##Installing the banner on your subreddit
You can install a static banner on your subreddit to show your support for The Day We Fight Back. Here's what it looks like:
- This won't activate automatically. You'll have to add and remove it yourself.
- This banner doesn't include the call/email forms. Users will be taken to thedaywefightback.org on click instead. Because of this, we ask that you wait until closer to February 11th.
Upload this image to your subreddit (under Subreddit settings > Stylesheet settings)
Add this css to the bottom of your stylesheet.
div.side a[title="tdwfb"] { position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; display:block; height:160px; width:100%; font-size:0em; background:#111 url(%%tdwfb-banner-static%%) no-repeat center center; z-index: 9999999; } html { padding-bottom:160px; }
Finally, go back to Subreddit Settings and add the following to the bottom of your sidebar.
[Help stand up for an open Internet: The Day We Fight Back →](http://thedaywefightback.org "tdwfb")