How Iowe beheld / the large coiſtis on ferAnd how Venus carpit / with Iupyter.GOne was the day, an☞ Enee at morowe / 〈◊〉 thorow the ſchawMet with hys Moder / in to habit vnknaw.BOt all this, the reuEneas at hys moderis / commaundemet•led with the myſty cloud / in cartage wentTHat in the mene time,❧ Here to the tempyl / cummis quene DidoQuhare that Enee his feris fand alſoQVhill as the manfull tr¶ How Eneas / wyth all his rout bedeneWar thankfully, reſſauit with the Quene.WIth their wourdis, th☞ How that Venus all perrillis to ſecludeSend Cupide in Aſcaneus ſimilitude.IN the mene tyme Venus,DOf the banket and of the gret deray▪And how Cupide / inflames the lady gay.NOw paſſis furth Cupide,

  2. ¶ The Prologue of the ſecond Booke of Eneadois.

  3. The ſecond Booke of Eneados. Eneas fir ſtex cuſis him / and ſyneAddreſſi• to rehers / troyes rewyne.THay ceiſſit all attanis, inc❧ Quhow the Grekes, with drew thaym of the radeAnd of the mekill ſubtell hors thay made. THe Grekis ☞ ȝit of the tratouris fals contriuit ſlightThat was beleuit allace with euery wicht.PArdoun and lif¶How ſtranglit was the preiſt heicht laoconAnd how the hors clam / ouer the wallis of ſton.BEtid theGrekis enteris by treſſoun in the citsAnd how Hector appetis to Enee.Diſcrypcyon of the nyghte.With ¶ How Eneas the terſſoundid perſaueAnd quhat debate he made the touns to ſaif.IN ſere placis, throw ¶ The wofull end per ordoure here allasFollowis of troy, and geiſtis of Eneas.QVha ſall the harme,A ¶ How to the kyngis palice ſped EneeThat ſyn was tak thare helpit na ſuppleANon vnto the palice, of ¶ In to thys nixt chepture ȝe may attendeOf Priame kynge of Troy the fatale ene.PEreuenture of Pr•am¶ How ve•us gan to Eneas appereAnd of his fader / and vther maters fere.FIrſt than the griſ•ie, dede☞ How Eneas hys fader bare awayand how he loiſt Creuſa by the way.WIth ſkirllis and with ſkrekis, ſc¶ How Eneas ſocht hys ſpous / al the coiſtAnd how to hym apperis / hir grete goiſt.TO Priamus palice

  4. ¶ The Prologue, of the thyrd Booke of Eneaods

  5. ¶ The thyrd Booke of Eneados ¶ Efter the diſtruction of IliumHe ſalis in trace and biggis ene adum.EFter that ſene, and th•cht ex¶ How Eneas, ſocht anſuere at AppolyneAnd how he to the land of crete, ſalit ſyneSIne quhen we ſe, o¶ How Troiane goddis / apperit to Ene•And how that he was / ſtormſted on the ſe.CVmmyng is the nyght¶ How to Eneas / the harpies dyd grete w•And of the drery prophete / Celeno.STrophides in grew leid,¶ Eneas arryuys at EpetiaAnd how he ſpak tharewith 〈◊〉 BE this the ſon, had circulat his lang ȝereAn¶ How that helenus declaris till EneeQuhat dangeris he ſuld thole on land and ſeTHus draif we ouer, ¶ Of Helenus / and of AndromatheAnd how fra thame departing gan Enee.IN the mene quhile, Anchiſes my¶ How firſt Eneas, Itale dyd eſpyeand mony ſtrange wentys has ſalit byFVrth on with this, throw out ¶ Of the Greik namyt AchemynedesReherſing Enee / the natur of Cyclopes.THe ſecund day, be thys ſpran¶ Of Poliphemus / and mony ſtrange coiſtAnd how Enee hys fader / Cecill loiſt.SKars this was ſaid,A

  6. The prologe of the fourth Boke

  7. The fourth buk of Eneado. ¶ The thochtfull quene with mony amorus clausTo hir ſiſter complenis in luffi cauſe.BE this the quen¶ Dido inflambit in the luſty hete•With amouris thochtis trublis all hir ſp•rites.WIth thyr wourdis,¶ To venus carpis Iuno / the goddesAnd of thare ſpeiche and ſermond / mare and lesALs ſwith as Iuno,¶ How that the Quene, to hunttyng t•de at morowAnd of the fyrſt day of hyr ioy, and ſorow.FVrth of t¶ Quhow Eneas hym grathis to departCo quham Dido carpis here wyth ſare hart.BOt than half mad and do¶ Of the ſcharp wourdis quene Dydo did a •ayAnd how Eneas bownis faſt away.Quene didois inuectyf ora¶ How Dido ſend hir ſiſt•r Enee to prayAnd the gryſly ſyngnis dyd her affray.QVhat thocht, thou now How Dydo quene hyr purpoys to conuertOf enchauntment Dyd conterfete the art:THus quhen Dydo, had cauQuhat ſorow Dreis quene Dydo all the nychtAnd how Mercurie bad eneas tak the flycht.A diſcripe•on of¶ How quene Dido / behelde Enee departAnd quhat ſcho ſade / with harmes at hyr hart.BE thys aurora, ¶ Here followis of the famus quene DidoThe fatale diut of deithis mortall woBOt now the haiſty, egir

  8. The Prolouge of the fyft buk.

  9. The fyfte Boke of Eneados. ¶ Enee fra cartage ſalis / and how belifeHe wyth the tempeſt was in Cecile dryfe.IN the mene tyme, q¶ Ereas in Cecyle but langare taryMade for hys fader the ſeruice anniuerſaryTHe nixt morow als ſone,¶ Of the gammys proclamyng / and the playQuhais firſt dereyne four ſchippis dyd aſſay.CVmmyng be thi¶ȝit how the ſchip pis ſtrinis on the ſeOf thair nyſe rais, and quha than wan the gre.WIth this thai¶ How Eneas vnto the marynerisGayf euery man / thare rewarde as efferisANchiſes ſon Eeneas, than ful¶ In this nixt chep•ure followis hereThe futemennis renkis and rewardis ſer•.GEntill Enee, this ſpor¶ Of the twa kempis ſchuld ſtriue in the preisThe buſtuous Eutellus / and darhe•s.EFter thir raſis d¶ The bargane of the kempis curagiousThe feirs darhes / and ſtalwert EutellusTHe prince Anchiſes ſon¶ In to thi• next Chepture ȝe may eſpyNice craft of ſchuttyng and of Archery.A None Eneas, induce ga¶ How that Aſcaneus / and ȝoung childer gentAſſailȝeit vthir in maner of turnament. EN•as ſyne the dHow Iris ſend fra Iuno, in grete IreGart troia•e wemen / ſet thare ſchyppys in fyr•THus Hiddirtillis¶ Of the fyre flokynnyng / quhilk the nauy •erisAnd in Sycill / how Enee left hys feris.VNtyll anchiEneas gan depart, and how venusMade for hir ſon requieiſt to Neptunn•.BE this as al the pepil euery ¶ Throw our the flude merely ſalis En••And Palynurus drow•is in the ſee.GLadenes and comfort, than i

  10. The Proloug of the ſaxt buk.

  11. The ſyxte Boke of Eneados ¶ Enea eſspies Dedalus / werk expresAnd ſpak with / ſib illa the prophetes.THus wepand ſaid, and let¶ The anſueris and the word is to and 〈◊〉Betuix Eneas and this SibillaTHe hundreth gret durris, of t❧ Of Myſenus entirement / that was ſlaneAnd how Eneas fand, the goldin grane.ENee with drery chere, ¶ Of Eneas ſacrifyce by nychtAnd how to hel he tuke the way ful rycht.THis beand done ſybillais commTyll hellis fludis Enee / ſocht nethir mareAnd Pelinurus his / ſteriſman fand thareFRra thine ſtrekiOuer ſtix that flude / how that Enee dyd fareAnd Cerberus in caue / herd ȝell and rareAND as thay gaThe cyrculate wayes in hell Eneas ſawAnd fand quene Dido in the myr tre ſchaw.THus quhill the portar¶ The warde of wourthy weremen now EneeBeheld and here with deiphebus ſpak heWIth all his ſpede, fraSibilla carpand / till Enee can tellThe tormentis of depe drery panefull hellTHe tyme that they thus¶ How finally Sibilla \ and EneeCome to the pleſand plane of EliſeeFRa that the anciant Nun, of dame¶ How that Eneas wyth hys fader metAnd athir vthir wyth freyndly wourdys gret. THe mene ſeſoun, this¶ The ſere punytion / of ſaulis ſyndryeAnd how thay paſſe / ſyne to the flude lethee.FRa the begynny¶ Anchiſes ſchawis Eneas to the endAlhale the lynnage, ſal fra hym diſcend.NOw herkis me, behuffis ſ¶ Anchyſes ȝyt rekkynnys / furth hys of ſpryngAs wourthyeſt / that euer in rome ſall ryngBOt quhat mAnchiſes geuys Eneas / gude teichyngTo gyde the pepyll / vnder hys gouerningTHe pepyl of vthir realm

  12. The prologue of the .vii. buke Vyrgil in ther .vi forſaid beukis, follouis the moiſt excellent greik poet homer, in his odiſſe, of

  13. The ſeuynth Booke Eneas nuris Caiet• can decei•Qhuare ȝit the place / kepis that name but leis.CAieta thou nuris of En¶ Kinge latyne / of the goddis had commandTo wed his dochter / with men of vncouth land.THo gan the ¶ Efter Eneas come to Italy landMade ſacrifice to the goddes / with offerandTHe king thir anſueris, How Eneas ambaſſatouris dyd ſendTo kyng Latyne / wyth rewardis and commendTHe nixt morow, with his g¶ Kyng Latyne ſperis the caus / of thare cummyngAnd Ilioneus / made gude anſuering.IN ſic ane temple¶ Iuno parſauand the troyanis / beild ane tounFor greif and dolour / was lyke to ſwe•t and ſwounWIth¶ Allecto throw perſuaſyoun of IunoQuene Amata al witles gart ſche goTHis cruel monſtoure Allecto on¶ How Alecto perſuadit, has TurnusTo moi• batal, incontrare latinus.ALecto thus amang, the woddis deAſcanius huntand has / ane tame hart hurtQuhilk was firſt mouing, of thare ſtrifs and ſturt.QVuhil t¶ Fra the fyrſt ſlauchter / made apoun this wiſeTurn us and all the pepill / for battell cryis.ANd a☞ The portis of were to twych / the prince refuſisQuhilk Iuno brekys ſyne / for battel muſisTHe mane¶ The poet makis to goddis his prayereDeulis to compt the follkis graithis / for this were.ȜE muſis ¶ ȝit comptis the poet / the chyftanys all and ſumAganys the troyanis / fall in werefare cum LO clau¶ ȝit comptis the poet / the chyftanys all and ſumAganys the troyanis / fall in werefare cum LO clau¶ How turnus to this batall / bownis to gaAnd als this werelyke / woman / CamillaTVrnus him ſelf,Tur

  14. The prolouge of the eyght buke of Eneados

  15. The aucht Buke. ¶ How tyberynus god of the ryuerWyl Eneas / in viſioun gan appere.ALs ſwyith as turnus, ouer the maiThe •ew wyth gryſis / as tyberinus ſad•Eneas fand and ſacrifice has made THe nycht •led, and the ſleHow Eneas with kyng Euander metAnd bandis of kyndnes / has betuix thame knet.THe fyry ſon, be this a¶ Euander tellys / to Eneas but badeThe verray caus / quhy this ſacrifice was madeAFter that ſtanche¶ In louing / of the douchty herculesThe pepyll ſingis his werkis mare and lesIN the mene ſeſſoun, h¶ How king Euander / reherſis to EneeIn eldaris days the reule / of that countryTHis king Euandrus, ¶ Vntill Eneas / venus armour requirisFra Vulcanus / quhilk grantis hir deſiris.THe nycht appro his,Euander telland Eneas / thynges ſereVulcanus armour / did in the ſkye appereQVhill that the faderis,Euander ſendys his ſon to ȝoung pallas.Wyth hys army in help of Eneas.FRa this was ſayd, from the hi¶ How that venus / vntyl Eneas brochtThe godly armour / be Vulcanus wrochtTHare growis ane grete ſchHow that Vulcanus thare amang the layfStoryys to cum dyd in the armoure grayfFRa thyne not fer, the ¶ Eneas meruellis / of the ſtoryes ſer•wrocht by vulcanus / in hys armour clere▪AMyd the ſeyis, mich

  16. The prologe of the .ix. booke

  17. The nynth buk of Eneados ¶ Iuno to Turnus / in meſſage Iris ſentTo ſege the troianis Eneas, the abſentQVhill on this wyſe, asTurnus ſegeis the troianis / in grete yreAnd al there ſchyppis and nauy / ſet in fyreBE this the tro¶ How the fyre was expellit / fra the nauyThe ſchippis tranſlate / in▪ Nimphis or goddes of 〈◊〉 SAy Here niſus carpis / to hys freynd EurillyTyl vndertak / ane auentur vnſylly.THe troianis from thare ¶ How at the counſel / the forenamyt twoVnto Eneas purcheſt leyf to go.APoun the earth, the vthir be¶ Furth haldis Niſus and Eurillus bayth twayAnd huge ſlauchter / thay haue made by the way.ANone thaHow capitane Wolſtens / cummand tuenus tillRecounterit Niſus, and his fellow EurillIN the mene quhil¶ Eurialus moder hyr ſonnys deith, bewalysAnd how Rutulianis the ciete faſt aſſaillisBE this Aurora ¶ How turnus ſet the ȝet toure in to fireAnd made grete ſlauchter, of troyanis in his ireCAlliope, a¶ Here ȝoung Aſcaneus / the ſtrang Numanus 〈◊〉Quhilk wordis outragius / to the troyanis ſchew.AScane¶ How Pandarus, and Bitias brethir twaneKeſt vp the ȝettis, and thare was Bitias ſlaneENdlang the wa¶ How Turnus the big / Pandarus ſmote dounLyke ane wodlioun, paſt wythin the toun.PAndarus ſeand, hi¶ The troyanys ſet ou turnes dyntis rudeQuhil that he fleis / and lap into the flude.AT laſt Mneſteu

  18. The Prologe of the .x. Booke.

  19. The .x. boke of Eneados. ¶ How Iupiter the courte / of goddis did callAnd venus makis complante / amangis them allON brede or¶ To Venus complante / Iuno fra end to endMaid haiſty anſuere / hyr actioun to defendTHe quene Iuno,¶ How the troyanis / defendis thare cieteEneas abſent, ſekand mare ſuppleDVryng this quhile, all the¶ Here comptis virgyll / the pepyll of tuſkan•Quhilkis with Eneas / come to the barganeȜE muſis now,¶ Eneas ſ•hippis tranſlate / in nymphys of ſee•ald Eneas how turnus affegeit the cyete.BE this decly¶ Eneas fra the ſchippys, landit hys oiſtAnd turnus thame, aſſailȝeit at the ſe coiſtIN the mene ſeſ¶ How Pallas confortis / hys oiſt of archadeeQuhylk gaif the bak / and tuke purpois to fle.BOt quhen¶ Quhow that fei•s turnus has ȝoung pallas 〈◊〉For quham his folkis makis grete dolour and maneDVring¶ The riche magus na reſſoun / •ycht reſkewAnd prieſt him••ides / bayth Enes 〈◊〉.THo name incertane,¶ Quhat douchty chyftanis / of the latyne landThat day Eneas kelyt with / his handCEculus di•cendit,¶ Iuno rycht quently / cauſis Turnus to 〈◊〉Ane fenȝete figure, perſewand of Enee.THe ilk ſtound, of ¶ In turnus ſtede, Mezentius dyd ſuccedeRelyt doun his fayis / and ſpulȝet of thare wedeDVryng this ¶ How Eneas the ȝoung Lauſus has ſla••Quhilk f•ed hys fader hurt in the bargane.THus aufull Mars, eq¶ Fra mezentius knew ȝoung Lauſus decei•Him to reuenge, his lyfe loiſt in the pr•isTHe mene ſeſſoun

  20. The prolog of the xi buk of Eneados

  21. The .xi. booke of Eneados. ¶ Efter the feild, Enee made ſacrificeOfferand the ſpulȝe to mars as was the giſeDVring this quhile,¶ Now Pallas corpis / is tyl Euander ſentWyth al honour / accordyng to hys tyrement QVhen he bewaled¶ How Eneas vnto the latynis gaif•u•lf dayis of reſpit the dede corpſis to graif. BE this war cummin¶ The King Euander / complenit ſore and wariedQuhen hye ſon pallas dede was to hym caryedTHan fame w¶ Here a thie party takis beſy cureThe dede bodyis to graue, in ſepultureTHe mene ſeſſoun, Aurora ra¶ Before kyng Latyne / and his counſale in dede•••ulus ſchawis reſpone / of DiomedeABoue al thys, lo¶ The king praponis with Enee to tak peceIncontrare Turnus / and thar to perſwadis OrancesSCars had ¶ Turnus at dran•is ſpeche / commonit ſareRycht ſubtelly allegeis the contrareTHe feirs mind of •urn¶ During this diſputatioun / as is ſaidEnee his 〈◊〉, about the toun has laid.QVhil thay thus, at gre¶ Here Turnus and camilla, can deuyſePractikis of were, the troianis to ſuppryſeTVrnus him ſelf, als¶ How that Opis was doun fra Diane ſendAnd of what kinne camilla was dyſcend.THe mene ſeſſoun, Laton¶ How that Eneas / wyth hys hale powerTowart the ciete wallis, drawys nereDVring this quhile,A hyſto¶ How camylla hir fais doun can•dingAnd vincuſt aunus, for al his fare fleichingTHe auful made Camyl¶ Tharchone grete chiftane of the tuſkane oiſtThe fle and folkis to turne agane can boiſtTHe fader o¶ Arnus the preiſt / ſlais camila be ſlychtSyne cowartly anone takis the flychtPErchance that tyde C¶ Opis the nymphe, wyth dartis of dyaneCamylla to reuenge / has Arnus flaneANe huge clamour, that dy¶ Acca to turnus ſchawis / camyllais chauc•His army flede, and left all ordinance.THe ſwyft army and

  22. ¶ The .xii. Booke of Eneados. ¶ Turnus perſauand the latine pepill falePromyt•is Eneas allane / hym to affale.QVhene Turnus knew, ¶ The quene perſuadys Turnus fra ſtryfe deſiſtBot he for batel / can agane reſi••BE than the quene A¶ Iuno knauand Turnus, laſt delay and endTo ſtop the bargane / has 〈◊〉 a ſendSC•rſlye vpſprang, the ¶ Here followis the ſacryfyce and prayereFyrſt of Eneas / ſyne of kyng Latine in fereIN the mene tym¶ How Iuturna be ſlicht and incha•tmentBrekys the peace and haiſty batal ſentANd eftir that this ilk¶ Enee ſore woundit, of the feild dyd pasIn quhais abſence turnus mare cruel was.THan the reuthfull ¶ No mannis cure, nor craft of ſurrigineMycht heill Eneas / bot venus medycyneANd as Turnus thus, in¶ Iuturna gydis hyr brotheris cart / richt fleFrawart the batall he ſ•ld not mache EneeQVhen this wa¶ Here followis of the ſlauchter mouy •aldMade by Turnus and by Eneas haldQVhat god ſal now me teach¶ How Eneas ſegit / the towne aganeAnd quene Amata / hyr ſelf for wo has ſlaneAT this tyme the barga¶ The quenes deceis fra Turnus 〈◊〉 wyſtWent to the ſege, Eneas to reſyſtIN to the mene time, as weri¶ Eneas and Turnus fechtys hand for handAnd turnus ſted for he had brokin his brandTHis fader than, ¶ How Iupyter / and Iuno dyd contendEneas 〈◊〉/and Turnus for till end.THe fader almyghty, of the heu¶ •t Eneas / Turnus ane ſtane dyd caſtBot Eneas, has ſlane hym at the laſtENee with this inſtantly,

  23. ¶ The Prologue of the .xiii. Booke

  24. ¶ The .xiii. Booke of Eneados. ¶ Rutulianis pepyl, eftir Turnus deceisObeyis Eneas / and takis them to his pece.AS Turnus,Mapheus r¶ How Eneas glaid, of his victoryLouit the goddis / and can them ſacrifyANd thocht Enee the beſy tho☞ How turnus folkis / for him made ſare regreteAnd king latyne / contempnis his wrechit eſtate.IN th¶ How Turnus corps. tyll ardea was 〈◊〉Quhilk was by ſuddand fyre vrynt doun and ſchentTHe RutilianisFra that dawnus his ſon turnus ſaw dedeHuge lamentatioun made, he in that ſtede,AMyd al thys deray, ¶ Kyng latyne till Eneas / ſend meſſageFor peace and eik hys dōchteris mariage.THe nixt day followi¶ How kyng Latinis / met•s with Eneas 〈◊〉And freyndly talki•/was thir twa betweneBE this the ſchinan¶ Here Eneas that wonrey gentil knychtwas ſpouſyt, wyth Lauinia the brichtWIth ſiclike ſermond, athi¶ Grete myrth and ſolace, was made at the feiſtReherſandmony hiſtories / and auld gei•tBE this, it w¶ Eneas foundit ane wallit toune / and ſquareQuhom to venus, gan diuers thyngis declare ANd thus tha¶ How Iupter for venus cauſe and lufeHas ſet Eneas as god in heuin abufe VEnus with this all glaid,

  25. Concluſion.

  26. The ſpace tyme and date, of the tranſlatione of this buk,

  27. ¶ Ane exclamacion aganis detractouris and uncurtaſe redaris, that bene ouer ſtudious but occaſioun to note and ſpye out faltis, or offenſis, in this volume or any vthir thrifty werkis.

  28. To knaw the name of the tranſlator.

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Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
Miscellaneous Symbols 9758
Dingbats 10087
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. author 4
2. availability 1
3. biblFull 1
4. change 5
5. date 8 @when (1) : 2008-09 (1)
6. edition 1
7. editionStmt 1
8. editorialDecl 1
9. extent 2
10. idno 6 @type (6) : DLPS (1), STC (2), EEBO-CITATION (1), PROQUEST (1), VID (1)
11. label 5
12. langUsage 1
13. language 1 @ident (1) : sco (1)
14. listPrefixDef 1
15. note 9
16. notesStmt 2
17. p 11
18. prefixDef 2 @ident (2) : tcp (1), char (1) • @matchPattern (2) : ([0-9-]+):([0-9IVX]+) (1), (.+) (1) • @replacementPattern (2) :$1&page=$2 (1),$1 (1)
19. projectDesc 1
20. pubPlace 2
21. publicationStmt 2
22. publisher 2
23. ref 2 @target (2) : (1), (1)
24. seriesStmt 1
25. sourceDesc 1
26. title 5
27. titleStmt 2

###Text Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. argument 169
2. desc 1311
3. div 201 @type (201) : title_page (1), preface (1), summary_of_work (1), book (13), part (169), prologue (11), brief_commentary_on_preceding_books (1), conclusion (1), colophon (1), to_the_detractors (1), authors_byline (1) • @n (13) : 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), 6 (1), 7 (1), 8 (1), 9 (1), 10 (1), 11 (1), 12 (1), 13 (1)
4. epigraph 1
5. g 925 @ref (925) : char:leaf (11), char:EOLhyphen (318), char:cmbAbbrStroke (172), char:punc (62), char:EOLunhyphen (362)
6. gap 1311 @reason (1311) : illegible (1297), illegible: missing (3), duplicate (8), blank (3) • @extent (1311) : 2 letters (129), 1 letter (1013), 1 word (115), 1 span (32), 3 letters (13), 4 letters (1), 1 page (8) • @resp (1281) : #TECH (1281)
7. head 30
8. hi 8 @rend (7) : sup (7)
9. l 25126
10. lg 150
11. milestone 13 @type (13) : tcpmilestone (13) • @unit (13) : unspecified (13) • @n (13) : i (1), ii. (1), iii. (1), iiii. (1), v. (1), vi (1), vii. (1), viii. (1), ix. (1), x. (1), xi. (1), xii. (1), xiii. (1)
12. note 556 @place (556) : margin (556)
13. p 5
14. pb 760 @facs (760) : tcp:19816:1 (2), tcp:19816:2 (2), tcp:19816:3 (2), tcp:19816:4 (2), tcp:19816:5 (2), tcp:19816:6 (2), tcp:19816:7 (2), tcp:19816:8 (2), tcp:19816:9 (2), tcp:19816:10 (2), tcp:19816:11 (2), tcp:19816:12 (2), tcp:19816:13 (2), tcp:19816:14 (2), tcp:19816:15 (2), tcp:19816:16 (2), tcp:19816:17 (2), tcp:19816:18 (2), tcp:19816:19 (2), tcp:19816:20 (2), tcp:19816:21 (2), tcp:19816:22 (2), tcp:19816:23 (2), tcp:19816:24 (2), tcp:19816:25 (2), tcp:19816:26 (2), tcp:19816:27 (2), tcp:19816:28 (2), tcp:19816:29 (2), tcp:19816:30 (2), tcp:19816:31 (2), tcp:19816:32 (2), tcp:19816:33 (2), tcp:19816:34 (2), tcp:19816:35 (2), tcp:19816:36 (2), tcp:19816:37 (2), tcp:19816:38 (2), tcp:19816:39 (2), tcp:19816:40 (2), tcp:19816:41 (2), tcp:19816:42 (2), tcp:19816:43 (2), tcp:19816:44 (2), tcp:19816:45 (2), tcp:19816:46 (2), tcp:19816:47 (2), tcp:19816:48 (2), tcp:19816:49 (2), tcp:19816:50 (2), tcp:19816:51 (2), tcp:19816:52 (2), tcp:19816:53 (2), tcp:19816:54 (2), tcp:19816:55 (2), tcp:19816:56 (2), tcp:19816:57 (2), tcp:19816:58 (2), tcp:19816:59 (2), tcp:19816:60 (2), tcp:19816:61 (2), tcp:19816:62 (2), tcp:19816:63 (2), tcp:19816:64 (2), tcp:19816:65 (2), tcp:19816:66 (2), tcp:19816:67 (2), tcp:19816:68 (2), tcp:19816:69 (2), tcp:19816:70 (2), tcp:19816:71 (2), tcp:19816:72 (2), tcp:19816:73 (2), tcp:19816:74 (2), tcp:19816:75 (2), tcp:19816:76 (2), tcp:19816:77 (2), tcp:19816:78 (2), tcp:19816:79 (2), tcp:19816:80 (2), tcp:19816:81 (2), tcp:19816:82 (2), tcp:19816:83 (2), tcp:19816:84 (2), tcp:19816:85 (2), tcp:19816:86 (2), tcp:19816:87 (2), tcp:19816:88 (2), tcp:19816:89 (2), tcp:19816:90 (2), tcp:19816:91 (2), tcp:19816:92 (2), tcp:19816:93 (2), tcp:19816:94 (2), tcp:19816:95 (2), tcp:19816:96 (2), tcp:19816:97 (2), tcp:19816:98 (2), tcp:19816:99 (2), tcp:19816:100 (2), tcp:19816:101 (2), tcp:19816:102 (2), tcp:19816:103 (2), tcp:19816:104 (2), tcp:19816:105 (2), tcp:19816:106 (2), tcp:19816:107 (2), tcp:19816:108 (2), tcp:19816:109 (2), tcp:19816:110 (2), tcp:19816:111 (2), tcp:19816:112 (2), tcp:19816:113 (2), tcp:19816:114 (2), tcp:19816:115 (2), tcp:19816:116 (2), tcp:19816:117 (2), tcp:19816:118 (2), tcp:19816:119 (2), tcp:19816:120 (2), tcp:19816:121 (2), tcp:19816:122 (2), tcp:19816:123 (2), tcp:19816:124 (2), tcp:19816:125 (2), tcp:19816:126 (2), tcp:19816:127 (2), tcp:19816:128 (2), tcp:19816:129 (2), tcp:19816:130 (2), tcp:19816:131 (2), tcp:19816:132 (2), tcp:19816:133 (2), tcp:19816:134 (2), tcp:19816:135 (2), tcp:19816:136 (2), tcp:19816:137 (2), tcp:19816:138 (2), tcp:19816:139 (2), tcp:19816:140 (2), tcp:19816:141 (2), tcp:19816:142 (2), tcp:19816:143 (2), tcp:19816:144 (2), tcp:19816:145 (2), tcp:19816:146 (2), tcp:19816:147 (2), tcp:19816:148 (2), tcp:19816:149 (2), tcp:19816:150 (2), tcp:19816:151 (2), tcp:19816:152 (2), tcp:19816:153 (2), tcp:19816:154 (2), tcp:19816:155 (2), tcp:19816:156 (2), tcp:19816:157 (2), tcp:19816:158 (2), tcp:19816:159 (2), tcp:19816:160 (2), tcp:19816:161 (2), tcp:19816:162 (2), 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tcp:19816:371 (2), tcp:19816:372 (2), tcp:19816:373 (2), tcp:19816:374 (2), tcp:19816:375 (2), tcp:19816:376 (2), tcp:19816:377 (2), tcp:19816:378 (2), tcp:19816:379 (2), tcp:19816:380 (2) • @n (377) : i (1), ii (1), iii (1), iiii (1), v (1), vi (1), vii (1), viii (1), ix (1), x (1), xi (1), xii (1), xiii (1), xiiii (1), xv (1), xvi (1), xvii (1), xviii (1), xix (1), xx (1), xxi (1), xxii (2), xxiiii (2), xxv (1), xxvi (1), xxvii (1), xxxij (1), xxxi (2), xxxii (1), xxxiii (1), xxxiiii (1), xxxv (1), xxxvi (1), xxxvii (1), xxxviii (1), xxxix (1), xl (2), xli (1), xlii (1), xliii (1), xliiii (1), xlv (1), xlvi (1), xlvii (1), xlviii (1), xlix (1), li (1), lii (1), liii (1), liiii (1), lv (1), lvi (1), lvii (1), lviii (1), lix (1), lxi (1), lxiiii (1), lxv (1), lxvi. (1), lxvii (1), lxviii (1), lxix (1), lxx (1), lxxi (1), lxxii (1), lxxiii (1), lxxiiii (1), lxxv (2), lxxvi (2), lxxvii (1), lxxix (1), lxxx (1), lxxxi (1), lxxxii (1), lxxxiii (1), lxxxiiii (1), lxxxv (1), lxxxvii (1), lxxxviii (2), lxxxix (1), lxxxx (1), lxxxxi (1), lxxxxii (1), lxxxxiii (1), lcxiii (1), lxxxxiiii (1), lxxxxv (1), lxxxxvi (1), lxxxxvii (1), lxxxxix (1), lxxxxx (1), c (1), ci (1), cii (1), ciii (1), ciiii (1), cv (1), cvi (1), cvii (1), cviii (2), cix (1), cx (1), cxi (1), cxii (1), cxiii (1), cxiiii (1), cxv (2), cxvi (1), cxvii (2), cxviii (3), cxix (1), cxx (2), cxxii (1), cxxiii (2), cxxv (2), cxxvi (1), cxxvii (2), cxxviii (1), cxxix (1), cxxx (2), cxxxii (2), cxxxiii (1), cxxxv (1), cxxxvi (1), cxxxviii (1), cxl (1), cxlii (1), cxliii (1), cxliiii (1), cxlv (1), cxlvi (1), cxlvii (1), cxlviii (1), cxlix (1), cxlx (1), cxli (1), clii (1), clxiii (2), cliiii (1), clxv (1), cxlxvi (1), clxvii (1), cxlxviii (1), clxix (2), clxx (2), clxxi (2), clxxii (1), clxxiii (1), clxiiii (1), clxxv (1), clxxvi (1), clxxvii (1), clxviii (1), clxxxii (1), clxxxiii (1), clxxxiiii (1), clxxxv (1), clxxxvi (2), clxxxvii (1), clxxxviii (1), clxxxix (1), clxxxx (1), clxxxxi (1), clxxxxii (1), clxxxxiii (1), clxxxxiiii (1), clxxxxv (1), clxxxxvi (1), clxxxxvii (1), clxxxxviii (1), clxxxxix (1), cc (1), ccvi (2), ccii (1), cciii (1), cciiii (1), ccvii (1), cci (1), ccix (1), ccx (1), ccxi (1), ccxii (2), cx. xiii (1), ccxiiii (1), ccxv (1), ccxvi (1), ccxvii (2), ccxxi (1), ccxviii (1), ccxxii (1), ccxxiii (1), ccxxiiii (1), ccxxv (1), ccxxvi (1), ccxxvii (1), ccxxviii (2), ccxxix (1), ccxxx (1), ccxxxi (1), ccxxxii (1), ccxxxiii (1), ccxxxiiii (1), ccxxxv (1), ccxxxvi (1), ccxxxvii (1), ccxxxix (2), ccxl (1), ccxli (1), ccxlii (1), ccxliii (1), ccxliiii (1), ccxlv (1), ccxlvi (1), ccxlvii (1), ccxlviii (1), ccxlix (1), ccl (1), ccli (1), cclii (1), ccliii (1), ccliiii (1), cclv (1), cclvi (1), cclvii (2), cclviii (1), cclix (1), cclxi (1), cclxii (1), cclxiii (1), cclxiiii (1), cclxv (1), cclxvi (1), cclxvii (2), cclxix (1), cclxx (1), cclxxi (1), cclxxii (1), cclxxiii (1), cclxxiiii (1), cclxxv (1), cclxxvi (2), cclxxvii (1), cclxvxiii (1), cclxxix. (1), cclxxx (1), cclxxxi (1), cclxxxii (1), cclxxxiii (1), cclxxxiiii (1), cclxxxv (1), cclxxxvi (2), cclxxxx (2), cclxxxix (1), cclxxxxi (1), cclxxxxii (1), cclxxxxiii (2), cclxxxxv (1), cclxxxxvi (1), cclxxxxvii (1), cclxxxxviii (1), cclxxxxix (1), ccc (1), ccci (1), cccii (1), ccciii (1), ccciiii (1), cccv (1), cccvi (1), cccvii (1), cccviii (1), cccix (1), cccx (1), cccxi (1), cccxii (1), cccxiii (1), cccxiiii (1), cccxv (1), cccxvi (1), cccxvii (1), cccxviii (1), cccxix (1), cccxx (1), cccxxi (1), cccxxii (1), cccxxiii (2), cccxxiiii (2), cccxxvii (1), cccxxviii (1), cccxxix (1), cccxxx (1), cccxxxi (1), cccxxxii (1), cccxxxiii (1), cccxxxiiii (1), cccxxxv (1), cccxxxvi (1), cccxxxvii (1), cccxxxviii (1), cccxxxic (1), ccccl (1), cccxli (2), cccxlii (1), cccxliii (1), cccxliiii (1), cccxlv (1), cccxlvi (1), cccxlvii (1), cccxlviii (1), cccxlix (1), cccl (1), cccli (1), ccclii (1), cccliii (1), cccliiii (1), ccclv (1), ccclvi (1), ccclvii (2), ccclix (1), ccclx (1), ccclxiii (1), ccclxiiii (1), ccclxi (1), ccclxii (1), ccclxxv (2), ccclxxiiii (1), ccclxvii (1), ccclxviii (1), ccclxix (1), ccclxx (1), ccclxxi (1), ccclxxii (1), ccclxxiii (2), ccclxxvii (1), ccclxxviii (1), ccclxxix (1), ccclxxx (1), ccclxxxi (1)
15. q 1
16. seg 21 @rend (21) : decorInit (21)
17. trailer 27