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#The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England. Liturgies. Book of common prayer#

##Church of England.## The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England. Liturgies. Book of common prayer Church of England.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2008-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2008-02 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2008-06 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2008-06 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### EW❧THE❧ booke of the common prayer and adminiſtracion of the Sacramentes, and other rites and cere

  1. ❧THE CON❧ tentes of this Booke.


  3. ❧THE TABLE AND❧ Kalender, expreſſing the ordre of the Pſalmes and Leſſons, to be ſayed at Matyns and Euenſong, throughout the yeare, excepte certayne proper feaſtes, as the Rules folowing more plainlye declare.

    _ ❧THE ORDRE❧ how the Pſalter is appoynted to bee redde. ❧A TABLE FOR❧ the ordre of the Pſalmes, to be ſayed at Matins and Euenſong.¶Matins. ¶Euenſong.ii.ii. _ THE ORDRE howe the reſt of holy Scripture (beſide the Pſalter) is appoynted to bee redde. Ianuary.¶Ianuary. Mtains.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. LeſſonAKaleIanuary.¶Ianuary. Mtains.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. LeſſonAKaleFebruary.¶February. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. LeſſondKaMarche.¶Marche. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.dKalenAprill.¶Aprill. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.gKaleMaye.¶ Maye. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶ Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. LeſſonbKalend.iIune.¶ Iune. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶ Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. LeſſoneKalend.iIuly.¶Iuly. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶ Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.gkalend.iAuguſt.¶Auguſt. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶ Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.cKaleSeptember.¶ September. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶ Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. LeſſoOctober.¶October. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon·i. Leſſon.ii. LeſſonAKalNouember.¶Nouember. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶ Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.December.¶December. Matins.Euenſong.   ¶Pſalmes.         i. Leſſon.ii. Leſſoni. Leſſon.ii. Leſſon.fK #####Body#####

  4. ❧AN ORDRE❧ for Mattins dayly through the yere.

  5. ❧AN ORDRE❧ For Euenſong throughout the yere.

  6. ❧THE INTROITES❧ Collectes, Epiſtles, and Goſpels, to be vſed at the celebracion of the Lordes ſupper and holye Communion, throughe the yeare: with proper Pſalmes, and leſſons for diuers feaſtes and dayes.

    _ ¶The firſt Sonday in Aduente. BLeſſed is that manne that hath not walked in the counſayle of the vngodly:Beatus Vir. pſal. i. nor

    • The Collect.

    • The Epiſtle.

    • The Goſpell.

    _ The ſeconde Sonday.

    • The Collect.

    • The Epiſtle.

    • The Goſpell.

    _ ¶ The thirde ſonday.

    • The Collect.

    • The Epiſtle.

    • The Goſpell.

    _ ¶ The fourth Sondaye.

    • The Collect.

    • The Epiſtle.

    • The Goſpell.

    _ Proper Pſalmes and leſſons on Chriſtmas day.

    • ¶ At Mattins. Pſal. xix.Pſal. xlv.Pſal. lxxxv.The firſt leſſon Eſai. ix. vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Mat. i.
    • ¶ At the fyrſt Communion. Cantate domino. pſal. xcviii.O Syng vnto the Lorde a newe ſong: for he hath done meruaylous thynges. The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶ At the ſeconde Communion.

Domine dominus noſter. pſal. viii.O Lord our gouernour, how excellent is thy name in all the worlde: The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶ Propre Pſalmes and leſſons at Euenſong.

The firſt Leſſon. Eſay. vii. God ſpake once agayne to Achas. &c. vnto the endeThe ſeconde Leſſon. Tit. iii. The kyndnes and loue of our ſauiour. &c. vnto. fooliſhe queſtions. _ ¶ Sainct Stephins daye.

  * ¶At Mattins.

The ſeconde Leſſon. Actes .vi.vii. Stephin full of faith and power (vnto) and when .xl. yeres. * At the Communion. WHy boaſteſt thou thy ſelfe, thou tyraunt:Quid gloriaris in malicia. pſal. lii. that thou canſt doe The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * The ſeconde leſſon at Euenſong.

Act. vij. ¶And when .xl. yeres were expired, there appeared vnto Moſes. vnto. Stephin full of the ho _ ¶ Sainct Iohn Euangeliſtes daye.

  * At Mattins.

¶The ſeconde leſſon, Apoca. i. vnto the ende. * At the Communion.

The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶ At Euenſong.

¶ The ſeconde leſſon. Apoca. xxii. vnto the ende. _ ¶The Innocentes day.

  * ¶ At Mattins.

¶ The firſt leſſon, Hiere .xxxi. vnto Moreouer I heard Effraym.O God, the heathen are come into thyne inheritaunce: thy holy temple haue they defyled,Deus venerunt The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

_ ¶The Sonday after Chriſtmas day.

I Will lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the hilles:Leuaui oculos. pſal. cxxi. from whence cummeth my helpe?My * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

  * At Mattins.

The firſt leſſon. Gene. xvii. vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Rom. ii. vnto the ende.At the Communion.Letatus ſum. pſal. cxxii.I Was glad, when they ſayde vnto me: we wil goe into the h At the Communion.

The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶At Euenſong.

The firſt leſſon. Deute. x. And now Iſrael. vnto the ende.The ſeconde Leſſon. Coloſſ. ii. vnto the ende. _ ¶The Epiphanie.

  * At Mattins.

The firſt Leſſon, Eſai .lx. vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Luke .iii. And it fortuned. vnto the ende.At the CommunionCantate dos mino pſal. xcvi.O Syng vnto the Lorde a newe ſong: ſyng vnto the Lorde a At the Communion

The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

The firſt leſſon, Eſai. xlix. vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Iohn .ii. After this he went downe to Capernaum. vnto the ende. _ The firſte Sonday after the Epiphanie. HOwe long wilt thou forget me, O Lorde, for euer? howe long wilt thou hyde thy face from me?Ʋſque qu * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The ſecond Sonday.

Dixit inſipiens pſal. xiiii.THe foole hath ſayd in his heart: there is no god. They are corrupte and * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .iii. Sonday.

Domie quis habitabit pſal. xV.LOrde, who ſhal dwelle in thy tabernacle? who ſhal reſte vpon thy holy * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The .iiii. Sonday.

Quare freinuerunt gentes. pſal. ii.WHy doe the Heathen ſo furiouſly rage together? and why doe the p * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The .v. Sonday.

Exaudiat te dominus. pſal. xxTHe Lord heare thee in the day of trouble: the name of the God of Iacob * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The Sonday called Septuageſima.

Dominus regit. pſal. xxiii.THe Lorde is my ſhepehearde: therefore can I lacke nothing.He ſhall feede * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The ſonday called Sexageſima.

The Sonday called Sexageſima. ¶At the Communion. Dominieſt terra. pſal. xxiiii.THe earth is the Lordes, and all that therin is: the compaſſe of the w * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The Sonday called Quinquageſima.

BE thou my iudge, O Lorde, for I haue walked innocently:Iudica me domine. pſal. xxvi. my truſt hath * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſdaye.

Domine ne. pſal. vi.O Lord, rebuke me not in thyne indignacion: neyther chaſten me in thy diſpleaſur * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The firſt Sonday in Lent.

Beati quorū pſal. xxxii.BLeſſed is he, whoſe vnryghteouſneſſe is forgeuen: and whoſe ſynne is couer * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The ſecond Sonday.

OVt of the depe haue I called vnto thee, O Lorde: Lorde heare my voyce.De profundis pſal. cxxx.Oh le * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .iii. Sonday.

Iudica me Deus. pſal. xliii.GEue ſentence with me (O God) and defende my cauſe agaynſte the vngodly * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The .iiii. Sonday.

Deus noſter refugium. pſal. xlvi.GOd is our hope and ſtrengthe: a very preſente helpe in trouble.The * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The .v. Sonday.

Deus in nomine tuo pſal liiii.SAue me (O God) for thy names ſake: and auenge me in thy ſtrength.Hear * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The Sondaye next before Eaſter.

HEare my crying, O GOD: geue eare vnto my prayer.Exaudi deus deprecationē pſal. lxi.From the endes * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Mondaye before Eaſter.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ Teweſday before Eaſter.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

  * ¶At the Communion.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶At Euēſong.

The firſt leſſon. Lamenta .i. vnto the ende. _ ¶Thurſday before Eaſter.

  * ¶At Mattins.

The firſt Leſſon. Lamenta .ii. vnto the ende. The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

The firſt leſſon. Lamenta .iii. vnto the ende _ On good Fryday.

  * At Mattyns.

The firſt leſſon. Gen. xxii. Ʋnto the ende, The Collect.

  * At the Communion.

Deus, deus meus. pſal. XXii.MY God, my God (loke vpon me:) why haſt thou forſakē me, and art ſo far The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

¶The firſt leſſon. Eſai. Liii. Vnto the ende. _ Eaſter Euen.

  * At Mattyns.

¶The firſt leſſon. Lamenta. iiii. v. Vnto the end,e * At the Communion.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

_ ¶Eaſter daye.

In the mornyng afore mattyns, the people being aſſembled in the churche: theſe Anthems ſhalbe fyrſt CHriſt riſing agayne from the dead, nowe dieth not. Death from hence furth hath no power vpon hym. F * ¶Proper pſalmes and leſſons Pſal. ii.Pſal. lvii.Pſal. Cxi.The firſt leſſon. Exo. xii. Vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Roma. vi. Vnto the ende. * At the firſte Communion.

The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At the ſeconde Communion.

The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

Pſalm. cxiii. The .ii. leſſon. Act. ii. Vnto the ende.Pſalm. cxiiii. The .ii. leſſon. Act. ii. Vnto ¶Monedaye in Eaſter weke.At Mattyns.¶The ſeconde leſſon. Mat. xxviii. Vnto the ende.At the Communion * At Mattyns. ¶The ſeconde leſſon. Mat. xxviii. Vnto the ende. * At the Communion. MY ſoule truely wayteth ſtyll vpon God: for of him commeth my ſaluacion.None deo ſubiecta. pſal. lxi The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

¶The ſeconde leſſon. Act. iii. Vnto the ende. _ ¶Teweſdaye in Eaſter weke

  * At Mattyns.

The .ii. leſſon. Luke .xxiiii. Vnto. and beholde .ii. of them. * At the Communion. PRayſe the Lorde (ye ſeruauntes:Landate pueri. pſal. cxiii.) O praiſe the name of the Lorde.Bleſſed The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

The ſeconde leſſon .i. Cor. xv. Vnto the ende. _ ¶The firſt Sondaye after Eaſter. BLeſſed is the man that feareth the Lorde: he hathe greate delyghte in hys commaundementes.Beatus Vi * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

¶ The ſecond Sondaye after Eaſter.HAſte thee, O God, to deliuer me:Deus in adiutorium. pſal. lxx. Ma * ¶ The ſecond Sondaye after Eaſter.

  * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The .iii. Sonday.

Comfitebimus pſal. lxxv.VNto thee (O God) doe we geue thankes: yea, vnto thee doe we geue thankes.Th * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .iiii. Sonday.

Deus ſtetit in Sinagoga. pſal. lxxxiii.GOD ſtandeth in the congregacion of princes: He is iudge emon * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .v. Sonday.

O Howe amiable are thy dwellynges: Thou Lorde of Hoſtes?Quā dilecta tabernacula. pſal. lxxxiiii.My * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The Aſcencion daye.

  * At Mattyns.

Pſalm. viii. The ſecond Leſſon. Iohn .xiiii. vnto the ende.Pſalm. xv. The ſecond Leſſon. Iohn .xiiii * ¶ At the Communion. Omnes geutes plaudite. pſal. xlvii.O Clap your handes together (all ye people:) O ſing vnto God with The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶Proper Pſalmes and leſſons at Euenſong.

Pſalm. xxiiii. The ſeconde leſſon Ephe. iiii. vnto the ende.Pſalm. lxviii. The ſeconde leſſon Ephe. _ ¶ The Sondaye after the Aſcencion. Dominus reg••auit. pſal. xciii.THe Lord is king, and hath put on gloryous apparell: the Lord hath pu * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Whitſonday.

  * ¶Proper pſalmes and leſſons at Mattyns.

Pſalm. xlviii. The ſeconde leſſon Act. x. Then Peter opened his mouth: vnto the ende.Pſalm. lxvii. T * ¶ At the Communion. Exultate ••••…ti in domino. pſal. xxxiii.REioyce in the Lorde, O ye righteous: for it becommeth well The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶Proper Pſalmes and Leſſons at Euenſong.

Pſalm. Ciiii. The .ii. Leſſon. Actes .xix. It fortuned when Apollo wente to Corinthum. vnto After th _ ¶Monday in Whitſon weke. O Be ioyfull in the Lorde (all ye landes:Iubilate •e• pſal. •.) ſerue the Lorde with gladneſſe, and * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ Tueſday.

  * ¶At the communion.

  * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ Trinitie Sonday.

  * ¶At Matyns.

The firſt leſſon. Gene. xviii. vnto the ende.The ſeonde leſſon. Math. iii. vnto the ende. * ¶At the communion. Deus miſere atur. pſal. lxvii.GOd be mercifull vnto vs, and bleſſe vs: and ſhewe vs the lyght of his The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

_ ¶The firſt Sonday after Trinitie Sonday.

BLeſſed are thoſe that be vndefiled in the way:Beati immas culati. Pſal. cxix. and walke in the lawe * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The ſecond Sonday.

WHerwithal ſhal a yong man clenſe his waye?In quo corri git. Pſal. cxix. euen by ruling himſelfe aft * The Collect.

  * The epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The third Sonday.

O Doe wel vnto thy ſeruaunt:Retribue ſeruo tuo. pſal. cxix. that I may liue and kepe thy woorde.Open * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

¶The fourth ſonday.¶ At the Communion.MY ſoule cleaueth to the duſt: O quickē thou me accordyng to * ¶ At the Communion. MY ſoule cleaueth to the duſt: O quickē thou me accordyng to thy woorde.Adheſit paui mento anima pſ The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .v. Sonday.

TEache me, O Lorde, the waye of thy ſtatutes: and I ſhall kepe it vnto the ende.Legem pone pſal. cxi * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .vi. Sonday.

Et Veniat ſuper me. pſal. •xix.LEt thy louing mercy come alſo vnto me, O lorde: euen thy ſaluacion, * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .vii. Sonday.

O Thinke vpō thy ſeruaunte, as concerning thy word:Memor eſto pſal. cxix. wherein thou haſt cauſed * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpel.

_ The eyght Sonday after Trinitie Sonday.

Porcio mea domine. pſal. cxix.THou arte my porcyon, O Lorde: I haue promiſed to kepe thy lawe.I made * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpel.

_ ¶The .ix. Sonday.

O Lord,Bonitatem. pſal. cxix. thou haſt delt graciouſly with thy ſeruaunt, according vnto thy woorde * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .x. Sonday.

THy handes haue made me and faſhioned me:Manus t〈…〉 pſal cxix. O geue me vnderſtandyng, that I may l * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xi. Sonday.

MY ſoule hath longed for thy ſaluacyon:Defecit. pſal. cxix. and I haue a good hope, becauſe of thy w * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xii. Sonday.

In eternum Domine. pſal. cXiX.O Lorde, thy woorde endureth for euer in heauen.Thy trueth alſo remayn * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpel.

_ The .xiii. Sonday.

Quomodo dilexi. pſalm. cxix.LOrde, what loue haue I vnto thy lawe? all the day long is my ſtudy in i * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xiiii. Sonday.

Lucerna pedibus meis. pſal. cxix.THy worde is a Lanterne vnto my feete: and a light vnto my pathes.I * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xv. Sonday.

Iniquos odio hab•i. pſal. cxixI Hate them that imagine euill thynges: but thy lawe doe I loue.Thou a * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xvi. Sonday after Trinitie Sonday.

Feci iudiciū pſal. cxix.I Deale with the thing that is lawful and right: O geue me not ouer vnto my * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ The .xvii. Sondaye.

THy teſtimonies are wonderfull:Mirabilia. pſal cxix. therfore doeth my ſoule kepe them.When thy word * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .xviii. Sondaye.

RIghteous art thou, O Lorde:Juſtus es dni pſal. cxix. and true is thy iudgement.The teſtymonies that * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xix. Sondaye.

Clamaui. pſal cxix.I Call with my whole hearte: heare me, O Lord, I wyll kepe thy ſtatutes.Yea, euen * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The .xx. Sondaye.

Ʋide humili tatem meam pſal. cxix.O Conſidre myne aduerſitie, and deliuer me: For I do not forget th * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The. xxi. Sondaye.

PRynces haue perſecuted me without cauſe: but my heart ſtandeth in awe of thy wordes.Principes perſe * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The. xxii. Sondaye.

Appropiquet deprecatio. pſal. cxix.LEt my complaynte come before thee, O Lorde: Geue me vnderſtandyn * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The. xxiii. Sondaye.

Niſi quia dominus. pſal. cxxiiii.IF the Lorde himſelfe had not been on our ſide (nowe maye Iſraell ſ * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.Math. xxii.

_ ¶The .xxiiii. ſondaye.

Qui cōfidūt pſal. cxxv.THey that put theyr truſt in the Lorde, ſhalbe euen as the mount Syon: whic * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The .xxv. Sondaye.

Niſi dominus. pſal. cxxvii.EXcept the Lorde builde the houſe: their labour is but loſt that buylde i * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle

  * The Goſpell.

❧❧ SAINCT ANdrewes daye.At the Communion.Sepe expugnauerunt. pſal. cxxix.MAny tymes haue they fought _ ❧❧ SAINCT ANdrewes daye. Sepe expugnauerunt. pſal. cxxix.MAny tymes haue they fought againſt me from my youth vp: may Iſrael * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ Saincte Thomas the Apoſtle.

B〈…〉 omnes pſal. cxxviii.BLeſſed are all they that feare the Lorde: and walke in his wayes.For thou * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶The conuerſion of Saincte Paule.

  * At Mattyns.

The .ii. Leſſon. Act .xxii. vnto. they heard hym.I Will geue thankes vnto thee, O Lorde,Confitebor tibi. pſal. cxxxviii. with my whole hearte, euen b The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶At Euenſong.

¶The ſeconde leſſon. Actes .xxvi. vnto the ende. _ ¶The Purification of. S. Mary the virgin. Ecce nunc benedicite. pſal cxxxiiii.BEhold (nowe) prayſe the Lord all ye ſeruauntes of the Lorde, ye * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Sainct Mathies day.

DElyuer me, O Lorde, from the euill manne:Eripe me. pſal. cxl. and preſerue me from the wicked manne * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ The Annunciation of the virgin Marie.

Domine non eſt exal. pſal. cxxxi.LOrd, I am not hye minded: I haue no proud lookes.I doe not exerciſ * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Sainct Markes day.

LOrd I call vpon thee, haſt thee vnto me: and conſidre my voyce when I crye vnto thee.Domine clamaui * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpel.

_ ¶Sainct Philip and Iames.

  * ¶At Mattins.

The ſeconde leſſon. Actes .viii. vnto. when the Apoſtles. * ¶At the Communion. Ecce quam bonum. pſal. cxxxiii.BEholde, howe good and ioyfull a thyng it is: brethren to dwell toget The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell. At Mattyns.¶The ſeconde leſſon. Actes .xiiii. vnto the ende.¶At the Communion.Voce mea ad dominum. P * At Mattyns. ¶The ſeconde leſſon. Actes .xiiii. vnto the ende. * ¶At the Communion. Voce mea ad dominum. Pſal. cxlii.I Cried vnto the Lord with my voyce: yea euen vnto the Lorde did I The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶At Euenſong.

¶The ſecond leſſon. Act. xv. (vnto) After certayne dayes. _ ¶Saynct Iohn Baptiſt.

  * ¶Proper leſſons at Mattyns.

The firſt leſſon. Malach. iii vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Mat. iii. vnto the ende. * At the communion. HEare my prayer, O Lorde, and conſidre my deſire:Domine exaudi. Pſal. cxliii. herken vnto me for thy The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * Proper leſſons at Euenſong.

The firſt leſſon. Malach. iii. vnto the ende.The ſeconde leſſon. Mat. xiiii. (vnto) when Ieſus hearde. _ ¶Sainct Peters day.

  * At Mattyns.

The ſeconde leſſon Act. iii. vnto the ende. * At the Communion. BLeſſed be the Lorde my ſtrengthe:Benedictus dominus. pſal. cxliiii. whyche teacheth my handes to wa The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * At Euenſong.

The ſeconde leſſon Act. iiii. Vnto the ende. _ ¶ Sainct Marye Magdalene. PRayſe the Lorde, O my ſoule:Lauda anima mea. Pſal. cxlvi. whyle I lyue wil I prayſe the Lord, yea a * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ Sainct Iames the Apoſtle.

Laudate dominum de celis. Pſal. cxlViiiO Prayſe the Lorde of heauen: prayſe him in the height.Prayſe * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ Sainct Bartholomewe.

Non nobis domine. Pſal. cxv.NOt vnto vs (O Lord) not vnto vs, but vnto thy name geue the praiſe: for * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Sainct Mathewe.

Leudate dominum omnes Gentes. pſal. CxVii.O Prayſe the lorde all ye heathen: prayſe him al ye nacion * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ Sainct Michael and all Angels.

Landate pueri Pſal. cxiii.PRayſe the Lorde (ye ſeruauntes) O prayſe the name of the Lorde.Bleſſed be * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Sainct Luke Euangeliſt.

BY the waters of Babylon we ſate downe & wept:Super flumine pſal. cxxxvii. when we remembred (thee O * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶Symon and Iude Apoſtles.

O Prayſe God in his holynes:Laudate dominum. Pſal. cl. prayſe hym in the firmament of his power.Pray * The Collect.

  * The Epiſtle.

  * The Goſpell.

_ ¶ All Sainctes,

  * Propre leſſons at Mattyns.

The firſt leſſon Sapi. iii. vnto bleſſed is rather the Baren.The ſecond leſſon. Hebre. xi.xii. Sainctes by fayth ſubdued vnto If ye endure chaſtiſyng. * At the Communion. O Syng vnto the Lorde a newe ſong:Cantate domino. Pſal. cxlix. let the congregacion of ſainctes pray The Collect.

The Epiſtle.

The Goſpell.

  * ¶ Propre leſſons at Euenſong.

The firſt leſſon. Sapi. v. (vnto) His iealoſy alſo.The ſecond leſſon. Apoca. xix. (vnto) And I ſaw an Angell ſtand.

  1. ❧THE SVPPER❧ of the Lorde, and the holy Communion, commonly called the Maſſe.

  2. ❧The Letany and Suffrages. ❧OF THE ADMI❧niſtracion of publyke Baptiſme to be vſed in the Churche.IT appeareth by auncient wryte _ ❧OF THE ADMI❧niſtracion of publyke Baptiſme to be vſed in the Churche.


    _ Of them that be Baptiſed in priuate houſes in tyme of neceſſitie.

  3. ❧CONFIRMACION❧ wherin is conteined a Cathechiſme for children. TO thende that confirmacion may be miniſtred to the more edifying of ſuche as ſhall receyue it (acco _ ❧A CATHECHISME❧ that is to ſay, an inſtruccion to bee learned of euery childe, before he be brought to be confirmed of the Buſhop.

    _ ¶Confirmacion.

  4. ❧THE FORME OF❧ Solemnizacion of Matrimonie.

  5. ❧ THE ORDER FOR❧ the viſitacion of the ſicke, and the Communion of the ſame.

  6. The Communion of the ſicke. FOraſmuche as all mortall men be ſubiect to many ſodain perilles, diſeaſes, and ſyckeneſſes, and eue _ THE CELEBRAcion of the holy Communion for the ſicke.

  7. ❧THE ORDRE FOR❧ the Buriall of the dead.

  8. ❧THE CELEBRACION❧ of the holy Communion when there is a Burial of the dead.

    _ Collette.

    _ The Epiſtle.

    _ ¶The goſpell.

  9. ❧THE ORDRE OF THE❧ Purification of weomen.

  10. The firſt daie of Lente commonly called Aſhewedniſdaye.

  11. ❧OF CEREMONIES❧ Why ſome be aboliſhed and ſome retayned.

  12. ❧CERTAYNE NOTES❧ for the more playne explicacion and decent miniſtracion of thinges, conteined in thys booke.

#####Back##### Imprinted at London in Fleteſtrete, at the ſigne of the Sunne ouer againſt the conduyte, by EdVVarde❧The Kinges Maieſtie, by❧ the aduyſe of his moſte deare vncle the Lorde Protector and other his high Types of content

  • There are 75 verse lines!
  • There are 311 drama parts! This is mixed prose (309) and verse (3) drama.
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 39 ommitted fragments! @reason (39) : illegible: damage (1), illegible (32), blank (6) • @extent (39) : 4 letters (1), 1 letter (24), 1 span (8), 2+ letters (2), 2 letters (2), 1+ letters (1), 1 word (1)

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