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#The case of Exeter-Colledge in the University of Oxford related and vindicated#

##Bury, Arthur, 1624-1713.## The case of Exeter-Colledge in the University of Oxford related and vindicated Bury, Arthur, 1624-1713.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2006-05 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-11 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-04 Elspeth Healey Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-04 Elspeth Healey Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##




  1. The CASE of Exeter-Colledge, in the Ʋniverſity of Oxford, Related and Vindicated.

    _ The Examination of Richard Hedges taken upon Oath be-Sir William Walker, one of their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace &c. June 30th. 1690. ANne Aris ſaid in the preſence of us John Freek, and John Claſe that Mr. Colmer deſired the ſaid Ann _ The Information of Mary the wife of Thomas Lawrence taken upon Oath by Sir. William Walker Knight, one of their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace for the City of Oxford, this ſecond day of July 1690. The Contents of this Depoſition are what the Rector's Wife declar'd when Mr. Colmer's Cauſe was hear

    • The Oath of Alice Gigger, &c.

    _ Middl. & Weſt. ſc.The Examination of Anne Sparrow taken upon Oath before John Ward, Eſquire, one of Their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace for the ſaid Country and Liberty.

    _ The Conſtable's and Beadle's Certificates.

    _ The Examination of Anne Sparrow taken upon Oath before Sir William Walker, Knight, one of their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace for the City of Oxon, May 5th. 1690.

    _ The Examination of Ʋrſula Green, taken upon Oath, before Sir William Walker Knight, one of their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace, for the City of Oxferd. May the 6th. 1690.

    _ The Examination of Francis Green, taken upon Oath before Sir William Walker Knight, one of their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace for the City of Oxon, May the 10th. 1690.

    _ The Depoſition of Elizabeth Roberts Widow, taken before Sir William Walker Knight, one of their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace for the City of Oxford, upon Oath, October 9. 1690.

    _ The next part of the Hiſtory of this Affair conſiſts of Mr. Colmer's Appeal to the Biſhop of Exeter, and what enſued thereupon.

    _ The Examination of Ann Aris taken the 11th. day of January 1689, before Sir William Walker, Knight, one of Their Majeſties Juſtices of the Peace for the City of Oxford.

    _ The Certificate of Francis Buckland of the City of Oxford given the ſecond day of July, 1690. The Depoſition of Francis Buckland of the City of Oxford, taken before Sir William Walker, Knight, o _ The Examination of Elizabeth Buckland, taken upon Oath, March 26. 1690. before Sir William Walker, Knight.

    _ The Examination of Joyce Aris the Daughter of the aforeſaid Elizabeth Buckland, taken upon Oath at the ſame time before Sir William Walker, Knight. Upon this Mr. Colmer takes the ſame courſe that he had done before and Appeals to the Biſhop: Goes tCopies of Mr. Colmer's Appeal, of the ſeveral Proteſtations of the College, both againſt the receivi _ Copies of Mr. Colmer's Appeal, of the ſeveral Proteſtations of the College, both againſt the receiving it, and againſt the Biſhop's Second Viſitation; and ſome Petitions to, and Orders of Council relating to this Cauſe, are here inſerted, and are as followeth:

    _ In Viſitatione Colleg. Exon. 25o. die Martii, An. Dom. 1690. Per Venerabilem Virum D. Edvardum Maſter, L. L. Doctorem, Reverendi admodum in Chriſto Patris Domini Jonathanis Exon Epiſcopi, ejuſdem Coll. Viſitatoris Commiſſarium habitâ, Ad Appellationem Jacobi Colmer, A. M. Collegii praedicti nuper Scholaris Reſponſio, ſive Proteſtatio Arthuri Bury ejuſdem Collegii Rectoris, & ſeptem Scholarium maxime Seniorum aut ſaltem majoris partis eorundem.

    _ Salvâ Proteſtatione noſtrâ nos Rector & Scholares Collegii Exonienſis è ſeptem Senioribus pars major Jacobum Colmer, A. M. incontinentiae legitime convictum his praecipuè probationibus cenſuimus.

    _ In Viſitatione Collegii Exon 22o. die Martii An. Dom. 1689/90. Per Venerabilem virum D. Edv. Maſter L L. Doctorem Reverendi admodum in Chriſto Patris Jonathanis Exon. Epiſcopi ejuſdem Collegii Viſitatoris Commiſſarium habita ad Appellationem Jacobi Colmer A. M. Reſponſio & Proteſtatio Arth. Bury S. T. P. ejuſdem Collegii Rectoris & Septem è Scholaribus maximè Senioribus aut ſaltem majoris partis eorundem domi exiſtentium.

    _ A Proteſtation of the Rector and Senior Fellows, againſt the Biſhop's Viſitation. In Dei nomine Amen. Coram vobis Reverendo in Chriſto Patre ac Dom. Dom. Ionathan permiſſione Divinâ _ The Anſwer of the Rector and Fellows of Exeter Colledge in Oxon to the Petition of the Right Reverend Father in God Jonathan Lord Biſhop of Exeter. Exhibited to the King and Queens moſt Excellent Majesties.

    _ At the Court of Whitehall the 25th. of June, 1690.

    _ At the Court at Whitehal the 5th. of July, 1690.

    _ To the Queens moſt Excellent Majeſty.

    _ A Copy of the Writ directed by the Court of Kings Bench to the Biſhop of Exeter, upon occaſion of the Rector's Excommunication. At the Court at Whitehal the 15th. of Auguſt, 1690.Preſent: The Queens moſt Excellent Majeſty in Cou _ At the Court at Whitehal the 15th. of Auguſt, 1690.

    _ At the Court at Whitehal the 15th. of Auguſt, 1690.

    _ A Copy of the Writ directed by the Court of Kings Bench to the Biſhop of Exeter, upon occaſion of the Rector's Excommunication.



  1. ERRATA.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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