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Virtual call in Julia, and calls are de-virtualized if possible!

Stable Dev Build Status

  • Requirement: Julia >= 1.6 (You can build this package for Julia 1.1+ by invoking

This package can be regarded as a generalization to ValSplit.jl. Virtual functions created with this package bring us the following features:

  • No virtual call when it's statically decidable!
  • Otherwise, use an efficient virtual call that is slightly faster than a manual if-else split!
  • Support multiple dispatch, i.e., not single dispatch on the first parameter!

This package aims to address an issue in practice: container manipulation used to be considerably slow in Julia, if the element type is abstract.

The following code shows how Virtual.jl speeds up multiple dispatch in a factor of 40 when processing containers with abstract element types.

using Virtual, BenchmarkTools
abstract type Animal end
struct Dog <: Animal end
struct Tiger <: Animal end
struct Duck <: Animal end

@virtual fast_func(x::Animal, y::Int) = error("No default method for score!")
@override fast_func(x::Dog, y::Int) = 2 + y
@override fast_func(x::Tiger, y::Int) = 3 + y
@override fast_func(x::Duck, y::Int) = 4 + y

dyn_func(x::Animal, y::Int) = error("No default method for score!")
dyn_func(x::Dog, y::Int) = 2 + y
dyn_func(x::Tiger, y::Int) = 3 + y
dyn_func(x::Duck, y::Int) = 4 + y

manual_func(x::Animal, y::Int) =
    if x isa Dog
        2 + y
    elseif x isa Tiger
        3 + y
    elseif x isa Duck
        4 + y
        error("No default method for score!")

const samples = Animal[Dog(), Duck(), Tiger()]
animals = Animal[samples[rand(1:3)] for i = 1:100]

function sum_score(score_func, xs::AbstractVector{Animal})
    s = 0
    for x in xs
        s += score_func(x, 3)
    return s

@info "fast_func via Virtual.jl"
display(@benchmark(sum_score(fast_func, animals)))
@info "manual split by hand"
display(@benchmark(sum_score(manual_func, animals)))
@info "dyn_func by dynamic multiple dispatch"
display(@benchmark(sum_score(dyn_func, animals)))

The results are given as follow:


  1. @override methods must have a more specific signature than that of the default method. I'm planning to add checkers for this.

    @virtual f(x::Number, y::Number) = 0
    # wrong: Tuple{Float64, Any} <: Tuple{Number, Number} === false
    @override f(x::Float64, y) = x * 3
    # correct: Tuple{Float64, Number} <: Tuple{Number, Number} === true
    @override f(x::Float64, y::Number) = x * 3
  2. Variadic parameters and keyword parameters are not supported (default parameters are supported!)

    # wrong
    @virtual g(x::Number; y::Number = 1) = y
    ERROR: LoadError: virtual function does not take keyword parameters
    # correct, using default parameters
    @virtual g(x::Number, y::Number = 1) = y
    # so far a strange behavior to use default parameters in virtual functions
    @override g(x::Int, y::Int) = x + y
    g(2)   # 2 + 1 => 3
    g(2.0) # 1
    @virtual h(xs...) = 1
    ERROR: LoadError: virtual function does not take variadic parameters


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